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Everything posted by Vestnik

  1. Re: [Review] Teen Champions Maybe it was published by teenagers? Have you ever seen some of the spelling in high school English? Actually I think I'd like this book. I was a huge fan of the New Mutants when I was a teenager myself.
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I Saw the Light -- Hank Williams I love that old country stuff.
  3. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... It's not a book, but I read a neat story in The Year's Best SF No. 10 (I think) called "The Battle of York." The premise is that civilization fell in the United States and all records were destroyed. So, centuries later anthropologists try to reconstruct American history using the oral histories of the Americans' descendents. The result is the tale of the hero General Washington, with his magic axe Valleyforge and circlet of stars given him by Betsy Ross the Starspinner, and his allies Dwight Ironhewer and Lafayette De Gaulle the Musketeer, fighting the Gauls and American Natives. At one point he fights a giant four-headed mountain, and then there is a culminating battle with the British Red Army. It's quite clever. Don't remember the author however.
  4. Re: A skeletal CU from 1st Ed Champions Personally, if I were going to rewrite the world's history of the past few decades with something like UNTIL in it, I would introuduce the "having had the very existence of human civilization threatened on several occasions by alien invasion, extradimensional horrors, and megalomaniacal psychpaths with the powers of gods, the nations of Earth began to act rationally for a change and decided to form UNTIL, an organization that would safeguard the planet against such threats while remaining above mere Earthly politics." Or something of that sort.
  5. Re: Multiform Question I dunno -- I've seen David Copperfield pull off some pretty mean stuff.
  6. Re: Multiform Question Could you get the new Disads by using Side Effects?
  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? A live recording of John Cale doing a medley of Femme Fatale and Rosegarden Funeral of Sores. It's really really good.
  8. Re: A skeletal CU from 1st Ed Champions Yeah, but was Communism even mentioned in the first edition CU? Or geopolitics at all? Why does CU history have to follow real-world history/pseudo-history? EDIT: whoops, sorry, just saw Assault's thread-hijacking comment.
  9. Re: Multiform Question Why not just require all forms to pay for Multiform?
  10. Re: Best ever reason to NOT be a superhero... I'm gay, and don't like the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
  11. Re: Best ever reason to NOT be a superhero... I just don't like people very much. I'd rather be a supervillain.
  12. Re: The Composite Superman heck, he could have made himself into a composite of two supermodels.
  13. Re: The Composite Superman
  14. Re: The Composite Superman
  15. Re: The Composite Superman I love how the Legion of Super-Heroes are all doing a Sieg Heil: http://nightwing.superman.ws/adventures/composite_p08.htm Especially Elastic Lad.
  16. Re: Multiform Question It seemed problematic to me coming from the other direction -- if either form can be the base form, you could, say: Build one form as a 350-point character, Super Guy. Build the second form as a 290-point character plus a Multiform to Super Guy. This is Slightly Less Super Guy. If Super Guy is used in play as the main form, he now has the ability to Multiform to Slightly Less Super Guy for an effective cost in points of zero. I hope I am doing something wrong, because this seems really iffy to me.
  17. http://nightwing.superman.ws/adventures/composite_p01.htm Anybody ever thought about writing this monstrosity up?
  18. Me no understand complicated Hero System. Bighead Steve Long hurt Vestnik's brain. I'm writing up a character with Multiform and there's something I don't understand. Now, the power in question is intended to be used only as a last resort, as it's a Hulk-type transformation, the second form of which has a completely, and not entirely pleasant, personality. But the Personality Reversion Limitation given in Fifth Edition has a maximum of starting to make personality loss rolls after 1 turn (-2). How much would it be to have the personality loss always happen? Also, maybe I'm not reading things right, but it seems to me that if I have a 350-point character who buys multiform (another 350-point character), that costs 70 points. So now I basically have one 350-point character and one 280-point character (not counting the MP) (which can't be used at the same time obviously). For +5 points, I have two 350-point characters and one 275-point character (which I would never in fact actually have to use in play). This sounds a little unbalanced to me -- or am I not getting something? Thanks!! EDIT: Also, how does one do Psychological Limitations for a Multiform with Personality Loss? One just lets the "base form" psych lims operate until the loss occurs, and then use a separate set for the second form?
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares That's why PBS hired a ninja for that position.
  20. Re: best ever reason to be a Sidekick(hero support) Because all the cool kids in school are sidekicks.
  21. Re: Disturbing Character premises... I really, really like this idea. I may steal it, ahem, it may heavily influence my next character.
  22. Re: Best ever reason to NOT be a superhero... "I reach into my Big Utility Sack, and pull out..." No, it just doesn't work.
  23. Re: Best ever reason to NOT be a superhero...
  24. Re: Character Post: Ashley What is the "360 deg, Ranged, Discrim, Targeting" doing on the TK Armor? Is that a typo? Cool character BTW.
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