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Everything posted by Gauntlet

  1. Could also be based on the special effect. What if you have power armor that has a mental connection to you giving you additional skills, maybe even making a change to your personality.
  2. I wasn't disagreeing with you, was just stating that it all depends on the actual character.
  3. The big one I was referring to was in the Windcards series. I forgot the character's name, but he took a drug combo to make him completely change into someone else with powers and completely different personality and memories.
  4. Of course the multi-forms don't necessarily have to have the same skills or even memories. Plenty of individuals in comics who when they change they are a completely different individual. Even memories and personality being different. I have a character that I love that turns into a Bear, now while he might have some of the knowledge of his human self, friends and etc., he becomes a bear with the mindset of a bear.
  5. I did create my version of Leatherface and put it in the downloads section:
  6. So, when we were kids, what type of candy did you all want to get?
  7. Those are the most fearful of the group. You never want to have to go against them. They would definitely mean your death!!!
  8. I, and my players, always have always thought that Robot Warriors was the best way to do Mech Combat. Much better than using the standard vehicle rules. Only problem is that it does not fit out well with standard point values so it will only work if you are doing a Mech game, not in a standard Champions Superheroic game. I was able to make a Mech on 0-point base, with only disadvantages and it would easily destroy most starting and mid-level Superheroic characters.
  9. You might want to think about picking up the original Robot Warriors for 3rd Edition along with the upgrade they put out for Robot Warriors for the 6th edition called Robot Warriors to HERO System Current Editions that is on DriveThruRPG.
  10. Probably a stupid question, but what does COTN stand for?
  11. Yea, but where you gonna get the costume for this???
  12. I apologize if I am coming out as making my argument personal. I was just saying how I felt was the best way to do things. If your players are having fun, that's the important thing.
  13. Only if they are holding action to attack you. If they are not, you get to fly to where you want, attack them, and have all your defenses up right at the same time. Really no difference then if you bought all the powers outside of a multipower.
  14. This may seem strange, but it has worked for me. Make a shortcut of the HD6.jar file and try opening it from the shortcut. For some reason my system will open it from the shortcut but not the actual .jar file.
  15. Heck, if you are allowing multipowers to be changed multiple times in a phase then what is the point of not purchasing any powers that are not in a multipower. By having it that way, you could move, attack, and then bring up your total defenses, all in the same phase and all from the same multipower. So instead of paying 60 points for that 60 hex flight, plus 60 points for that 12d6 Blast, plus 60 points for that 20 PD 20 ED Resistant Protection, for a total of 180 points you only have to pay 78 points for the exact same effect with the following multipower: Cost Powers 60 Multipower, 60-point reserve 6f 1) Resistant Protection (20 PD/20 ED) (60 Active Points) 6f 2) Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points) 6f 3) Flight 60m (60 Active Points) That's one hell of a savings. Definitely no point in purchasing the powers individually.
  16. Problem is when you do a system that allows to attack then more it means that anyone who is not fast becomes completely useless. Goodby most bricks in Champions games.
  17. But if we do that, we won't be able to go for the record!
  18. Of course if you were to take a person with maximum SPD of 4 and maximum Running of 20 then it would be as follows: 20 x 4 = 80 for Total Meters in a Turn 80 x 5 = 400 for Total Meters in a Minute 400 x 60 = 24,000 for Total Meters in an Hour 24,000 Meters = 14.91 Miles Per Hour for Combat Running Or 29.83 Miles Per Hour for Non-Combat Running
  19. You looking to create a tabletop game or online game?
  20. Definitely something that would only be utilized by advanced players.
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