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Old Man

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Hey I hear the Broncos need a QB.
  2. I play both, but in Hero I tend to play spellslingers simply because I (usually) get to write up the spells. I love axes, but telekinesis is way more versatile than an axe.
  3. Less, in fact. Software engineers would be like wizards isolated in their towers, conducting bizarre rituals and never interacting with the real world. Whereas cloud engineers would be hedge wizards, knowing a hodgepodge of random spells that actually get things done.
  4. Sounds like a job description for a cloud infrastructure admin, not a software engineer.
  5. Just think, this is only the second half. IMAX.
  6. Those voters are firmly ensconced in the conservabubble, so it'll work.
  7. Football (like, actually throw one, not watch other people do it)
  8. I missed the last half of the second quarter so I'm sure I missed some great ads. There was the Schwarzenegger one that was good once but ran three times. There was the Temu one that wasn't even good once but ran at least three times. I hear there was a controversial political ad. But it's been a few years since there was a Super Bowl commercial that I thought was really brilliant. The ad agencies splurge on effects and random older celebs but the ads themselves just aren't interesting or funny.
  9. Biden's real Twitter account after the Super Bowl:
  10. For a hobby that's been in media crosshairs since the beginning, I can't really fault whatever entity owns D&D for doing what they have to do to ward off the lawyers. Filing the serial numbers off demons and devils hardly hurt the game, and dispensing with alignment is actually a huge improvement. I can see how it might be problematic to be perceived as teaching kids that any given humanoid subspecies is fundamentally evil. That idea could cause serious trouble if extrapolated to, like, reality. Of course then we may or may not have to wrestle with the morality of killing sapient beings in a game where the entire point is to kill things with swords. I generally avoid this in my campaign setting by depriving the bad guys of free will and small offspring. Conversely my most recent 5e GM, with whom I have gamed off and on for thirty years, loves to pose ethical dilemmas to his players. Sometimes it's interesting, sometimes I just wanna murderhobo. Mileage varies.
  11. Muffed punts edit: Damn that tribble! Uh, neck injuries
  12. They’d have been funnier if Arnold revealed that he can speak unaccented American at the end.
  13. I was all set to root for Mr. Irrelevant, but man the MAGAs are out in force on the socials, railing against the evil woke golddigging billionaire conspiracy mastermind and her boyfriend. So now I’m conflicted. Maybe I’ll just root for “hope no one gets killed”.
  14. Advertising Athletes A******s
  15. More to the point, Dalton is being compared to modern QBs and Aikman should be compared to QBs from last century when he was still relevant. The game has evolved; in Aikman's day those passing stats would have looked like video game numbers. Back then the RB was arguably the most important player on the field. (The "last century" thing isn't even a joke any more, we're 1/4 of the way into the 21st.)
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