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Everything posted by Gauntlet

  1. Not quite sure that Penetrating is so much better than Armor Piercing. I have seen it a lot of times where Armor Piercing fully takes the target out as it allows a ton of damage to go through, while Penetrating, even with high dice attacks really doesn't do much. Being hit with a 5d6 RKA that is Armor Piercing many times can take you directly out of the combat while Penetrating only means that you will take a minimum of 5 BODY, while is not good, it does mean you are still in the fight.
  2. Well Transform will not work as to make enough water to fill a 4 hex radius area for 5th edition you would need to transform 753 BODY of air to make the water which would take a 251d6 Transform which would cost 3765 points. So to make an area of water that is a 4 hex radius you cannot utilize transform as I don't think even someone at the power level of Dr. Destroyer could do that. In 5th edition I believe that Change Environment would be the best way to do it, but I cannot figure out how to get it to do the same thing as actual water. Now you might say that the spell could be less dice and they would just have to do it more than once, but considering it is an attack spell if you have to do it for multiple phases it kinda makes it worthless.
  3. It has BODY as pretty much everything does. Even if you were desolid and can walk through walls, have bullets go through you, and everything else desolification gives you, you still have a BODY characteristic. Plus, transform requires a BODY characteristic for changing. So to create a spell that makes a 16 meter radius of water via Transform, you have to have a BODY Characteristic.
  4. How much BODY would a 16-meter-wide globe of water have?
  5. It looks like Change Environment would be the best way to make an area just of water, but I am not sure how it would be done. Other ways really don't work for making a room or hallway fill with water without the water spilling immediately to other areas. Doing it as transform into water just makes water that splashes away. A barrier is just a wall, not an area of water and other than stopping someone it would not give any effects that water would give, such as drowning, and once it is broken it goes away.
  6. What would be the best way to make an area magically filled with water so that a radius of water appears and stays there so anyone going into it will have to swim and have the same problems as being under water?
  7. Of course Elric was with the Lords of Choas, so not having a culture with lords and such may not be that strange.
  8. One thing also to remember is that you are going to play games you have some understanding of, and that many times will depend on where you come from. I will bet that a gamer in India or China or Japan would have incredibly different world bases than someone in the United States or Europe. And there is nothing wrong with that. The whole point is to have fun using your imagination. But then again if you want to run something different than the norm in your area, then take some time to learn different cultures, history, and imaginative lore.
  9. A lot of that is part of their advertising. They pay producers to put themselves in their shows and tell actors to tell people that they play their game. I am not saying that they only play because they are paid to, but one of the big reason they let people know that they are playing it is because they are paid to do so.
  10. They in some respects have gotten themselves to be the "Cool Thing To Do".
  11. I have seen them with classes before but normally it has been spell casting ones.
  12. D&D gets the players because they have the money for lots of adds, not because of the value of the game.
  13. There is nothing wrong with using folded paper figures. They are easy to get and to make and work very well.
  14. I am pretty sure the argument about if Champions is just variations on superheroes is kinda pointless. All heroes in movies, roleplaying games, or even computer games are Superheroes. The fact that they may not wear a cape or have lazers out of their eyes is irrelevant. For example, look at any of the Die Hard movies, in real life he would probably be at least hospitalized, or even dead, at the first encounter of the movie. Hell, Conan the Barbarian was even considered a superhero in Marvel.
  15. Plus, with miniatures and such you got something to paint and show.
  16. I definitely have to agree with you. Problem is most young players really just want to play a video game, not an actual role-playing game. They want it short and simple. I have played the new D&D and the reason they need to have 50,000 different character types is that each character is pretty much the same. And to actually look at it, in many ways D&D is more confusing than Hero, with each character type being completely different and nearly impossible to tell which would be more powerful as there are plenty of character types that are almost completely useless. But I have found a good note. That players as they get older do find the repressiveness of some of those simple game to no longer be fun and go to more interesting games, such as Hero, where you can actually make the character you want, not just something listed in a book the same as every other one.
  17. Depends, in a Fantasy World, definitely, but in the real world, due to poor food intake and disease, the average might be higher than today's average due to a much greater amount of physical labor, but the maximum was much lower. I would say that the average today would be 7 or 8 while then it would be 11 to 12. But now we do have individuals with STR of 20 but then that would be overwhelmingly rare and 15 would be the top.
  18. Normally in FH games I have magic-based characters have different characteristics for END and END Recovery when a spell caster. I have it as the following: For Wizards (or spell casters who are obtaining magic from themselves): MANA: 2 x INT MANA REC: INT/5 + EGO/5 For Clerics (or spell casters who are obtaining magic from a higher source): FAITH: 2 x PRE FAITH REC: PRE/5 + EGO/5
  19. Wendy and Marvin is who I was thinking of, I just gave them the wrong name.
  20. No, it was a dog in the Superfriends. The Blue Space Monkey was a different cartoon.
  21. What was the pets name the wonder twins had on the Superfriends cartoon?
  22. Not when his spells are ranged, which in many cases they are. Even if the power isn't standardly ranged, the ranged advantage can still be added.
  23. I definitely have seen DR allow the character or villain to get through those HUGE attacks better than one with the large amount of DEF, at lease 50% or 75%. (I have found that 25% is truly not worth the points.) While it does not stop a character from taking damage, it is very good at keeping you from being stunned. Verse attacks that do the game's standard amount of damage, just buying up your regular defense is better. One thing I have done a few times in a Champions game is buy DR with the limitation "STUN Only" which is good at lowering the points and can keep you in the fight longer. Though thinking about it I am not sure if this limitation is work -1/2 as in Champions games attacks rarely due BODY damage.
  24. Considering I have worn actual armor, it's not that hard to take a piss. You just hold up the front part and let it out. Going number two is a bit harder, but you don't have to take all your armor off, just the piece around your waist; though it you are wearing chainmail you just have to pull it up as the leg protection does not go up that far. Scratching your back, well that sucks in full plate, but in chain you can partially do something about it, though the cloth undercoat does make it like you are trying to scratch through a thick jacket. Sleep is the big one, you truly cannot get a good night's rest while in full armor. You can rest a little, but not sleep. To sleep you have to take off most of the armor, though you can leave the under padding on which might give you 1 to 2 defense. As for armored boots, they are boots, takes about the same time to clean them out as it does for standard large heavy work boots. The overwhelming biggest problem with heavy armor is heat. If it is hot outside the time I could spend without rest is about one fourth. On a cold day, not so bad, but if the temperature was over 80, I definitely had to rest much more often. Now, I didn't utilize armor as much as some of the people in the SCA, but even those that were very good at fighting in armor had to rest much more often when it was hot.
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