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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Or men's and women's soccer and track and field. It'd probably have to be both sides...Title IX. But they'll a) assert violation of the ethics/code of conduct clauses in the contract, and I think they've got a strong case right there b) get the donors to pony up for any buyout. What, you thought the *University* is paying him???? BWAAAHAHAHAAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.axios.com/local/detroit/2022/07/08/lawsuit-mel-tuckers-95-million-contract It's the ULTIMATE hypocrisy...the amounts the schools collect from their donors. T. Boone Pickens was known as one of the biggest. As in......$650 MILLION. Texas received almost $80 million...for 21-22 ALONE. https://www.on3.com/teams/texas-longhorns/news/report-texas-athletic-department-ranked-2nd-in-total-revenue-and-expenses-in-2021-22/ This article doesn't break down income into categories, but you can click on each school to get the breakdown, year by year, for that school. https://sports.usatoday.com/ncaa/finances
  2. Heck, Trump can be expected to go further and end economic sanctions.
  3. OK, so, let's see if I have the order down. Spell's cast. The bounding field springs up. We can say it's not impermeable *yet*...that's the process that takes a bit of time. During that time, someone may attempt to flee through the field, to avoid being trapped. (We won't get into the logic of whether someone would/should even consider trying it...when they have NO CLUE what the field is doing.) Do note that an acre...not terribly much area, if you're tossing around terms like "city" still requires a radius 36 meter circle. Dodging does not cut it. LoneWolf's point about the mass...yeah. XDM, Single Dimension. UAA, AoE radius, 36 meters (for 1 acre), Personal Immunity. That's only 75 points. But the mass???? Mass adders are THE KILLER for that kind of Teleport or XDM. A bit of research gives 200 pounds per square foot for the weight of a house. So...1500 square feet, that's 30,000 pounds. Call it AoE Radius 20 meters. Base mass for teleport or XDM is 100 or 200 kilos, I forget...call it 200, it won't matter. I need 6 doublings. That's 30 points of adder tossed onto the XDM. 20 base -> 50 base. 175 active. For one house, assuming a modern house. If you're set medieval, it'd be lower per house, but there will likely be more houses per acre. The total mass will be HUGE in any case. And note that we haven't even *talked* about the mass of the ground *under* the buildings. 1000 cubic meters of dirt...call it average density of about 3, which should be reasonable. Each cubic meter weighs 3 TONS. Also note that I'm being EXTREMELY!!! generous...because AoE Radius is a sphere. THAT would mean it'd be taking along the full hemisphere underneath....or about 70,000 cubic meters. Note to Duke: AoE hexes, which is Any Area in 6E, is much, much more expensive. It's +1/4 for 2, 2 meter hexes. Double the number of hexes for +1/4. But AoE radius squares the number of hexes. AoE Radius, 20 meters, means 320 square meters. That's 80 units for Any Area, so it's another +1/2. Forget how it does it...seriously. What do you need? --for Duke's thought of dispelling or countering? Active point total. TOO HIGH for ANY single caster to counter. --If it can be escaped, then...where's the center point, what's the radius, and how long will it take before the field becomes impassable? This feels much like an epic spell from 3.5 D&D. Some of which did STUPIDLY powerful stuff if anyone...like...paid attention to what was going on. I get...epic spell and all. Some things easy to describe, are *tremendously* hard to DO. That can be fine...but realize...it becomes narrative, not qualitative. And narrative for an NPC means Plot Device.
  4. McCarthy is going to try to placate his right wing...to keep his position...and open up an impeachment investigation on Biden. <sigh>
  5. Yeah, this was a conservatorship type of action. The conference name and membership actually has major residual value, so this is not an empty move. There's money still to be paid to the conference members...meaning just OSU and WSU...for several years. The move basically just says the departing schools can't try to formally dissolve the conference, in an attempt to get that money distributed to everyone. This is also, I think, a case WSU and OSU could win regardless. The schools leaving are no longer good-faith actors for the conference, as an entity, and they could try to make moves to the gross detriment of the conference...because that won't have negative impacts on them.
  6. Yeah, well, it's a tricky subject because he played. This isn't simply about fairness. It's also PR, in part. Also note that all those Over bets have a flip side of Under bets...which now all suddenly win. It's not as straightforward as you might think.
  7. Just how large of an area are we talking about??? First MAJOR question...if the area is moved, then what the HECK is happening to everything that was connected to it? If this was a city block, for example...the power, the water, the sewer lines? The streets? This applies if it's, say, just 1 house. Still have all the utility connections. How deep does this go...cuz if I somehow "don't get caught"...then what? Sounds like I fall, to me. Also, if this is an AoE XDM, which is the cleanest starting point IMO...this requires a dive for cover...outside the AoE. WHY can this be "dodged"? Describe the power in non-game terms...THEN we worry about translation into game terms. We have the first part...an area is moved to a pocket dimension. Said dimension is encased in a vessel of some type, that sounds to be portable. "Shrunken" doesn't matter...that relates to normal-world measures, and those are Silly Putty any time you invoke alternate dimensions. OK, how large, how deep? Is it actually, physically shifted? Cuz that sure sounds, as I said, that it'd leave a giant hole. I'll admit my bias here...I'd never do this. This is not a definable power, IMO, it's 1000% plot device.. The being that can do this is so, so, SO far beyond any PC group that it's just not funny, and I *detest* the Ultimate Nullifier gimmick.
  8. Yeah, even if it's a partial tear, that's not 4-5 months, I'm pretty sure. Karma. Jets' Super Bowl odds dropped pretty sharply when he was taken out...and WORSE now. VegasInsider shows FanDuel's dropped them to +6500; BetMGM, +5000. For reference, that's worse than the Broncos and Steelers...at least at FanDuel. Obviously the odds, this early, will be pretty spread out, site to site.
  9. Bills may yet escape, but man...Burrow STANK UP the joint, Allen's got 4 TOs. Remind me why these guys combine to make more money than a small country... WEIRD!!!! season start. Bettors take note...in Jets games, take the under. Can't read TOO much into a week one atrocity, not with the abject, paranoid risk aversion that's pretty darn rampant...but the Jets' defense has been by FAR the best unit tonight. EDIT....and then THAT happens. BOOM!!!! Totally deserved Bills loss. This one may well hurt come end of the season. Bills, Bengals, and Chiefs ALL lose in week 1. Stunning.
  10. I keep telling you, man. It's the Law of Conservation of Competence. The Nuggets, champs. The Avs, excellent, with negative effects still lingering from their title. That guarantees the Broncos and Rockies will compete for a top-5 pick. The Rockies are pretty much a lock...probably can't drop below the #4 pick even with a hot streak. And, well, with the Broncos...who knows, but starting the season with an onside kick, when the whole game showed your special teams are TERRIBLE...gives me no confidence.
  11. Aikman just now: "Lot of pressure on Hackett to call the right plays." IOW, it's hopeless.
  12. Ankle injury, X-rays are negative, but that doesn't say much. Strained ligament/tendon...? He was shown getting off the cart and walking into the training room, so that probably limits it; it's not a blown Achilles, for example. And the bad part for Jets fans is...they spent ALL summer, they brought in Lazard and Cobb...to run Rodgers' offense. So not only do they have to fall back on a terrible backup...Wilson's QBR was 29th...it's in an offense that's designed for someone else. The values of both Cobb and Lazard drop. The fact that we did see him walk into the training room suggests Rodgers won't miss that many games, but still, the season's not very long either. First several weeks have no byes, too.
  13. The collective heart rate of the city of New York just jumped a billion. Couple plays in, Rodgers comes out after getting sacked. Didn't get mashed, but I think an ankle might've rolled, which maybe triggered something else...? Dunno but he had to leave the game. EDIT: that spike just repeated. Rodgers being taken off the field on the cart.
  14. A couple more... DCs in an attack. This is significantly separate from character points. Max DCs, as well as how often the GM will throw KAs out there against the players. This has a major influence on how invest in defenses. And we've talked about it here, but it's still perhaps something of a fringe notion/consideration...SPDs.
  15. On this day, 22 years ago....the world changed. Never forget. Even if you can hardly believe it's been 22 years. I know I can't.
  16. Sports news, but the understories are a tad volatile... Michigan State suspends head football coach...and near-$100M contract...Mel Tucker. For utterly reprehensible conduct...even if we accept Tucker's remarks at face value, which I don't. MSU is getting RIPPED for letting this go for 10 months...for letting him start the season as coach. For not saying a WORD, until they had no choice. That's the perception. And this is the school that harbored Larry Nassar, the worst predator in college sports history. If there's ANY institution that should be hyper-aware of the PR considerations, it's MSU. There's no chance whatsoever that Tucker doesn't get fired...for cause, meaning his contract gets torn up...IMO. What Tucker admitted to, makes any claim of "consent" meaningless. At this point, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if lawyers are talking about buyout terms already, as was suggested by Wilbon on PTI. I also suspect Tucker's lawyers realize...they're probably grasping at straws.
  17. 30 scorigamis since '19? That's wild. I suspect a lot of it is moving the extra point back, so it goes from automatic to merely an overwhelming favorite...AND the derived impact, going for 2 is slightly more encouraged. The oddball scores are likely to be slightly more frequent.
  18. The FDA has now approved a new COVID vaccine. CDC meets tomorrow to discuss deployment. Vaccines should be available later this week, according to NYT.
  19. Texas rises to #4...sigh. Alabama drops to #10...with a lot of work to do to stay even there. Colorado rises to #18, and now they've got CSU. This shouldn't move the needle, because it's not expected to be a contest. Line's 22; CSU is +980, or a 10-1 underdog. They might still move up; there's no top 25 matchups this week, but there's always the chance something will go wrong. If you needed any proof of the viral impact... BOTH Fox's Big Noon Saturday and ESPN's GameDay will be in Boulder. ESPN has the game, but it's slotted into the Pac 12 After Dark slot...10 Eastern, 8 in Boulder. So it wasn't big enough to displace Tennessee at Florida, but hey, that's not all that surprising.
  20. So far, that's the score that really stunned me. And the Giants are giving me the one that most irritates me, as they've hand wrapped, bow-tied, and hand delivered 2 TDs SO FAR.
  21. What is going on with PATs today???? Oh. Week 1. Nuff said.
  22. Mmmm....gotta love that new, high-powered, high-effectiveness Bronco offense Sean Payton brought in.... EDIT: ...and that hand-picked kicker Payton got...FROM THE SAINTS...oh my...that didn't turn out so well today either....
  23. Spain's soccer boss resigns from that, and his position as VP of UEFA.
  24. Don't read too much into it, altho I agree with you overall. Week 1, bad weather. Teams seem willing to blow off the first couple weeks in exchange for NOT risking QB1 during preseason. Payton starts the season with an onside kick?????? And of course, the Donkeys touch it too early. REAL close, but too early.
  25. We're well used to broadcast booth inflation...remember the days when there was only ONE person in the booth, for almost all games? (If you do, you're old. <sigh>) Then it was 2 mostly; IIRC, MNF with Gifford, Cosell, and Meredith was ahead of its time. Then, of course, 3 man booth became typical...and quite often there's the sideline person, who may be doing MORE than asking coaches 2 annoying questions or reporting on injuries...Buster Olney, for example. Yes, well, that's hitting the studio shows. JJ Watt became the 5th analyst and 6th person on CBS' NFL Today, and it looks to be regular, and for the entire show.
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