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Everything posted by Ternaugh

  1. He also offers a vegetarian option with a cucumber and breadsticks.
  2. I was watching a video about music not available on streaming sites, and the soundtrack for the 1978 film, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, was mentioned. This song was pulled out as one of the best covers of a Beatles song ever:
  3. Universal, not Fox, owned the movie rights. There are varying accounts about the character, but Kevin Feige said that Namor belonged to Marvel as far back as 2014, but admitted that the rights were "complicated".
  4. Trouble (oh we got trouble) Right here in River City (right here in River City) With a capital "T" and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for pool (That stands for pool) We've surely got trouble (we've surely got trouble) Right here in River City (right here) Gotta figure out a way to keep the young ones moral after school (Our children's children gonna have trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble...)
  5. My car has a digital speedometer. So far as I know, it's only two digits, but I think I've hit 90 MPH on it once*, which isn't bad for a Prius. *By accident. I was letting it coast downhill, and wasn't paying attention. I got a high score of 79 MPG for the trip, which made me very happy.
  6. Democrat Cisco Aguilar has won the race for Secretary of State here in Nevada, beating Jim Marchant. Some of Marchant's claims have been that we haven't actually elected anyone in Nevada since 2006, and that both he and Trump lost in 2020 because of rigged elections. He also had the brilliant idea that every county should be required to perform only hand counts of ballots in future elections.
  7. I had some work on the other side of town yesterday, and decided to visit the Zia Records on Rainbow afterwards. I spent around $48, and left with 16 used CDs, including a couple of holiday discs. This track was on one of them:
  8. When I looked this morning, Adam Laxalt was leading by about 15,000 votes. Right now, he's leading the incumbent Senator Catherine Cortez Masto by 821 votes. Votes that were mailed and postmarked on Tuesday have until tomorrow to be received. The signatures must then be verified, and only then does the ballot move on to be processed. Ballots that fail signature validation can be "cured", where the status is corrected by the voter proving identity. That is allowed for a few more days, with Monday, November 14 being the last day. The Clark County registrar noted that there's 9,659 ballots that need to be cured, while Washoe County has said that there's 1440 ballots that need to be cured. Clark is favoring Cortez Masto 52% to 45%, while Washoe is favoring Cortez Masto 50.3% to 46.9%. There are several organizations which are trying to get as many ballots cured as possible, and the Election Department has sent notifications using the information that they have on file, as well. https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/11/politics/democratic-groups-push-curing-ballots-nevada
  9. Spider-Man is still controlled by Sony, and only loaned back for guest appearances. Sony was busy filming and marketing their recent hit Marvel character film featuring Jared Leto.
  10. Nevada Question 1 officially passes with 57% of the vote: https://www.fox5vegas.com/2022/11/10/ballot-measure-adding-equal-rights-amendment-nevada-constitution-passes/
  11. Most of the Nevada map is deeply red, with pockets of purplish blue in Washoe and Clark Counties. Right now, most of the outstanding votes are in Washoe and Clark, and we still have a few days left for mailed ballots with a Tuesday postmark to be received and counted. One House seat is solidly red, representing the top of the state. The other three seats are slightly favoring staying blue, but there's enough votes to be counted that it's still not determined. Our Senate race is currently favoring the Republican, Adam Laxalt, but Washoe's count swung a bit toward the incumbent Catherine Cortez Masto in the last release, and the actual gap is only about 15,000 votes. There's less than 2000 votes separating Republican Jim Marchant from his opponent, Democrat Cisco Aguilar, for Secretary of State. Marchant's running on an election-denier/MAGA platform, so I really want him to lose.
  12. I keep on scanning DSMOM as "Dark Side of the Mom", which I guess would fit the storyline of that movie.
  13. I might look into getting one, thanks. I think that it handles the surround sound better than my Roku, but I'll experiment a bit more with both. When I purchased my Xbox One, I had looked into getting a media remote for it, but they required the Kinect camera to pick up the remote's IR signal, which I was too cheap to buy. Good to know that they've put an IR receiver in the front of the Series X. I had a bunch of games on an external hard drive that was connected to the Xbox One, and I moved it over to the new Series X last night. A few games are receiving updates, but the system happily recognized the 100 or so games on it with no issue.
  14. I bought the Blu-ray set of the original series a number of years ago, and it's something that I go back and watch every once in a while. I've tried rewatching the new BSG, and it isn't something that holds up well to repeated viewings.
  15. Our three ballot measures are currently looking like they will pass, but there's still a large chunk of votes to be counted in Clark County (Las Vegas and surrounding communities). Question 1 concerned adding equal rights protections to the Nevada Constitution. It had been targeted for its language supporting LGBTQ rights by a large ad campaign claiming that it was unfair to women to support transgender rights. Question 2 concerned raising the state minimum wage. The language was kind of strange, so I'm not sure if it will help or hurt. Question 3 concerned open primaries and ranked choice voting. I'm registered Independent, so this would give me a chance to participate in the primaries again for House, Senate, and Presidential races in 2024. The rest of the state skews very red, and many of the major races are currently with Republican candidates leading. At this time, it looks likely that Republican Joe Lombardo will replace Steve Sisolak as governor. There's about 22,500 votes separating the two candidates for Senate, with Adam Laxalt currently in the lead. He's an election denier/MAGA supporter, so I'm really hoping that the uncounted votes in Clark can swing that back to Catherine Cortez Masto. We probably won't know for some time, though, as that race will probably have to wait for all of the mail-in ballots to be received and counted.
  16. He's busy turning Twitter into a million dollar company.
  17. Events that appear as simultaneous for one observer appear separated in time in a different frame of reference. It's a consequence of Einstein's theory of special relativity. From the track, "Temporalia", by Alan Parsons, from the album, The Time Machine:
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