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Everything posted by azato

  1. Re: Possible Character(s)/Species -- The Phthoang What do they eat? How do they reproduce? How are they socially/politically organized? What other races are "out there"? What is their relationship with those races? How does the thing they love most affect their behavior? What do they fear? How does that affect their behavior? What may make them interesting is making them both good and bad...IE they are doing the right thing but through unethical means.
  2. Re: Oerth Language Chart I missed you response. Yeah, I know it isn't canon, but it seems reasonably logical AND I want language to play a part in my campaign AND it is set in Greyhawk.
  3. http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/slideshow/photo//080511/ids_photos_wl/r4184494436.jpg/
  4. Re: Oerth Language Chart Actually I was wrong about being wrong The Baklunic Languages The Baklunish states of the far west, remnants of the ancient Bakluna empire, speak Baklava, a direct descendant of Ancient Baklunish that is referred to as Central Baklunish among eastern scholars. The claim made by Gaxyg that Ancient Baklunish remains uncorrupted among certain Paynim tribes is another demonstration of his inadequate grasp of this field and his reliance upon hearsay. Serious study of the Baklunic languages has been practically non-existant in the Great Kingdom, but such is to be expected of the ivory-tower mentality of Aerdi sages. Baklava is spoken by at least three million people. Non-Baklava dialects of Central Baklunish also occur in the Plains of the Paynims. The continuous intermingling of populations in Ket presents an interesting field of study, and while the Ketite dialect of Central Baklunish can be understood by Baklava speakers, some scholars maintain that there are sufficient differences (most notably the absence of the ablative case) for it to be considered a separate language. The nomadic peoples created by the fusion of Oerid and Baklunish refugee groups combined Ancient Baklunish with Low Oeridian (see above). Following the patterns established by their subsequent settlement, this language group falls naturally into two subgroups, North and South Baklunish. North Baklunish is represented by Yachokh, the common language of the Wolf and Tiger nomads (numbering somewhere under 1 million). Dialectic differentiation has taken place between the two groups, but Yachokh is still considered a single language, pending field studies in the region. Several South Baklunish dialects exist among the Paynim tribes, but the most important is Uli, the language of Ull, boasting at least 0.5 million speakers.
  5. Re: Oerth Language Chart Well, it is no different from the funny sounding names that some of the immigrants have at my place of employment ... Mikshit (he goes by Mick), Kaushik, and Naveed (pronounced Nah-Weed).
  6. Re: Oerth Language Chart From the web document Fruz Speakers: about 1 million. Official language of Schnai, Cruzki and Fruztii. Some speakers in Ratik and the Hold of Stonefist. Complexity: Complex Closely related to: Ancient Suloise Distantly related to: Ancient Flan. Script: Suloise Pictograms
  7. Re: Oerth Language Chart Actually, I was not giving the correct title. These are human languages in (I guess it is called) the Flanaess (sp) portion of Oerth.
  8. Re: Oerth Language Chart Check the link I provided. Perhaps the the guy who wrote it was a crank.
  9. Re: Oerth Language Chart Some of my spellings may be off. I am operating under a fog. According the the document I have (given in the link), Baklava is listed as the official language of Ekbir, Zeif, Tusmit and Ket.... edit: yeah, the Tenha and Baklundi are both typos (from what I can tell).
  10. Here is a conversion of the Oerth Languages. This was based on the work from http://www.dracheninsel.de/dracheninsel/add/greyhawk/language.htm PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE critique this!
  11. Re: Team Norfolk Campaign Blog The "broads" in the US are a bit different. (heh) BTW, other than saving a link in my browser's favorites, I can't find a simple way to get to the blog. When I go to Carl's profile CLSAGE I don't see a link to the blog. Any ideas.
  12. Re: Ironclad is up If you got it, flaunt it!
  13. Re: Martial Arts In A Focus ? What about a multiform? There are some disadvantages you could throw on it a-la Ultimate Metamorph.
  14. Re: Statting Out Minor Enemies Very nice. Very nice. It looks like it doesn't handle compound powers, which is understandable. Great job mister!!!!!:thumbup::thumbup:
  15. Re: Statting Out Minor Enemies I have hit the rep limit for you at this time. I definitely am still in debt.
  16. Re: Statting Out Minor Enemies Also (if I may be so bold), the names of the powers doesn't show up. Here is an example orc that I tried. This is especially problematic under the ATTACKS box in the first column.
  17. Re: Statting Out Minor Enemies **almost** perfect. Can you copy the the BODY STUN END down to the individual minions on the second page? You are da man!
  18. Re: Statting Out Minor Enemies If only we could have this Minion sheet as an export function in Hero Designer!
  19. Re: End battery fueled by absorb? The effect of this could be quite amusing. Imagine that you are flying along, minding your own business, and then you realize that you are flying on "E". What do you do: 1. Start crashing into things to get you battery recharged? 2. Yell at your buddy to start pummeling you? 3. Fly into a biker bar in your shiny suit and make some insinuating remarks about the objects of their affections? You could create quite a stir just to get a recharge!
  20. Re: TWF and Martial Arts Two Weapon Fighting
  21. Re: Susano Needs Your Help! I did purchase it but I have run into a snag http://www.herogames.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=21 I don't understand why the Bestiary is so cheap and MMM is so expensive.
  22. Lets see if I got this straight from FREd p. 73 Assume the characters have TWF: Maneuver OCV DCV Weapon 1 Basic Strike +1 +0 Weapon 2 Martial Block +2 +2 Weapon 1 = +1 OCV Weapon 2 = +2 OCV DCV= -2 ================================== Example 2 Maneuver OCV DCV Weapon 1 Martial Strike +0 +2 Weapon 2 Basic Strike +1 +0 Weapon 1 = +0 OCV Weapon 2 = +1 OCV DCV= -2 =================================== Example 3 Maneuver OCV DCV Weapon 1 Martial Strike +0 +2 Weapon 2 Martial Strike +0 +2 Weapon 1 = +0 OCV Weapon 2 = +0 OCV DCV= +0 =================================== Example 4 Maneuver OCV DCV Weapon 1 Martial Disarm -1 +1 Weapon 2 Joint Break -1 -2 Weapon 1 =-1 OCV Weapon 2 = -1 OCV DCV= -2 (or is it -4?) __________________
  23. Re: Fantasy Hero Modules WHAT? To tell the truth, I just came out of the RPG time-capsule a couple years ago. I am still working on the reality as it was 20 years ago. Hmmmm, next you are going to tell me that TSR was purchased by some card game maker.
  24. Re: Stacking resistant PD/ED True, except the force field would have some sort of effect that would be noticeable by everybody. That might put all the NPCs on edge thinking he is about to do something bad. It might even make him a target.
  25. Lets see if i got this straight from FREd p. 73 Assume the characters have TWF: Maneuver OCV DCV Weapon 1 Basic Strike +1 +0 Weapon 2 Martial Block +2 +2 Weapon 1 = +1 OCV Weapon 2 = +2 OCV DCV= -2 ================================== Example 2 Maneuver OCV DCV Weapon 1 Martial Strike +0 +2 Weapon 2 Basic Strike +1 +0 Weapon 1 = +0 OCV Weapon 2 = +1 OCV DCV= -2 =================================== Example 3 Maneuver OCV DCV Weapon 1 Martial Strike +0 +2 Weapon 2 Martial Strike +0 +2 Weapon 1 = +0 OCV Weapon 2 = +0 OCV DCV= +0 =================================== Example 4 Maneuver OCV DCV Weapon 1 Martial Disarm -1 +1 Weapon 2 Joint Break -1 -2 Weapon 1 =-1 OCV Weapon 2 = -1 OCV DCV= -2 (or is it -4?)
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