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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Dealing with Stun, End etc in Fantasty I thought it was all about the mind set of the caster and his will. His magical bubble of protection isn't going to have much effect if he already believes he is invulnerable in his full lobster plate.
  2. Re: Alignment Issues I am reminded of a scene from Army of Darkness. "KLAATU! VERATA! NNnn*ahem*mumble.."
  3. Re: Divide by Three You are intentionally choosing one of the most undercosted (for fantasy) powers for your example, so it carries no weight. Except for force field and flight, 45 AP is pretty balanced across all the powers. (As an aside, in FH, wizards are a lot better off investing in non-attack powers. Attacks are expensive, whereas support powers like invisibility or telekinesis are not only powerful in their own right, most opponents have no answer for them--unless magic is extremely widespread in the setting.) Precisely. The point is whether the wide range should be discouraged. In my opinion, it should, because I have seen too many munchkins spend 20 real points on an RKA and five more on a 0 END force field, and then play their 'wizards' as if they were Cyclops of the X-Men. Far less irritating are wizards with 8-10 mostly-noncombat spells in the 20-30 AP range.
  4. Re: The cranky thread At least your sink isn't home to the world's largest mildew colony. I have to pour something noxious like bleach or Drano in there once a month just to keep it at bay.
  5. Re: Divide by Three I strongly dislike divide by 3 simply because it breaks Hero rules unnecessarily. More elegant would be to come up with some kind of -2 limitation that must apply to all spells. My own preference is to use ECs for spellcasters, which achieves a similar cost balancing effect while also encouraging the player to buy quite a few spells of similar power, rather than dumping all the points into one big RKA. But YMMV.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, but where do you think the water in the bottles comes from?
  7. Re: Sulfur hexafluoride in action
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Happiness, or whatever else makes your existence worthwhile.
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings I feel as though you missed my point. Clearly, dead is dead, but the question is whether by fighting harder you can put it off, or at least achieve more. Certainly there comes a point where death is better than continual suffering, but for many it seems like "suffering" is defined by a past failure that they are unwilling to try and put behind them, and they let it ruin what life remains to them.
  10. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, well, I have one demerit where I fixed the offending text, but the demerit stuck, and I have another demerit that was actually left as some kind of sick joke (that I don't get, frankly). Hence the irritation.
  11. Re: The cranky thread You can swear, it's just that you earn demerits for doing so. I have proven this. What irritates me is that the demerits so earned stick in your user control panel for all eternity.
  12. Re: The cranky thread I didn't like the way he looked. Seriously, does anyone else here occasionally get so irritated by the way a complete stranger looks or moves that you are tempted to stab him in the face? Or is that just me?
  13. Re: The cranky thread Oh, was that you? Sorry, I was having a bad day, and mommy taught me to always share.
  14. Re: The cranky thread That's pretty normal for you. So in total I got about three hours of sleep last night, because that's about how much sleep my kid got. After waiting in the pediatrician waiting room for over an hour, we determined that not only is he sick, he's teething molars again, and the combination is basically making most of his head swell up. Then the pharmacy made my exhausted and miserable kid wait half an hour before bothering to tell us that no, they don't have the prescription, it has to be ordered and will take two days to arrive. Um, can you check to see if the other branches have it? That thought just never seemed to occur to the idiot girl behind the counter. And she dispenses prescription medication?
  15. Re: The cranky thread I managed to give my cold to my kid. Poor guy. No sleep for anyone tonight.
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I dunno. Ask Log.
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER See, that's still irritating. I had to deal with negative values all the time. It's funny, I mostly use Excel nowadays for tables so that I can sort on columns, as a poor excuse for a database. I almost never do math with it anymore. Guess that's what happens when you're "promoted" to management.
  18. Re: Running through the forest I think I have all the Campaign Classics series: Robin Hood Mythic Greece Pirates Vikings Mythic Egypt Arabian Nights
  19. Re: The cranky thread I think it's all in the delivery. I have used the phrase sympathetically, and I think that's how it was taken. If you always take it as a sign of disrespect, well... sucks to be you.
  20. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Freshly vacuumed carpet.
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