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Everything posted by Echo3Niner

  1. I see we're only speaking of Iron Man/Tony Stark from the MCU, not comics here. And, as we prepare for the forthcoming Capt. America 3; Civil War, where Stark will be the "bad guy", I think opinions of him will change drastically. Of course, I'm basing that on the Comic version of Civil War; since they're going to deal with that in only one film, and I highly doubt it'll end with the death of Capt. America as it did in the comics, it'll be interesting to see how it's handled in the MCU...
  2. What exactly does PRIMUS and UNTIL stand for?
  3. OK, now that we've covered that; what about cosmic groups? E.g. Nova or the Lantern Corps?
  4. So, I'm aware of VIPER, and how they are like Hydra to an extent, but that got me to wondering, is there a Champions version of SHIELD?
  5. New Team: Sin'ister Royalty Based on the 7 Deadly Sins, no power theme (open to whatever), but it has to make sense with the Demon's name and sin they are responsible for (Villain's public character name - secret ID can be whomever, not related, or could be). Based in Las Vegas, of course. The team/sin list is: In AD 590, a little over two centuries after Evagrius wrote his list, Pope Gregory I revised this list to form the more common Seven Deadly Sins, by folding (sorrow/despair/despondency) into acedia, vainglory into pride, and adding envy. In the order used by Pope Gregory, and repeated by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) centuries later in his epic poem The Divine Comedy, the seven deadly sins are as follows - In 1409-1410 The Lanterne of Light (an anonymous English Lollard tract often erroneously attributed to Wycliffe) paired each of the deadly sins with a demon, who tempted people by means of the associated sin. According to this classification system, the pairings are as follows: Asmodeus: luxuria (lechery/lust) Belphegor: gula (gluttony) Mammon: avaritia (avarice/greed) Abadon: acedia (sloth/discouragement) Sathanus: ira (wrath) Belzebub: invidia (envy) Lucifer: superbia (pride)
  6. I think you meant Inaccessible in the spell out...
  7. Also note, that CC recommends that for a full-on powered battle armor guy, you may want to use "Only in alternate identity". You'd be hard pressed to get Stark outta his armor in 12 seconds... CC pg. 105 "An Inaccessible Focus cannot be easily taken away from the character (examples include a ring or a suit of armor). It can be targeted in combat to damage it as above, but it cannot be Grabbed, Disarmed, or removed while the character is in combat or resisting. An Inaccessible Focus can be taken away from an unresisting target out of combat (or the target can otherwise be deprived of its use) in 1 Turn. If the character can’t be deprived of its use at all, it cannot take the Focus Limitation (see Only In Alternate Identity, page 111)"
  8. Per the webpage; Overwatch™ is a team-based shooter where heroes do battle in a world of conflict. Whether you're engaging in combat on the front line, providing defensive cover with your energy shield, or supporting your allies by amplifying their damage, every hero's abilities are designed to be effective as part of a team. Learning to utilize your abilities in concert with your teammates' is the key to victory. Teams of heroes do battle across the planet. From protecting the secrets of the mysterious Temple of Anubis, to safely escorting an EMP device through King's Row, the world is your battlefield. PAYLOAD: The attacking team's objective is to move the payload to a delivery point, while the defenders must halt the attackers' progress until time runs out. POINT CAPTURE: Two teams battle over control of the map, one team on offense, the other on defense. The attackers' goal is to capture critical objectives, while the defenders must maintain control over them until time runs out. So, sounds like it will be team vs. team co-op/competitive PvP play...
  9. Well, since my PC's are going to be using these, on one hand, I'd like them to make some sense, as they'll ask me how they work, so they know if they can rely on them or not (I'll hold them off with an sfx explanation for now). But at the same time, since the PC's will use them, I want my NPC's to break out of them, when the time is right. At this point, I'm leaning towards story elements only; for the reason described above. For now. However, at some point the players may have to PAY for these cuffs, so that's when I'll need to figure out the CP of them... So any further ideas of realistic cuffs, that are not absolute, would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Yes, as I said, it's campaign based. SURGE is a story element of my campaign world (detailed in a backstory in another thread), and as all the characteristics are SURGE powered, they are linked in that fashion; they could also all be dispelled/drained/suppressed as a single group as well... Characters/players do not HAVE to take the benefit of the extra savings, if they do not want their super so vulnerable, or they don't have super based characteristics. But, due to the unique nature of SURGE, and the fact that ALL superpowers in my game world are generated from this radiation, I have deemed it OK for a player (or this case GM villain) to take the savings, if they want the vulnerability.
  11. I have a supervillain I recently used that is a speedster, her pdf is attached, if it helps. Some of this is campaign based. Wind Shear.pdf
  12. A sucking chest wound is the villain's way of telling you to slow down; until your healing factor kicks in.
  13. Hey, trying to make up supervillain hand cuffs for my game; for the heroes to use when arresting villains. Tried to come up with a couple thoughts, and Cassandra gave me a couple ideas in the chat, so thought I'd post what I've got here and see what everyone thought: Super Villain Hand Cuffs: Drain REC 6d6, Persistent (+1/4), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Full Phase to reset; +1/4), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Constant (+1/2) (150 Active Points); OAF Unbreakable (-1), Unified Power (-1/4), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (-1/4) These things are 150AP and 60RP. I'm thinking perhaps this should be suppression version of drain? Or, is there a way to have them trigger as soon as someone ramps up their power, so it can be cheaper as that wouldn't have to be constant? The idea here is that if the heroes have knocked the villains out, the cuffs restricting REC keeps them from recovering and they can't use any of their powers or STR, etc. Thoughts on these? Other ideas?
  14. Yes, at this point we're really "play-testing" the game, so I and my players can learn (relearn in my and one of my player's case) the game and to figure out how to make the game run well with my larger group. Yes, it was cool that she kept him out of combat for 2 or 3 (can't remember) of his phases, you are right, that alone was cool. Yes, I have come to this conclusion as well. In our discussion of power caps, I like the 100 AP's, but with the caveat that the characters "main" power can maybe be 150 AP's. At least that's where I'm at this moment.
  15. Perhaps you didn't read from the beginning? This is NOT an issue of someone attempting to take advantage of the rules and figure out a crazy, game altering power; it was a case of my wife making a power, with my help yet, which did more than I bargained for, and I was trying to figure out how to manage it. I'm hoping for a bit more roleplaying in the next game, as they have so far been direct fights, as this really is a play test; but, to keep the players engaged (even in a play test), I'm going to try to have a bit more story in the next one, and a little less dice rolling. I will have some, as the point here is to see how the game plays, but this time I'm likely going to have a bunch of low powered villain controlled drones, so we'll see how the characters work against a bunch of low-powered opponents.
  16. So, the fight went pretty well. Lowering my wife's mental entangle to 4d6 proved beneficial, as Wind Shear was completely locked down, but Photon escaped it once, and she spent the entire fight keeping him locked up (which I'm OK with). Though she now has an Enemy, as Photon, who never got to move during the entire fight, HATES her... My daughter's crazy gate power did not prove to be as bad as I had feared, although she's just getting the hang of it. She has a low OCV (for the group), and the limited combat range helps as well. She did pull off a pretty cool power stunt; gating Grogg up into the air, letting him fall, then catching him with another gate, and letting him fall, then catching him a final time and letting him hit the ground, in this way he fell more than 60 meters, thus hitting terminal velocity and hitting the ground with a 30d6 impact! Knocked him out cold, and didn't cause any BODY. (Using a held action, then her phase, then by the time her last phase came along, he was just about to hit the ground, when she gated him the last time...) The fight was very well balanced, and lasted several hours. It went about 3 turns in game time. It would have gone a lot faster in real time, but we were forced to look up a lot of rules as we went, as none of us know them well; but, that'll speed up with time, and is part of the point of this game testing, so all's good. Overall I was pretty happy with it, and think the players were as well, though one didn't get to do much, as he was busy saving the scientist, so we'll have to get him more involved next time. It was a resounding success for the party, and overall a good, fun game. Now, I have to figure out who the FF's supervillain boss is, and figure out how to make the next game more about a long range confrontation with him, over the simple, direct combats they've been so far. At this point, I'm planning on using an army of AKB's (Autonomous Kill Bots - basically drones with limited AI), as the combatants; now I just need to figure out how to integrate the reveal of the supervillain boss into that...
  17. I have not had that, but I have had players ask me to make an NPC that is in the party, because they enjoy it when I have a "PC" in the team...
  18. VERY nice DoD; helped me as well...
  19. So, it has a couple charts that relate to this; there is the "character types guideline table" on pg. 9, which has the CP/Complications totals for different types of characters. Then pg. 190 has some written guidelines for character limits, but no charts. Finally, pg. 207 has some stats for average people (small child through competent normal). I too am new (again; coming back after ~20 years) to Champions. Beyond the advice you can get here (which has been great for me), there are several threads on here about specific issues; as an example, I have a thread where I ask about "loophole" powers, where limits and cap guidelines are discussed at length. These types of threads can help as well.
  20. So, our ED game ran late into the night on Saturday, so no Champions on Sunday. We are planning on Champions this coming Saturday afternoon however, as our ED game is now on hold (due to real life scheduling conflicts) until the end of November... That being the case, we'll likely get several Champions games in over the next several weekends. My next combat test, will be the 5 hero characters; including my wife's de-tuned (4d6) Mental Entangle, and my daughter's ridiculous (320AP/128RP) gate power - vs. - The Fearsome Foursome - kinda themed on an evil version of the Fantastic Four, though their powers are very different. The FF are a 600 point per villain team, so should be a major threat to our heroes. The team is made up of: Narrai tank; super dense, kenetic absorbtion (Shaw), with long single spikes growing from back of hands (The Maxx): Grogg the Impaler. Lyrrissi Mentalist; desolidified Enchantress/Hypnotist, with immunities (Malice): Vexx. Human Speedster; Female (Quicksilver) with a death streak (claw hands like Ripclaw): Wind Shear. Human Flying, hard to hit energy blaster (light/heat) (Guardian from Alpha Flight, without a suit); Photon. The Narrai and Lyrrissi are alien species from my gameworld. The battle will basically begin as the FF have attempted to grab a scientist (for their mysterious Super-villain boss) at Union Station in Chicago (where our game is based). The hero team (who work for the FBI) will gate down there and confront them in the Great Hall of the Headhouse. CPD will have cleared all the civilians they can out, so should be plenty of room and a lot of fun in this makeshift arena... I'm sure I'll be back with plenty of questions after this...
  21. Minor correction; you have steriaca and I inverted; I created Tougher, not Tantrum.
  22. Felix, is your standard nuclear-powered exoskeleton wearing soldier of the future, fighting Insectoid Aliens across the cosmos; right out of John Steakley's novel Armor. The consummate soldier, Felix is a survivor, from the character in the book, his is impossible to kill. His armor is an extension of the machine that is really in Felix's head and heart, which makes him an unstoppable killing machine. With a extremely high willpower (EGO), and combat luck to an impossible level, nothing can ever finish Felix; he always finds a way to survive and win in the end. "He's the best of us. The best of our best, the best that each of us will ever build or ever love. So pray for this Guardian of our growth and choose him well, for if he be not truly blest, then our designs are surely frivolous and our future but a tragic waste of hope. Bless our best and adore for he doth bear our measure to the Cosmos." - John Steakley, Armor, p. 62 "Bullies don't want to fight you. They don't want to fight at all. They simply want to beat you up." - Armor, re-used in Vampire$. "He manages to survive, not through an inherent craving for life, but through a stubborn refusal of death." - Armor "You are What you do When it counts" -The Masao (from the novel, Armor)
  23. Tougher gets along great with Tantrum, because Tougher is nothing but a damage sponge. He really only has two powers; one, he can absorb kinetic energy which builds and builds and once it reaches a threshold, his second power is he can release it as energy blasts of kinetic force. During the moment he has reached his threshold, but before he releases his stored energy, he can take damage. To make everyone come after him, he has the highly developed talent to taunt enemies or anyone really. Tantrum is a favorite target, if Tougher needs to charge before a battle, it serves two purposes; it gets Tantrum angry, and charges Tougher. His name, is a taunt of it's own; "I'm Tougher, than you, and you; any of you! Is that all you've got for me? You hit like a little girl!"
  24. I like this idea a lot. So far, in our one game, everyone enjoyed it. Very true, we are lining up our second game, but as a test game, it get's second (or lower) priority. Right now, we have our next ED game planned for Saturday, so I'm seeing if we can get Champions test 2 in on Sunday, or if we'll need to wait another week...
  25. Yes, I get that now, and I'm past it. I agree that some starting limitations or caps need to be imposed. What I'm trying to figure out now (being new again to Champions) is WHAT limitations make sense for my team - hence all the questions about types of limitations. As I have mentioned, I ONLY HAVE Champions Complete; so as has been noted, CC doesn't have this same level of documented examples of limits/caps. That is why I asked (and appreciate) the examples from other books and advice based on experience that have been offered. I agree, and I am taking it in the appropriate light. This is why I'm asking so many (obviously) n00b questions about this, is that I'm trying to figure out what the right limitations/caps will be for my specific group. Again, I agree with the concept of limits; I'm trying now to determine WHAT specific limits I should use for my gaming group, that will still allow for freedom of character design, not make every character seem to almost be the same, and allow my players to still feel it is their strategy that is winning the day, not a lucky die roll. Early in this thread there was a bunch of "how to control munchkins" type discussion. The point I was making about my players is that they are not munchkins. I still agree that limits need to be imposed, because as everyone has pointed out and I have freely admitted, my wife made an unbalanced power accidentally. So I understand different tactic are needed when it's a boss and his flunkies, as compared to a comparably powered villain team; and I would expect that. What I am taking away from this logic ("How will you know who is who?"), is that in most of all of your (meaning the broader 'your' as in most of the folks helping me here, not you specifically) combats seem to go very quickly. An example of this was someone who noted earlier, that most fights only go a turn or two at most. In my first combat, even with my wife's crazy power, the combat went 3 turns. I would expect for the next one I'm planning, with a villain team, that it'll go even longer. Given this amount of time, I expect my players will have time to switch enemies as their tactic respond to which villain is doing what. Is this a-typical?
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