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Everything posted by azato

  1. Re: Kung Fu Panda ** *****
  2. azato

    Start concept

    i was able to get my gaming group (whom I am new to) to be willing to play a Champions campaign. This genre is not my strong suit (like I own many suits). I am trying to come up with the background for the game and the reasons for super powers. Feel free to comment, shred and correct. This is general outline, stuff that came into my head. Details to follow. I wrote this in a hurry so it may not be completly coherent. 1. Mutations have always been with us. People who are outliers have been in existence throughout human existence. Sometimes they became folk heroes, or perhaps, in the minds of Pure Strain Humans, divine or demonic creatures. 2. In the past the mutation rate was very very low, at least the kinds the produce powers or significant physical or biological changes. The power level of these beings were relatively low. 3. In the 1700s a group of mutants formed a secret society with the intent to protect themselves and perhaps form a better world for their kind. 4. In the 1800's (specific information will be filled in here) they became part of the core group of British scientists experimenting with vaccinations. They were able to come up with a "vaccine" capable of increasing the mutation rate within humans. It either worked or it didn't with changes taking place years or decades after inoculations. 5. This group started funding an pharmaceutical company the produced vaccinations (the normal kind) as well as mixing the mutagen into the normal vaccines. 6. In 1948, xx becomes a influential member of the World Health Organization and was able to take the vaccines world wide. 7. In the sixties through the seventies the groups scientists made significant advances in the mutagen. While it did not increase the percentage of the population it would affect, it did increase the potency of those it did. 8. In the thirties various governments noticed the increase of mutations and attemped, through reverse engineering, of duplicating the process. They had no idea as to the root cause. 9. In the late 70's the scheme finally came to light. The governments stopped the distribution of vaccines, the society was able to destroy most of the mutagens and its core people remain at large. THis information was kept from the general public. 10. Later forms of the vaccine allows the population to carry and pass on the mutant gene, though it may not manifest itself 11. In the late 90's a vaccine was discovered by the government that will counter act the mutagen found in humans who have not manifest itself. A programme is started to cure those who had innoculations. THis is done secretly, like being under the guise of a flu vaccine. 12. In the late 70's a powerful group with govermental connections is created as the result of the exposed plot to turn the world into mutants. This group gains in power as the years go by.
  3. Re: Kung Fu Panda While I did enjoy KFP, more than WALL-E, I think WALL-E was a "better" movie for a couple reasons: 1. It was able to convey so much with so little dialogue. To me, that is amazing. The emotions, the personality, the drives, the loneliness, the sacrifice, all without words for most of the movie. The the major use of "hands", was rather fascinating to me. 2. WALL-E had more emotional depth than KFP. The wooing of eve, the sacrifice of WALL-E, etc, while still cliched, had more depth than the "we are have to power inside us" cliche.
  4. Re: Trading System - Loosely based on Traveller Regarding skills - that would be up to the GM. You may, as the GM want to make the base roll (hide from the player) and ask the player their intent and make the appropriate modifications
  5. I did this awhile back and have not worked on it since. I have some various other ideas but thought this might be fun to throw out. The way it works: 1. There needs to be a determined base price 2. To buy roll 3d6 and apply the modifiers - that is the cost to purchase a defined lot. 3 To sell roll 3d6 and apply the modifiers - that is the highest price a locale is willing to pay per defined lot. 1. There needs to be modifiers made up for supply and demand. (i.e. if it is on the country's import list and is on the country's export list) 2. There needs to be a listing of lot pricing per item. (1 barrel of ale = $x, 1/4 ton of iron = $y, etc) 3. The distribution and ranges I have here may be WAY off. Feel free to discuss and tear apart. Roll (3d6) Modifier 3 10% 4 25% 5 50% 6 65% 7 75% 8 85% 9 95% 10 100% 11 100% 12 110% 13 125% 14 150% 15 175% 16 200% 17 400% 18 600% Quality Modifiers 1. Poor -4 buy, -4 sell 2. Standard 0 buy, 0 sell 3. High +4 buy, +4 Sell Time ‘working’ the area 1 hour +8 buy, -8 sell 4 hours + 4 buy, -4 sell 1 day +0 buy, +0 sell 2 days -2 buy, +2 sell 1 week -4 buy, +4 sell Character is new to Locale +2 buy, -2 sell
  6. Re: Alien Wars/PA Hero. Any thoughts? You may want to think how you want it to end before you figure out how you want it to begin.
  7. Re: Star Frontiers Bestiary Cybodragon Player: Val Char Cost 40 STR 30 16 DEX 18 25 CON 30 30 BODY 40 6 INT -4 10 EGO 0 30 PRE 20 8 COM -1 20/28 PD 12 20/28 ED 15 3 SPD 4 15 REC 4 50 END 0 65 STUN 2 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 8" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 170 Cost Power 68 "Eyes have been replaced by...laser rifles": Killing Attack - Ranged 3 1/2d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), No Range Modifier (+1/2) (110 Active Points); 6 Charges (-3/4) [Notes: (x2 number of items)] 5 "Metal Tentacles": Extra Limbs (4) 24 "Cybernetically altered": Armor (8 PD/8 ED) 40 Bite: HKA 2 1/2d6 (5d6+1 w/STR) 45 Talons: HKA 2d6 (3 1/2d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (45 Active Points) 10 Tail Bash: Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6 (15 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 27 "Flamethower installed inside its mouth": RKA 3d6, Explosion (+1/2) (67 Active Points); 8 Charges (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; -1), No Range (-1/2) 30 "Parts of their bodies have been replaced by machinery": (Total: 30 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (Real Cost: 15) plus Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (Real Cost: 15) 6 Animal Senses: +2 PER with All Sense Groups 6 Tail: Extra Limbs , Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points) Powers Cost: 261 Cost Skill 16 +2 with All Combat 4 +2 Fire Breath Skills Cost: 20 Total Character Cost: 451 Pts. Disadvantage 10 Physical Limitation: Huge, up to eight times human size (16m, or 4.1-8"; -6 DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) Frequently, Slightly Impairing 10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation Frequently, Slightly Impairing 5 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, can only leap half as far as STR indicates Infrequently, Slightly Impairing 15 Psychological Limitation: Sathar attack creatures Common, Strong Disadvantage Points: 40 Base Points: 75 Experience Required: 336 Total Experience Available: 336 Experience Unspent: 0 DESCRIPTION: Cybodragons are huge lizards that have been cybernetically altered. Many parts of their bodies have been replaced by machinery. Each of their two eyes have been replaced by the Sathar equivalent of a laser rifle set on 10 SEU. Each eye has 5 shots before its power pack must be recharged. The cybodragon uses other sensing machines to serve the same functions as normal eyes. Cybodragons were given their name because they have flamethrowers installed inside their mouths. The flamethrower has 10 charges. Each charge does 3d10 points of damage on a successful attack. The ranges for a flamethrower are 10 meters = point blank, 20 meters = short, 30 meters = medium, 40 meters = long, and 50 meters = extreme. In melee, the cybodragon uses its claws, bite, and various metal tentacles to do 10d10 points of damage on a successful attack. Cybodragons are made by the Sathar who use the Cybodragons to support their combat troops. Cybodragons are also often found guarding Sathar installations.
  8. Re: PA Hero:How long would plumbing work? Well, I think it also depends on the locale. Places that have wide thermal cycles (freezing to sweltering heat) will have more problems than places that don't. I think that plumbing in buildings will be very susceptible especially galvanized and copper = severe corrosion can occur in less than a decade and other time be fine for several decades. I think it would depend on how long a time period. Getting water may be easy but getting safe drinking water and have faucets work is another.
  9. Re: How to build an unusual attack Yes. A giant floating weapons platform. It may be a few days before I post it.
  10. Re: How to build an unusual attack The single blast is supposed to take out a gyro-copter in one hit, while individually it does 3x the damage as one shot from a pistol. I think the idea is that it shoots down the gyro and then shoots each person individually. It is a creature that is easy to avoid and it may be that the adventures will never encounter this beastie (and beastie it is). I do appriciate the comments about converting from other games. Some holds true. I am trying my best to do a "direct" conversion and then perhaps go back and make adjustments. I do not like scaling of hero damage for damage and vehicles. It makes no sense for a star ship laser to do little more than a laser rifle. What also will come into play is the defense in this game are rather different than the standard hero way of doing things. Instead of normal armor, instead will be screens that will either absorb 50% of the damage or will absorb all of it until the charges run out. So it may be rather low damage until the blasts suck out every seu out of the battery back and they are left defenseless. Thanks for all the ideas. keep them coming. I will not get a chance to evaluate them fully for a few days.
  11. Re: How to build an unusual attack The actual numbers I have not settled on. I am working from another game system and things don't quite scale properly.
  12. Re: Star Frontiers Bestiary I did tone it down a little bit. I probably need to revisit it since it was done quickly. Most likely the party will not fight it...if they are smart. Megasaurus Player: Val Char Cost 40 STR 30 13 DEX 9 25 CON 30 30 BODY 40 7 INT -3 15 EGO 10 25 PRE 15 8 COM -1 15 PD 7 15 ED 10 3 SPD 7 15 REC 4 50 END 0 65 STUN 2 14" RUN 16 0" SWIM -2 15" LEAP 7 Characteristics Cost: 181 Cost Power 40 Bite: HKA 2 1/2d6 (5d6+1 w/STR) 24 Claws: HKA 2d6 (4d6 w/STR) (30 Active Points); Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 14 Scaly Skin: Damage Resistance (14 PD/14 ED), Does Not Protect Hit Location 18 (+0) 30 Tough Body: (Total: 30 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (Real Cost: 15) plus Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (Real Cost: 15) 18 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -9" 5 Magical Beast: Power Defense (5 points) 5 Predator's Nose: Tracking with Normal Smell 6 Animal Senses: +2 PER with All Sense Groups Powers Cost: 142 Cost Skill 24 +3 with All Combat 3 Concealment 10- 3 Stealth 12- 3 Survival (choose appropriate environment) 10- Skills Cost: 33 Total Character Cost: 356 Pts. Disadvantage 40 Physical Limitation: Huge, up to eight times human size (16m, or 4.1-8"; -6 DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) Frequently, Slightly Impairing, Custom Adder 10 Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation Frequently, Slightly Impairing 20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence Very Common, Strong 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) Disadvantage Points: 85 Base Points: 75 Experience Required: 196 Total Experience Available: 350 Experience Unspent: 154 DESCRIPTION: A megasaurus is 10 meters long and stands 5 meters high at the shoulders. It looks like a giant reptilian cat with a thick tail. It has huge claws and a massive mouth filled with sharp teeth, and can leap up to 50 meters to attack.
  13. I am trying to build an attack for a creature that can either shoot one large attack (say 6d6 RKA) or split into separate the attacks among up to six other targets. When split the combined damage classes from each attack cannot exceed the total of the one large attack. If I just need to do a hand wavium, I will but I would rather do it officially.
  14. Re: Star Frontiers Bestiary PICTuRE to come later. I made these a bit smaller than called out in the books for two reasons. One it is not a major encounter and there is very little reasons for the players or the animals to attack each other. Secondly they are part of a larger herd and the cumulative effect of acid attacks could be awful and I want to make sure the besties could be killed fairly easily if needed. Spitter Player: Val Char Cost 7 STR -3 8 DEX -6 9 CON -2 7 BODY -6 6 INT -4 5 EGO -10 8 PRE -2 10 COM 0 2/8 PD 1 1 ED -1 2 SPD 2 3 REC 0 18 END 0 16 STUN 0 5" RUN -2 0" SWIM -2 0" LEAP -1 Characteristics Cost: -36 Cost Power 6 Animal Senses: +2 PER with All Sense Groups 30 "stream of highly corrosive acid": Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, Sticky (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (45 Active Points); Custom Modifier (Alchohol or base will stop the effects of the acid; -1/2) 9 "thick hide protects ...from shard grass": Armor (6 PD/0 ED) Powers Cost: 45 Total Character Cost: 9 Pts. Disadvantage 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipulation Frequently, Greatly Impairing 0 Physical Limitation: Human size 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Frequently, Greatly Impairing Disadvantage Points: 30 Base Points: 75 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 DESCRIPTION: Spitters are reptilian herbivores found in herds on the shard grass plains of Volturnus. The creatures feed on the grass by shooting a stream of highly corrosive acid from their mouths. This acid breaks down the hard outer shells of the shard grass in a few seconds. The spitter can then eat the shard grass safely. The spitter's thick hide protects it from being cut by shard grass. Spitters will not attack other creatures unless extremely frightened or attacked first.
  15. Re: 6-Segment SPD Chart Hmmm. That does have merit
  16. Re: Kamarathin Hard Copies! I just downloaded all the prefabs from your site. I must say that after seeing them I am very interested in what you have. I think once I get a cash flow injection in the next couple months I will pick up a hard copy version of the book. Seeing the quality of the HD files convinced me, but you may want to put more pages out for people to view. (I hate you)
  17. Re: Kamarathin Hard Copies! Why is the PDF the same price of the hard copy?
  18. Re: Star Frontiers Bestiary You have a good point. The write up you see is *mostly* based just on the text. Unfortunately they did not proved much write-up on creatures and the game system follows a somewhat rigid (and simple) set of rules. That being said, I do plan to go through each of these creatures and flesh them out (can you say that about silicon based life forms?). The question is, do I want to add that much complexity (that I as a dm has to keep track of) to a creature that may play a very minor role in the module and will never be seen again? The answer may be yes. It may be that I come up with two versions. It maybe be something that could show up in Champions one day. I welcome any submissions of SF creatures to this thread, even if they are different versions of creatures I have already posted.
  19. Re: Star Frontiers Conversion Based on discussion of a previous thread - I don't think am going to have adjustable lasers. Most people would set them to "11" and fire away. Although.... perhaps equating charges to DC's? I plan to use the charge system for cells, belts and packs and for lasers give them a standard 2-4 charge shot (whatever). THOUGHTS? I need to look at the talent. It never occurred to me.
  20. Re: Star Frontiers Conversion Templates and package deals (both in zip) for Yazarians and Dralasites.
  21. I am making a first rough pass with weapons. For defenses there are shields and suits. They can be mixed but other than inertia duplication provides no extra benefit. Inertia - Absorbs 1/2 PD Damage. Will completely stop needler attacks. Albedo - Absorbs Laser. Eats up charges to do so or suit gets "chewed up" with each shot" absorbing a set amount of damage GAUSS - Completely stops electrical attacks SONIC - - Completely stops electrical attacks What is in bold I have done. What isn't, I haven't. The amount listed by the name is the "dollar" value listed in the book. I am not sure how to do gyrojet weapons. COMMENTS CRITICISMS SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME (PB/S/M/L/E) Beam Weapons Electrostunner 500 4d6NND (GAUSS) Laser Pistol 600 1 1/2 RKA AP +2 RM (ALBEDO) Laser Rifle 800 2 1/2 RKA AP +4RM (ALBEDO) Sonic Disruptor 700 3d6 RKA – Damage reduces over distance. (SONIC) Sonic Stunner 500 4d6 NND (SONIC) Heavy Laser 6,000 4d6 RKA AP Heavy weapon – braced No range modifier (ALBEDO) Sonic Devastator 5,000 5d6 RKA Damage reduces over distance. (SONIC) Projectile Weapons Automatic Pistol 200 1d6+1 RKA (Inertia) Automatic Rifle 300 2d6 RKA (Inertia) Needler Pistol 200 2d6 RKA Reduce Penetration/ 1d6 RKA (only to determine penetration+5d6 NND (Inertia) Needler Rifle 400 3 3d6 RKA Red. Penetration/1 1.5d6 RKA (only to determine penetration+5d6 NND) (Inertia) Machine Gun 2,000 3d6 RKA (Inertia) Recoilless Rifle 4,000 20 12d10 1 shell -- ½ Inertia -/150/1km/2km/3km Gyrojet Weapons Gyrojet Pistol 200 Gyrojet Rifle 300 4 Grenade Rifle 700 4 As grenade 1 bullet -- ½ RS check -/25/50/100/200 Grenade Mortar 2,000 15 As grenade 1 shell -- ½ RS check -/200/500/1km/2km Rocket Launcher 5,000 15 15d10 1 rocket -- ½ Inertia -/70/200/500/1km Grenades Doze Grenade 10 -- Sleep -- -- 1 STA check 5/10/15/25/50 Frag. Grenade 20 -- 8d10 -- -- 1 RS check 5/10/15/25/50 Incendiary Grenade 20 -- 4d10+1d10x3 Turns -- -- 1 RS check 5/10/15/25/50 Poison Grenade 30 -- S5/T10 Poison -- -- 1 STA check 5/10/15/25/50 Smoke Grenade 10 -- -10 to Hit -- -- 1 IR 5/10/15/25/50 Tangler Grenade 25 -- Entanglement -- -- 1 RS check 5/10/15/25/50 Melee Weapons Electric Sword 150 1 1/2 HKA+2d6 NND* (GAUSS) Shock Gloves 50 1 1/2 HKA (GAUSS) Sonic Knife 50 1d6 HKA AP (SONIC) Sonic Sword 300 2d6 HKA AP (SONIC) Stunstick 75 1 +3d6 HTH + 3D6 NND (SONIC) Vibroknife 25 1d6 AP (Inertia)
  22. Re: Star Frontiers Bestiary My plan is to go through them all, first blush. Then I will rewrite the background info to fit the Hero System, make modifications to the creatures (based on how they are presented in the modules) and resubmit them as a bundle. Again, if anybody has comments..good, bad whatever... feel free state them.
  23. Re: Star Frontiers Bestiary Rogue Crystals Player: Val Char Cost 20 STR 10 11 DEX 3 18 CON 16 25 BODY 30 3 INT -7 10 EGO 0 15 PRE 5 8 COM -1 10 PD 6 10 ED 6 2 SPD 0 8 REC 0 36 END 0 44 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 0" SWIM -2 0" LEAP -4 Characteristics Cost: 62 Cost Power 37 "Stored energy": Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; Sonic, Laser or Electrical; +1/4) (37 Active Points) 30 Energy Resistance: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 10 Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing) 10 Crystal life form: Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) with Sight Group Powers Cost: 87 Cost Skill 2 +2 with any single attack with energy blast Skills Cost: 2 Total Character Cost: 151 Pts. Disadvantage 10 Psychological Limitation: "semi-intelligent" (Common, Moderate) 20 Psychological Limitation: "instinctive hatred for carbon-based life forms" (Common, Total) 10 Physical Limitation: limited manipulation (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) 5 Unluck: 1d6 Disadvantage Points: 45 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 DESCRIPTION: Rogue Crystals are another Eorna experiment gone wrong. The Eorna managed to foster silicon-based life, but failed at all attempts to make such life forms intelligent. At the point where semi-intelligence was reached, the silicon crystal life form invariably turned on its creator, as if it had an instinctive hatred for carbonbased life forms. The Eorna eventually gave up. Some of the creatures escaped, however, and still survive. Rogue crystals are indistinguishable from Eorna crystal sculptures to anyone except an Eorna. The first time the player characters encounter rogue crystals, the rogue crystals will attack with surprise. Rogue crystals store energy which can be released as sound, light, or electricity. Treat the rogue crystals as if firing a sonic disruptor, a laser pistol, or an electrostunner. Only one attack per turn may be made. The first attack of a rogue crystal will be a random choice of energy. The creature will switch to other energy types if the first attack is negated by a defensive screen or suit. Rogue crystals also have a melee attack which will be used instead of an energy attack if an opponent closes to melee combat. Rogue crystals take half damage from the following weapons: all laser weapons, all sonic weapons, electric swords, electrostunners, shock gloves and stunsticks. Rogue crystals are immune to gasses which affect carbonbased life forms, such as the gas in doze grenades, poison grenades, and the tear gas effect of smoke grenades
  24. Re: Star Frontiers Bestiary I know, I know! Hopefully the cyboslug will make up for it.
  25. Re: Star Frontiers Bestiary Cyboslug Player: Val Char Cost 35 STR 25 14 DEX 12 28 CON 36 28 BODY 36 8 INT -2 5 EGO -10 20 PRE 10 8 COM -1 21 PD 8 14 ED 4 2 SPD 0 13 REC 0 56 END 0 60 STUN 0 4" RUN -4 0" SWIM -2 0" LEAP -7 Characteristics Cost: 105 Cost Power 15 Thick Skin: Armor (6 PD/4 ED) 16 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -8" 67 Flamethrower: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Area Of Effect (19" Cone; +1 1/4) (101 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) 15 "cling to walls and ceilings": Clinging (normal STR), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (15 Active Points) 17 "reflective slime": Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Custom Modifier (Only against laser or fire attacks; -3/4) 25 Undergroud dweller: Infrared Perception (Smell/Taste Group), +3 to PER Roll, Increased Arc Of Perception (240 Degrees), Range, Targeting Powers Cost: 155 Cost Skill 6 +3 with any flame attack Skills Cost: 6 Total Character Cost: 266 Pts. Disadvantage 15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence Frequently, Greatly Impairing 5 Physical Limitation: Large (up to about 5m long and 3.5 tons; -2 DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) Infrequently, Slightly Impairing 0 Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap, cannot leap Infrequently, Slightly Impairing, Already figured in 15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipulation Frequently, Greatly Impairing 20 Psychological Limitation: "Attacks all non-Sathar life forms on sight" (Common, Total) Disadvantage Points: 55 Base Points: 75 Experience Required: 136 Total Experience Available: 45 Experience Unspent: 0 DESCRIPTION: A cyboslug is a living nightmare created by the Sathar to attack all non-Sathar life forms on sight. A cyboslug attacks with a flamethrower which has been surgically implanted in its body. It can cling to walls and ceilings. Its body is covered with a reflective slime which reduces damage taken from laser or fire attacks to one half normal. The Sathar introduced cyboslugs to Volturnus during their first attack. A stock of cyboslugs is kept in cryogenic storage in The Artifact and are periodically rereleased to roam the caverns of Volturnus.
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