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Everything posted by etherio

  1. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Try this one...it's 80 X 80 pixels and a .gif. It's a little sharper than the one you're using.
  2. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... This one sounds very interesting and cool...and very challenging. I will definitely make an attempt, given the time. Right now I'm waiting for a new job to start, my son's with my ex-wife for the week, and my car's crapped out. That confluence of forces has left me with some time on my hands, but it won't last forever. I'm happy to do this as a favor while my time's not very valuable, but as I said in the thread starter (just reminding), I reserve the right to use the images I'm making for other projects in the future. That may never happen, but ya never know.
  3. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Looks like you lost some resolution in your avatar. If you're having trouble making the avatar clearer, let me know the pixel dimensions you want and I'll crop one out for you.
  4. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Happy to oblige...glad you like it. By the way, are you in the same campaign with SKJAM? I did that 'Mask of Justice' pic for him earlier. If so, your characters'll have a nice symmetry, being done in the same style. I think there's no better style for Golden Age stuff than the 'Animated Series' look.
  5. Re: My Cool Color Hudson City Map I forgot to add, but I think it goes without saying: Beautiful map. We RPG gamers love maps, don't we?
  6. Re: My Cool Color Hudson City Map Offered for sale in the online store as an image file of some sort, I think you'd sell a few pretty handily. I, for one (if I were using HC yet in my campaign), would actually prefer the file to a mailed hardcopy. That way when new stuff pops up in my campaign, I could add it to the image and the legend, and then get an updated copy printed at Kinko's when I felt it was due. I realize that means you wouldn't be able to shill me for buying new copies, but I think few of us would be replacing copies due to mileage anyway..
  7. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Here he is...Since you didn't give me an "official" name yet, I'll call him 'Navajo' for now: I began by trying a more-standard-clothing style on him, and he was just looking bland. His powers' special effects aside, he could've been any old Native American character from any old setting. I figured I'd go for something a little more superhero-ish and see how it went. Let me know what you think. Editing: I reposted this image for a while at a lower resolution.
  8. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Gotcha. This one'll be a stretch, but I'll do my best. That's the point of this exercise, anyway. Get some practice and maybe spread a little happiness.
  9. Re: Gimme a cool challenge...
  10. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Nice interpretation of the character description, Winterhawk. That one was a little intimidating to try. I'm terrible with designing robots and such.
  11. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... My kind of girl...
  12. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Winterhawk...any chance you might want to take a shot at this one? Based on your work that you posted on another thread, I think you're a little better at the femme fatale type.
  13. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... No compliment could be more awesome than your new avatar, SKJAM!
  14. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... I posted the images in high resolution, so you can use them for larger portraits on character sheets if you like. Before long, though, each image is going to have to be reposted at lower res, or even deleted, in order to stay within my 1 meg storage limit.
  15. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Presenting the 'Mask of Justice'... Once he was done, I felt like I had combined 'Rorschach' and the 'Question.' I think he has some style of his own, though. Enjoy...no PC should go without a pic for long, especially if everybody else has one. Editing: I reposted this image for a while at a lower resolution.
  16. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Cool...glad to have you aboard. It'd be nice if this thread could remain in the "request-and-provide-if-it-inspires-ya" format, rather than becoming a showcase for stuff we've done before. Sound okay to you, Winterhawk?
  17. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Thanks...I'll see what I can do, time permitting.
  18. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Uncle Sam wouldn't be too hard, considering that no design is necessary for the fugure...he's already well developed. However, I'd have to get to it eventually and spend the time on it. This help for now? It's the WWII 'Uncle Sam' from my campaign world. Editing: I'll be pulling this pic soon because of the attachment size limit, so grab it if ya want it. This one was posted on another thread before...only attached it here because of Agent 333's request for an Uncle Sam image.
  19. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Now to work on 'Mask of Justice'...
  20. Re: Gimme a cool challenge...
  21. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... I'll take a shot at the Mask of Justice and Dr. Olympus for now. Don't be shy about posting more ideas, though! By the way, in the Mask's description, it mentions that he may move to a full-blown costume soon. Has that happened? How would you prefer him depicted?
  22. Re: Gimme a cool challenge...
  23. I'm in the mood to make a BTAS-style pic. If you're interested, post a character concept that's cool. I especially like Golden Age heroes, so please inspire me along those lines. If I choose yours, you can feel free to use the pic for your gaming purposes, but I might want to use it later, so I reserve the copyright, for what it's worth. I'm not the most accomplished figure designer, but some of you might have liked the work that I've posted in the past. If you're one of them, or just have a character that you've wanted to see realized in the animated style, then post away.
  24. Re: Lemme know how you'd handle this power build... That one made me laugh out loud...exactly the reaction we had years ago when we made the character initially. This is actually something I'd like to avoid. I think I'll instead put in the labor and make several forms that are representative of lots of different animals (big cat, bird of prey, canine, elephant, equine, 'gator, shark, small marine mammal, etc.) and make reasonably "souped-up" forms that can be useful on the battlefield. Shapechange can allow for the special effect of transforming into lots of different specific species, but using generic combat forms like these can avoid the inevitable munchkin-like behavior of using only 2 or 3 different very specific animals in battle. After all, Changeling of the Titans would zap into all kinds of forms...he didn't have to worry that a lion might just be tougher all-around than a tiger (only an illustrative example...please don't look it up and blast me if this is wrong). If and when she wants animals with unusual or unusually-good abilities of one type or another (like a bloodhound or an electric eel), we'll deal with it on a case-by-case basis. Hopefully that'll occur most often out of combat, and then it won't be a problem
  25. Re: How Long to Learn Hero System? I've been playing HERO Games since I picked up a copy of Justice Inc. back in my sophomore year of high school in '85. I don't believe that Champions is inherently more difficult in gameplay, but what might intimidate is the bewildering variety of options that it offers for character building and, especially, genre choice. I think the best strategy is to just read the Combat and Adventuring section, buy a supplement that includes a setting that you like, and use pre-generated characters for both PCs and NPCs. The gameplay itself will fall into place nicely as you and your players begin, and you can just look up whatever presents itself as a problem. The complex bits of HERO are the ones that offer what other systems don't: total control of your gameworld and characters. Move into that phase gradually as your PCs gain and spend experience, and as you learn to build NPCs to interact with them.
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