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Everything posted by Gauntlet

  1. So you would accept it as a limitation on PRE?
  2. Yea, my daughter made me do it. 😁 But seriously, I have thought that even villains should have real thoughts and feelings, those type of villains are much more interesting as they respond to heroes and don't just fight them.
  3. I'm in the process of writing a new villain book with all new female villains called "Damsels of Destruction". Hopefully have it out in January.
  4. Your statement above is completely wrong. If you purchase you COM to a negative value it costs points. So it will never gain anything without spending any points. If you by your COM to 0 then yes you get 5 points but then the characteristic cannot be used in any way, it gives you absolutely no bonus for anything at all. If you buy it below 0 it costs the same as if you were purchasing it up above 0. So if you buy it to a -10 you will pay back the 5 points you got it to 0 so the total value would be the same as a positive 10 COM. if you buy it to a -20 then it will cost the same as buying it up to positive 20, 5 points and you would get the same benefits of causing fear with that -20 COM as you would with causing lust with that +20 COM. So it is not free in any way, shape, or form. It is just a characteristic that can be purchased in either direction. And I have to say, I guess you have never seen anything absolutely terrifyingly ugly in your life. When you do, you sure as hell will absolutely know that it can force your reaction. The thing about COM is that it only affected in two ways, fear or lust, and it never gave you any protection. Now if you want to say that it should have been setup that you simply buy it up but state in advance if it was referring to beauty or ugliness and both cost exactly the same, I would agree with you. Buying it down for a negative effect was one of the poor things about the characteristic. They should have just had you state weather or not it was related to beauty or ugliness and bought it to the positive value accordingly as purchasing it at a negative value could be a bit confusing. That way you could have two characters with a 20 COM. One would state that they are beautiful and the characteristic would aid in lust-based PRE Attacks. While the second would have the characteristic stating that it is for ugliness and the characteristic would aid to fear-based PRE Attacks. Purchasing it to a negative value, even though it cost exactly the same can make it a bit confusing when trying to figure out point values.
  5. Comeliness could also be for fear as well. You could purchase it as a negative value. You got points for bringing it down to 0 and then it cost points to bring it up at negative levels. So if you wanted a -10 COM it cost 0 points, if you wanted a -20 it cost 5 points. A negative COM could be used to aid Fear Based PRE Attacks.
  6. Not sure about COM verse Stunning Appearance. It seems more to me to be like 6 one way and half-dozen the other. Both make good looks a factor in the game.
  7. Also by figuring out what weapon was utilized with an better roll could limit who is responsible. Perhaps it was that Russian sniper rifle that was utilized telling the investigator that the killer could be a part of the Russian mafia. Details like that can make the game extremely interesting, even in a Champions game.
  8. I would say that "Hunt Demons" is either Sara Michelle Gellar or Kristy Swanson but the picture looks like neither of their high school photos.
  9. A good GM will make it a combination of the two. In this case failure can be a benefit. Should your character just be bad at talking to other people, give them some advantages by roleplaying it properly. I many times have as a GM given XP to characters who failed in the game because their failure was due to their character's personalities, not based on rolls. They roleplayed the character based on their personality, not based on their statistics.
  10. But wait, I have a Black Belt in five different types of martial arts, all of them utilizing weapons (including a rapier) and I have been in multiple competitions and won a number of them. Plus I do Gymastics and have even been thought of for the Olympics. So how can you say that NONE of us are competent to do the whole chandelier-swing-multi-attack-with-rapier swashbuckler when my background absolutely states that I can? I bet your only response will be that I am just lying! Well I will have to tell you SIR... That you are completely correct and I should shut-up now...
  11. Big thing to remember is that even in heroic games, overwhelmingly the characters are at movie style strengths. This means that they will practically always be better than real life in many of their skills and abilities.
  12. And if that redhead reads this, you're a dead man, but hell, it still would be worth it!
  13. I remember those, even had one lady that liked to give oranges, and they are even larger and heavier so they smashed things even more.
  14. Could also be based on the special effect. What if you have power armor that has a mental connection to you giving you additional skills, maybe even making a change to your personality.
  15. I wasn't disagreeing with you, was just stating that it all depends on the actual character.
  16. The big one I was referring to was in the Windcards series. I forgot the character's name, but he took a drug combo to make him completely change into someone else with powers and completely different personality and memories.
  17. Of course the multi-forms don't necessarily have to have the same skills or even memories. Plenty of individuals in comics who when they change they are a completely different individual. Even memories and personality being different. I have a character that I love that turns into a Bear, now while he might have some of the knowledge of his human self, friends and etc., he becomes a bear with the mindset of a bear.
  18. I did create my version of Leatherface and put it in the downloads section:
  19. So, when we were kids, what type of candy did you all want to get?
  20. Those are the most fearful of the group. You never want to have to go against them. They would definitely mean your death!!!
  21. I, and my players, always have always thought that Robot Warriors was the best way to do Mech Combat. Much better than using the standard vehicle rules. Only problem is that it does not fit out well with standard point values so it will only work if you are doing a Mech game, not in a standard Champions Superheroic game. I was able to make a Mech on 0-point base, with only disadvantages and it would easily destroy most starting and mid-level Superheroic characters.
  22. You might want to think about picking up the original Robot Warriors for 3rd Edition along with the upgrade they put out for Robot Warriors for the 6th edition called Robot Warriors to HERO System Current Editions that is on DriveThruRPG.
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