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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! Today I finished the Oligarch's VPP. Tomorrow I'll start his A-Z plot seed list.
  2. Re: Running older scenarios Oh, I've killed player characters, too. That Santa's Elves one is just the worst death of any PC I've had ever.
  3. Re: Running older scenarios I don't TRY to kill PC's. They do occasionally die from heroic sacrifice or outright stupidity, though. I killed one of my GMPC's with rockets fired by Santa's Elves. Worst death ever.
  4. Re: Cool take on the Golden Age: The Specialists [webcomic] This is really good. I like it.
  5. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! After a few work issues arose, I'm still working on the Oligarch's power pool. The next few villains should be much easier to build than this guy. They're a lot simpler.
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Silent King of the Hill A Good Day to Die Hard in Toyland
  7. Re: Running older scenarios A couple of my adventures are pretty close to the "Tomb of Horrors" of Champions. Pretty Hate Machines is ridiculously hard, and Imaginary Friends is also super-tough. That final battle is screamy. So hang on to your hero hat if you pick those up.
  8. Re: Running older scenarios I tend to agree. This is why I always try and create options for the GM to use within my products so that players don't feel railroaded.
  9. Re: Running older scenarios Always feel free to ask me if any of my products have rebooted villains in them. (They do.)
  10. Balabanto


    Re: Sliders A world where vegetarianism is the norm, and eating meat is against the law. A world where the Devil is a hero, and God stinks A world where the gun was never invented A world where some crazy home remedy is believed to be functional but actually kills people. (See mercury and how people used it in the 17th century for an example of this) A world where the Cubists never lost their artistic force A world where the greatest artists are in charge. A world where the greatest engineers are in charge. A world where the heroes pets are in charge, and human beings are simpletons. (Oh. Wait. Too Much Like Real Life)
  11. Re: Silver Age villain concepts: The Seven Perils You guys realize this is potentially extremely racist, right? There's no way to get around that "Yellow Peril." Just. None.
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares New Jack City and the Beanstalk-A giant in a floating cloud (Wesley Snipes) uses his goose's golden eggs to sell cocaine in the ghetto. It's up to Jack, one tough cop, to stop him.
  13. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! Today, I finished the Oligarch's Character Sheet. Tomorrow, we're going to start his Variable Power Pool. This might take a couple of days. There's a huge number of sheets in this one, and there may be even more than I have thought out so far. It depends on how things progress in my head. Your final number of sheets is going to be between 24 and 34.
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Small hot sandwiches that travel through time...and right out the back end! Sliders!
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Baywatch 5 Indian Summer (starring Deepak Chopra and Sanjay Gupta) Doc Hollywood Squares
  16. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! That's what HE said. And now your butt is sore.
  17. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! And today I finished the Oligarch's sheet. That's fantastic. Now on to his background and plot seeds and the like. Another update will occur when I've knocked all that down.
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Dan Brown Writes Jules Verne in an astounding tale of adventure beneath the Vatican! 20.000 Leagues Under the See!
  19. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! I've been running this gameworld for 26 years. Half my work is already done. Adventure design is a lot harder because I have to come up with the idea and playtest it. All I have to do is write it down, and translate what's already been designed onto paper. For the stuff that isn't done that should be there, that's a little slower. We're on page 8. I should also warn folks that because there's no preset adventures here, there will be more plot seeds per character, assuming I can come up with enough of them. It means more brainstorming and less tacticals, but that's not necessarily bad.
  20. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! The basic history is done! We have 23 character sheets to build. You guys made this a little tougher, but I will rise to the challenge because YOU demanded it. I will expand as much as I can after maps and sheets are done, and we'll have ourselves the Center of the Earth. Starting tomorrow, we're going to dive into the technical stuff. Fortunately, a lot of it is built in earlier editions already and I'm just doing upgrades.
  21. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! The basic history is done! We have 23 character sheets to build. You guys made this a little tougher, but I will rise to the challenge because YOU demanded it. I will expand as much as I can after maps and sheets are done, and we'll have ourselves the Center of the Earth.
  22. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares One of my friends actually asked me how I could do that to him. Knew it was a winner. Cowboy Bebop at the Whistle Stop Cafe American Pie of Dune (Stilfer's Bene Gesserit, anyone?)
  23. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! Oy. The Background split itself into several more parts than expected.
  24. Re: A Thread for Random Videos This is the Cobra Recruitment Video http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=99873
  25. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Honey Bo-Bo-Bobobo La Cage Au Fraggle Rock
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