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Posts posted by AnotherSkip

  1. Re: buying weapons (money or points?)


    This is pretty much what I'm talking about -- it's a logical fallacy' date=' and GA brought up a great point. It doesn't matter [i']to the player how he got the item[/i], it matters that he has it. In d20, as my primary example as usual, or in White Wolf or any other game for that matter, it just doesn't occur to GMs to randomly take stuff away. It doesn't cross our minds. So when I got here and read people saying things like "Yeah, he didn't pay for it, so it suddenly breaks" my jaw hit the deck.


    What does it matter? The first line of defense is always to pull the PC aside and say "Hey, this isn't working the way I intended, let's fix it." Failing that, insisting that you're going to fix it regardless is also critically important.


    Actually there was nothing more frustrating than a 1st ed AD&D GM who modified the rules (in his head) for Dispel Magic so that any attempt to dispel magic could theoretically wipe out the entire party's supplies of magical items. essentially yes, it did occur to him to yank things away from us that we had spent BLOOD on to get. the Gm was a tough SOB who used every npc like a master criminal... which explains why he was a lawyer.

  2. OKies here is a Question I really meant to ask when I mentioned Hurry Up,


    Could you mechanically use, if the dramatic situation warranted it and the SFX were compatible Sleight of Hand/Fast Draw/somthing else at a penalty for Performing Skills Quicker Than Normal to disarm a character with OIF "Lots of foci"(or even other OIF's) in a combat phase?


    Can you use PSL's to offset the penalty, as a means of explaining a facility to perfprm said actions?


    If you need help figuring out what the heck im trying to really ask about check out this thread and Gamephil has the correct answer.....




    And is there a shorter name for this mechanic than Performing Skills Quicker Than Normal?

  3. Re: What is it called?


    Since I don't Own TUS (Bad hero Gamer that I am) that is probably it....Well maybe Steve Can come up with an official name so I can remember that the next time I try to ask a question about that...


    at least it isnt Alzheimers....:nonp:



    Oh yeah thanks Herodom!

  4. Re: Problem with force field


    Actually I have a comic that explains the Purple pants physics, it has the grey hulk in it and a pretty funny clothes salesman....



    How about a Force field with Side effects (allways occurs, character cannot breathe, -1)?


    And i did it the Hero Way!!!


    One player wanted a power that protected the character from seeing X-rated materials, we came up with

    a modified Flash Defense....

  5. What the heck do you call it when you take penalties to do something in less than the time allotted? Ie in stead of 1 hr you try to do it in 5 minutes, at something like -3/ level.


    I wanted to say Hurry up but that is incorrect....


    IIRC there was a character with PSL's vs the penalty to do so in Star Hero vs using the star jump mechanic, and speedsters sometimes buy this too....

  6. I don't think I have seen this before:


    Assuming i had a character with a rational/dramatic explanation who was facing a character with the OIF (multible items of OAF) Disadvantage that would it be mechanically legitimate for the character to buy PSL's vs hurying up in order to reflect the ability to disarm a character with said disadvantage faster than a turn out of combat? (IE: Elastic Character uses his fingers to steal all of the guys guns much faster than an ordinary person could)


    And could this be done with other OIF Items (say a battle suit by finding and hitting the release catches for instance) assuming the dramatic/rationals requirements are met?

  7. Re: WWYCD: Registration Payback


    Do YOU want to roll 600 million dice for selective? :eek:


    besides I'm not too worried about it... wcs ill just lower the size and fly around the planet a few times an hour....


    Oh yeah ERk the post applies over on the registration thread...

  8. Re: WWYCD: Registration Payback


    An option I haven't seen is on the Rooks list as a nigh final strike against the Old USG if they ever attempt this.


    Option D assuming everything else fails (politics mucking, not mind controlled, it get's passed anyways)............


    During the grace period for registration cast every hour on the hour: 1d6 Major transform (15 points): transform Human into superhuman with randomly determined powers and weaknesses, Explosion(+1/2), Megascaled +2 (Planetary?), Only affects people under Us laws(0), does not affect criminals in prison(0), simple transform back method: Law is repealed. day of deadline, register along with the OTHER 200+ million people, Find me now f*****s!!!



    and oh yeah I have +3/4 in advantages to still apply before I hit max on my VPP..... just in case there is a need for cumulative or something....

  9. Re: WWYCD: Dumb, Da-Dumb, Dumb, Dumb...


    Luna Moth: Postpone all planned heists until this phenomenon is fully investigated and all plans have been gone over with a fine-tooth comb.


    I would suggest hiring a 5 year old to aid in the plan making and combing over for errors a la Evil Overlord List

  10. Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . .


    the Rook Would be absolutely horrified as one of his few failures was to save a young girl from dying at the hands of vampires. Cursing the (Gm)fates he would use his psionic powers to Post Cog the event and hunt down the critter for reversion experiments till it died or a cure was found.....


    Fir Bolg would be utterly stunned for the short term and begin looking into mystical cures. If nothing forthcoming occurs he likely would eventually impale himself on his own wooden weapon if no cure could be found in say a year or two....

  11. Re: Defenders of Ireland


    try to go outside the sterotypes while still linking back in subtle ways.


    See Fir Bolg (the Character i just Bumped) he's linked but not obviously so, he has a large magical club and it's not a Shillelagh, he's not even from Ireland but he has deeep ties that come out in the character.

  12. Re: 6th Edition Hero System


    Heck their are even 2 companies putting out different versions of Earthdawn.


    When a reboot is done because major work needs to be done to improve a system I get that. When it is done because core books make more money and it is merely a corporate cash cow decision I get it however I won't support it.



    ON the Earthdawn front it isn't a cash cow decision, one group is going ahead with V2.0, another company likes version 1.1, Both kinda seek system improvement, but the 2,0 guys are definately not gamer friendly.....

  13. Re: New to Fantasy Hero


    IIRC some of the druid limitations were to give them a druidy feeling and recapture a set of cultural biases that were not proprely understood.....


    and yes my Hero System Druid uses a broadsword and arrows.

  14. Re: 10 Most Amazing Temples in the World


    Dammmmmmmmmm I have a character by the name of Doctor Marrow and this puts everything I ever even thought about doing with this Doctor of the Dead to Shame.






    For a book i would suggest Seventy Wonders of the Ancient World by Carre,


    not 10 or twenty but freaking 70 places to adventure in. complete with maps, archaeological notes and good reference stuff.

  15. Re: Ultimate Metamorph for Fantasy?


    I buy them all as well. Even the ones I find least useful will have something that will end up in my games.


    "And here we have Lord Mhorams copy of the Ultimate Mystic, notice the large number of water rings on the book having served long and well as a coaster to protect the many tables played upon..... "


    just sprang into my head... couldn't help it.

  16. Re: New to Fantasy Hero


    "Frankly back in the old days *assumes Grognard stance*

    you whippersnappers have no idea no idee t'all how easy you youngins got er now."


    to do anything you need, you need one book to rule them all.


    Fifth Revised EDition.


    take everything DND says you cant do and build it.Make Magic Missle the wussiest 1st level spell availible. (which is the reverse of the actual design of the DNDr's)

    throw all the DND rules to the wind and make a coinage system that makes sense for your world, a magic system, a player generation system. Whatever!



    toss out levels they don't matter.



    Built my own campaign before Fantasy Hero came out and the only race, coinage, and magic spell in there that is in other Hero books is the Humans!!!!

  17. Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations


    check out Orson Scott Cards Wyrms, semi fantasy with something that resembles computers.


    Joel Rosenburg series The Guardians of the Flame has a definate non-mix element twixt science and fantasy however in book five they are building an urban out of the fantasy.

    Besides it's about roleplayers breaking the mold of a fantasy world.


    Check out Battle Magic by DAW books.

    the stuff spans the magic element of books from urban to rural but may have some good places to look.


    now then for another think

    Mercedes lackey, so

    to NOT rehash the fantasy stuff,

    check out Reap the Whirlwind which has CJ Cherryh working with ML. it is more of an alternate history to base a world on but it definately brings to mind the timline adventures stuff of .... forgot his name darn.


    Im more than willing to ship to you copies of a page or two to see if you can stand the writing rather than suggesting buying it, I remember your expressions about her writing style. it also goes for Her bedlam bard and her Diana Tregard series both set in similar if not identical universe, im willing to send you some to see if you won't toss it against the wall :)


    Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice may be a good choice


    Also definately check out Changeling by White Wolf. note DON'T Play Changeling but as a read it covers the genre well enough, the magic system stinks and is pretty much unplayable. having played White Wolf Editions: Vamipre 1-3, Werewolf 2&3, & Mage 2 Changeling just dosen't mesh nor operate well. A series of one trick ponies. decent enough to read (and the stories in the book felt like they were swiped from Mercedes with new serial numbers rivited in place over the old ones).


    If you want more western in your Urban magic check out Wild Wild West and Bonanza for rural fantasy tv shows. Some Deadlands could be useful,




    As a final caviat Don't expect a huge response, the genere in my xp seems to be a marginal niche something like giant robots or cyberware. None of these have had their Tolkein or Stan Lee yet, so there is little to truly enjoy.

  18. Re: Daily Art Findings


    Jeff Dee (a very professional artist) charges between 300-750$ for character portraits (he did the art for V&V and some early TSR among other things)

    Boris Vallejo (needs no introduction I hope) charges something like $4,000 for character paintings.



    and for those of you who think doing art is a get-rich-quick-scheme....





    I am good enough that on a regular basis I get asked "which newspaper do you draw for?", with a few "are you published?" and occassional "have you submitted your work yet?"

    Income this decade from art projects: $10.00


    Here is my V&V sized counters (1"~=5ft) link: http://abacusdiesel.com/ha/images/alexartwork.pdf


    And here is a Gamers Comic i made for a charitable cause (Lakewood gamers)


  19. Re: Ripping off the Late Roger Zelazny...


    [quote=SCUBA Hero;

    Limitation: Can Be Interfered With (-1/4 or possibly -0).


    this Sounds like a Job For RESTRAINABLE(-1/4)!!!!

    a known series of actions that can be taken to reduce the effectiveness (amnesia, Farcells, mental Defense, etc...)


    then ppl can come up with interesting ways to block the trumps but not worry about doing the Right thing.

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