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Tanis Frey

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Everything posted by Tanis Frey

  1. I am running a Fantasy Space Game based on the old TSR game world of Spelljammer. Swords and Sorcery in Space with Wheel-lock firearms and some Steam-punk gear that tends to blow up. The PC are currently running a ship with 10 persons aboard and will get an upgrade to a 30 man ship when/if they deliver the princess to her political marriage that seals a political alliance. So, the Druids spells need to cover a number of persons.
  2. I am running a Fantasy Hero game in the old TSR Spelljammer setting. One of the players is a Druid, so I should come up with some nature spirits for her to deal with. Has anyone stated up a package to add to the base Nature Spirits in the Hero Bestiary to create Void Spirits or Phlogiston Spirits. For those of your not familiar with Spelljammer, the Phlogiston is a hyperspace like area that you must enter to travel from star system to star system. It is a rainbow sea of swirling colors that is explosive to flame. It is separated from Star Systems by a Crystal shell.
  3. Getting back to the origional idea, you could that a note of a science fiction novel/movie with this concept, Dune. In the movie a shield (personal force field genarator) would cause a weapon to bounce off but some thing moving slowly enough will penetrate.
  4. I am thinking a simple system, for create food 1 body = 1 meal created. Purify Food and Water will destroy poisons if the total is enough to transform the poison into something harmless. Most toxins that cause just an upset stomachs will be a negative level or more to a stat roll, so 2 AP per neg level and per meal. More toxins powerful will be a drain or a blast or RKA sometimes with damage over time. so 5 AP and up per meal. The spell casters in this world have an Arcane or Faith VPPs with an matched skill to cast and a matched Endurance Reserve to power the spells. This is based in part on the Spelljammer Setting from AD&D 2ed published by TSR. So the spells should be: Purify Food & Drink Transform, Minor 4d6 (Spoiled Food and Drink into Edible Food and Drink) AOE 1m Radius +1/4, Concentration 1/2 DCV -1/4, Extra Turn to cast -1 1/4, Gestures (1 hand) -1/4, Incantations -1/4, No Range -1/2, Limited Target (Food Items and Drinks) -1/4, All or Nothing -1/2, Requires a Faith Power Roll -1/2. BP:20, AP:25 Real Cost:3 Create Food & Water Transform, Major 3d6 (Creates a tasteless porridge and water) AOE 1m Radius +1/4, Concentration 1/2 DCV -1/4, Extra 10 Minutes to cast -2, Gestures (1 hand) -1/4, Incantations -1/4, No Range -1/2, Requires a Faith Power Roll -1/2 BP:30 AP:38 Real Cost: 8
  5. The life support is interesting but I want the Purify to have less AP than the Create Purify Food & Drink Transform, Minor 4d6 (Spoiled Food and Drink into Edible Food and Drink) AOE 1m Radius +1/4, Concentration 1/2 DCV -1/4, Extra Turn to cast -1 1/4, Gestures (1 hand) -1/4, Incantations -1/4, No Range -1/2, Limited Target (Food Items and Drinks) -1/4, All or Nothing -1/2. BP:20, AP:25 Real Cost:6 Create Food & Water Transform, Major 3d6 (Creates a tasteless porridge and water) AOE 1m Radius +1/4, Concentration 1/2 DCV -1/4, Extra 10 Minutes to cast -2, Gestures (1 hand) -1/4, Incantations -1/4, No Range -1/2 BP:30 AP:38 Real Cost: 9
  6. Can anyone help me make up spells to Create water, Create Food and Purify Food and Drink? For a Druid type spell caster that uses a VPP for their spell casting.
  7. Issues of speed dcv bonus. Case 1) two ships under speed and a personal ranged weapon is used to fire from ship to ship at the opposing crew. Does the defender get the dcv bonus for high speed. (Spelljammers move is measured in hundreds of meters per turn) Case 2) two ships moving in same direction when a boarding action occurs. Do two combantents get the bonus from the ship that they are fighting upon? (This one makes me think no because their realitive speed to each other is 0.)
  8. Yes, it is a base and a vehicle with the advantages/disadvantages of both. I see in Fantasy Hero Complete a combined chart that extends the vehicle chart beyond what is in Volume 2, I was worried about possibility fake extending the chart for up a Neogi Deathspider. In spelljammer, sails on a ship do not increase the speed of a ship. That is set by the Type of Magical Helm and the level of person on it. Sails increase combat maneuverability. Yes, I have already stated up how a mage or Cleric powers the Helm.
  9. Drop downs can be a pain to change after you build them. Best just to build the full chart, if you have it. I usually just use a Vlookup table, easy to change/modify. But that does not answer the more important question, does a ship's mast, sail and rigging count towards total volume when you are trying to determine the vehicles size? Do they count for the full volume or since most of that space is empty air can you just ignore it?
  10. I am running a fantasy/star hero crossover game based on the old TSR Spelljammer setting and have some questions about Vehicles. 1) on a traditional style open deck sailing ship, do I need to take in account for the volume total the ship's masts, sails and rigging? 2) combat movement, is there a chart for limited maneuverability in a secondary book like the equipment guide? I an hoping for an expanded chart of some sort over what is in volume 2, the source material has maneuverability class A to G for the ships. 3) has anyone made an excel based vehicle record sheet? The PC are 175/50 heros, so I am ruled the base ship and helm to be equipment that they do not need to spend CP on. If they want improvements to the ship they will have to spend CP and treasure on. Any other pieces of advice for me?
  11. Extra STR is possible for the item. Why? To thrust the spear/pike with the piece of equipment I described, the Hoplite would swing their hip and the motion would carry into the spear thrust.
  12. My group just started a Fantasy/Space Hero Game. We used hit locations and were scratching our heads about it. The Hit location table includes multipliers greater that x3 but Killing Attacks without the hit locations only use 1d3 for the multiplier. Is the Table incorrect? or is this an exception to the d3 multiplier rule? It the Table a Hold over from 5th ed and not corrected? Thanks, Tanis Frey
  13. The Greek Hoplite had a bit of equipment for using long spears/Pikes with one hand. It was a long leather strap with a cup at the bottom. You would place the strap over your left shoulder and the cup rested against your right hip. You would place the end of the pike in the cup and use your right hand to guide it. This took the weight off your spear hand and transferred it to your shoulder, allowing you to use the pike in one hand and a shield in the other. In Hero Terms the spear holder would be a Extra Limb (AP:5, Only to use spears/pikes -1/2) CP: 3
  14. Opale, I am not sure where you are getting the 10 adder from 6E1 152 lists it as a 5 point add unless the GM rules otherwise and adders normal do not get applied to defense powers. I will throw in the Physical complication also for 0 points, I already have all my complications points plus some. Thanks for the Ideas, -Tanis Frey
  15. GM ruled that it is not in the human mental group, therefore a standard mentalist cannot affect the android. It comes down to this a mentalist who can affect the robot group understands the base code of human built computers. The alien CPU in the Android PC was built off world by alien scientist using alien logic, so it has it different base code. I first build the power with 40 harden MD but I miss read the point total differences between 5th Ed and 6th and had to cut about 66 cp from the character.
  16. I have made an alien android PC for a champions game and have questions about how to build his mental defense. Currently build 25 cp Mental Defense 31 (active points:31, unified power -1/4) I am thinking it needs the following hardened +1/4, variable advantage (member of mental group: alien and robot) +?, variable (mental defense doubles if opponent does not have both mental groups) +?, variable limit (can be affected if opponent has only one of 2 mental groups) -? What do you think the variable Advantages/limitations should be worth? I plan to keep the character points the same and adjust the size the active points of the power. Thanks, -Tanis Frey
  17. Is Aramaic close to any other language group.
  18. Aramaic was common during the time of Jesus, I think it died out and was replaced by Arabic before the 1100's.
  19. I did something like this when I ran a Mystic China campaign with the Hackmaster system. In that system you have a mastery level of a skill (or language) based on a %. Every district that separated you and the person you were talking with, your mastery level dropped by one. Also, every Province of China had its own spoken language and the officials all spoke the Imperial language as well as the local provincial language. China did only have one written language.
  20. The language map is vary useful because the Byzantine empire does hire troops from the regions along the old Viking trade routes running through what is now Russia.
  21. This disscussion is helping me to include the languages now concidered almost dead but very much alive during the 1100's. And I was not sure if it would be old or middle english. Middle english is just comming into being after the norman invasion of 1050 whatever.
  22. Has anyone created a languages chart for the medievel time frame, 1100 AD. I am running a game set in the Crusades shortly that such a chart would be a great help.
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