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Posts posted by AdamLeisemann

  1. Re: The Old Guard


    I'll admit, it might be fun to see supers in their old age, or possibly just getting their superpowers after a long time of being normal. The idea of an old man whose found a cure for some elder's disease, and it provides som,e kind of superpowers as well.

  2. Just for fun, I'd like to ask this question:


    How would you use the HERO System powers, talents, and skills (and also disadvantages) to create a smart alec/wise guy?


    Below is an explanation of what the smart alec is.


    A smart alec is "an obnoxiously self-assertive and impudent person" according to most dictionaries. As a character/personality type, the smart alec is someone who gets by on his wits and sense of humor, often driving others to make mistakes for easy exploitation. A combat example might be mocking someone into going berserk and forgetting their tactics, exposing a weak spot for the smart alec to strike and incapacitate the foe. Generally, a smart alec needs to be able to hold his/her own when the wits aloner don't work, so this type is definitely in need of crossover.


    Examples of "heroic" smart alecs in the informal definition: Bugs Bunny (in some of his (IMHO) better cartoons...), Spider Man (at least in the 1990s animated series)


    So, what builds would make the ultimate smart alec for you?


    Also feel free to post other examples of smart alec heroes.

  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Cartoon supervillains who would make a better President.




    "We are pulling the American forces out of Iraq. They will instead be beseiging Castle Greyskull. We have verified reports that there is a 'terrorist cell' hiding out in Catle Greyskull. Additionally, the power it shall grant me-- er, us will ensure that no 'terrorist' will be able to oppose us! Nyehehehehe..."

  4. New times. Old heroes.


    This is basically a Champions comedy (maybe some serious parts too) about a Superteam coming back from their nursing homes to fight the good fight once again. Complications are normal for the genre, but also include some of the following possibilities:


    Arthritis for the speedster.


    The Brick getting cramps when he lifts something really heavy.


    Senility for the Mentalist.


    Among others.


    This is just an idea for a game for laughs.

  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: James Bond gadgets a completely drunk Q came up with one night.


    Q: Well, Bond, this ordinary looking necktie is actually a Garrote.

    Bond: (trying to breathe) Thank you bery much. Now get it off... (drops unconscious from lack of oxygen).

  6. Re: Superlion! More Silver Age madness


    A lot of it depends on how it is handles. Yes, there is Silver Age Tripe, but there's also a sense of escapism that is lacking in the emo-oriented Iron Age comics. Admittedly for me, it's about escapism. The occasional relevant bit is okay, but it shouldn't be one kick to the testes after another like most Iron Age fare or modern Spider Man.

  7. Here's something just to do for amusement:


    1: Take a situation, preferably something silly.


    2: Use your characters (or characters from the Champions Universe) to write out a comedic skit with this situation, using the quirks of the characters as they interact and deal with the situation.


    Examples can include the Champions playing Champions, Foxbat on a date, a Superhero PSA, or Cesar Millan rehabilitating a canine supervillain. (These are just examples. I'm sure more can come from your fertile imagination.)


    The only restriction is this: No vulgarity. Keep it Work-safe.


    Have fun folks!

  8. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous)


    The Ultimate Drinking Song


    The Ultimate Model


    Soap Opera HERO season 1234567890.123456789, where Doctor Destroyer takes over the world and gets married to Foxbatgirl, while Foxbat and Defender realize that Foxbatgirl is merely being manipulated by the megalomaniac and enlist the aid of Mechanon and the city of Elwier to put an end to it once and for all, maybe even destroying Destroyer. Will they succeed? Will ASeeker finally let his love for Quantum be revealed? Will Mechanon choose to betray the Champions? Find out on "The Life and Times of FREd..."

  9. Here's an idea my brother and I thought about on the previous weekend.


    In a lot of games, there is generally some kind of morality/humanity scale. This is like Humanity in Sorcerer and Vampire: The Masquerade, or Wisdom in Mage: The Awakening, or other similar systems based on Degeneration.


    The approach would be as follows:


    15 stages of morality, and characters begin at Neutral. They can become good or evil based on their actions, but in going too far either way, there is a risk of eventually becoming Unbalanced. (Such as being the Watchmen or Darkseid).


    Of course, each level would have an act of good (to become more good) and an act of evil (to become more evil) associated with each, with tangible benefits for each level away from neutral, until you become the Authority (Good gone too far) or Doctor Destroyer (Evil gone too far).


    Just a basic idea admittedly lacking in development, something that may go well with a campaign message of "absolute power corrupts absolutely because of how this power is misused."

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