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Everything posted by AdamLeisemann

  1. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. Powers are one criteria. I know I would rather read about Spider-Man instead of some poor mutant whose only power is that he can make his farts smell like cinnamon toast. (comparison courtesy my brother, whom I beleive originated such a comparison, but I could be wrong.) I suspect that for many of us, we get turned off of a superhero because of one particular writer: especially when we are just starting with the hero. If I started reading Marvel Comics with Civil War, I would be turned off of the Marvel Universe as a whole because of Millar's work. Yeah. Soimetimes a seemingly bad idea can be made into something great, like Tom Strong (I have not read it, but I figure that it's a fair assumption to make). It's all a matter of the writing and the execution. The Android Captain Marvel did have some potential according to some folks, despite being one of the silliest ideas to tarnish comic book pages. However, the imaginative concept was met by rather unimaginative writing, and that's why the comics ultimately shared a certain quality with road-killed skunks.
  2. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. I sometimes use MS Paint. Even if it isn't great, it is still fun.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Oh it's quite al-wight. We'll get this all out of our systems someday. I wight not be someday soon, but it'll be someday.
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070424/ap_on_fe_st/kryptonite_discovery_1 TYhis is not actual Kryptonite, but apparently, this stuff has the same chemical composition. What do you think of this?
  5. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. Tell me, is that a photo-manipulation, or did the comic really advertise, "100% total stupidity in every panel"?
  6. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. I still agree that Super Green Beret, despite his short run, is still the worst, with total stupidity in every panel. Actually, that might be a fun advertising line. "100% total stupidity in every panel!"
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Goth of War
  8. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. As much as I worry about what people associate with Superman, we all want the thrill of kicking some butt, and Superman does a good job of that in small doses. Superman can be found at his best in the Max Fleischer cartoons, which can be bought for a dollar (6-8 cartoons for a buck) at Wal-Mart. As a regular series, well, that's where superman has problems. While a less powerful character has more milage, people only seem to see one thing in Supes: Power. He gets the occasional good writer who can see more than that, but that's not often. If it seemed earlier that I was bashing Superman, that was not my intention. I'll admit that in one game I'm playing in, I'm rather enjoying fighting alongside a Superman clone.
  9. Re: You against Them: Battle of the Superheroes! Rep for presenting the first fight.
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I'm trying to imagine that kind of duet, and I can't help but laugh.
  11. Re: You against Them: Battle of the Superheroes! Well, for those who have a hard time thinking of pairing for battle, the matching power-sets are not mandatory, and Thematically Similar do not quite say "Identical powers." Wizard once did a Spiderman vs. Batman, and those two aren't really all that connect to one-another. Of course, I'm still looking at what kinds of pairs to use.
  12. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. *also raises hand with great guilt*
  13. Re: Rejected Superhero Names That soun like a character worth writing up.
  14. Re: Rejected Superhero Names I imagine that must well and truly suck. Were I 14, I'd feel sorry for the guy. But then, I didn't know back then what a name like that would connotate. Today, I would have tried to change the name if I could. No, only that he gets horny every seven years.
  15. I apologize if this thread has already been done, but it seemed like an interesting exercise. I remember in magazines lik Wizard that they used to have mini-articles in which two superheroes from any comics universe would find themselves in combat with each other (ex: Spiderman vs. Batman (I think there was one match like that in Wizard)). Well, as a possible character exercise, here's what to do: Take one of your characters, and then select an established comics character from any era. This works best if they are thematically similar, but this is not a requirement. Give each character a profile detailing strengths and weaknesses relevant to the combat. Give a synopsis of a comic book scenerio to bring these two characters into conflict. Tell how your character would win against the opposing hero. Then tell how the established hero would win against your character. Good Luck!
  16. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. The thing I personally worry about with my "supermen" is not playing a Superman Homage, but creating a character who is pretty much purely-munchkin, even if it did come from an otherwise cool idea. I also tend to worry about how to flesh the character out and make them more "Human," even if the character is by species nothing like a human. Though I will acknowledge, there used to be some fun with Superman. The trouble today is that DC won't let him change and become a person. With the possibility of Supes becoming Public Domain in a decade or so, that could very well change.
  17. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. I noticed that attempts to go ethnic are showing a tendancy towards suckitude. Anyone remember Black Vulcan, Apache Cheif, and Samurai from Superfriends? Those had to be among the worst for not only were they defective, they were offensive to the people they were supposed to represent (or so I've heard). Of course, Martin and Wendy, the Wonder Twins, and just about every other half-reared abortion of an original character on that show would qualify. Boy are we getting crowded here.
  18. Re: Disturbing Character premises... From what I read about it, yes. Very disturbing.
  19. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. Superman is one of those character I always worry about my characters becoming. But then, I do tend towards powerful character concepts, so I have reasons to worry about that.
  20. Re: best ever reason to be a Sidekick(hero support) "Sidekick? Isn't that a kick from the side? Oh, you mean that kind of a sidekick. Oh silly me. I'll let you in on something here. He's not really the hero. That's me. I just let him think he's the hero."
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