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Everything posted by etherio

  1. Re: A new toy for your WW2 PCs. The Surcouf/Narwhal! (HDC file included) Very cool... But I believe my villainous Nazi scientist and his super-soldier henchmen will make better use of this little beauty than the heroes...
  2. Re: Game Maps and Counters Exchange Done...I emailed them to you. I think I sent them all. I'm posting here in case anyone else wants the zipped files. I'm happy to share. Let me know what you think of them, Wolfjack.
  3. Re: Game Maps and Counters Exchange
  4. Re: Game Maps and Counters Exchange You've offered this before, and I think I'll take you up on it. Let me see if my brother wants to tackle finishing my website first, though.
  5. Re: Game Maps and Counters Exchange I gotta have both. Please...
  6. Re: Game Maps and Counters Exchange
  7. Re: House Rules for Hit Location Zornwil's enthusiasm for my little pet rule system makes me extremely proud. He's an obviously highly intelligent reptile, and sincere praise is awesomely gratifying for something that you put so much of yourself into. I did put a lot of thought and time into these rules, and I feel that they're pretty cool, if you don't mind the extra bit of added lethality. And I don't, for most heroic-scale games. As with everything I share on these forums, if any one of you gets a little more out of your HERO gaming because of something I contributed, then the effort is worth it.
  8. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Sorry folks... I've been neglecting this thread lately, and I thought it was going well. I started a new job 3 weeks ago, and I've been working about 70 hours a week, so I haven't had time to shave and $h1+ at home, much less make pics. I would like to invite others to join in, though. So please...if you have any interest in taking the challenge, or if you just wanna help out a felllow gamer who's less handy with making images than you are, grab one of the descriptions submitted here and run with it. It would be nice to keep in the original spirit of the thread and do Batman: TAS-syle pics or animation-style pics in general, but I heartily welcome anything with a retro feel to it. Pulp genre characters, Golden-Age guys, etc. That's the stuff I love and want to see, personally. Come on, all you artistic types: it's not a full time job. Just do one or two. I'm sure it's fully tax-deductible.
  9. Re: Gamma Girl pics Thanks for the PM turning me on to this thread, Chimpira. You do some great work, and it's always super cool when somebody who can draw decides to help you visually realize a character that you've created and developed...put a lotta love into. I'd love to take a shot at coloring an image or two that you've posted here, and post the results. I don't want to tread on your thread or logjam it up with crap, so lemme know if it's okay. Ya gotta understand, those of us who can't draw have to get our creative kicks vicariously through talented folks like you.
  10. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Photoshop here also. I can't draw by hand for beans, but I'm pretty handy with Photoshop.
  11. Re: Feelin' philosophical... Excellent points, all.
  12. Re: Feelin' philosophical... Not a tangent at all, in my opinion. This (and several other comments made by posters here) is very similar to the sentiment I was trying to express in the thread starter. I don't think it's largely because of age. I was 10 when I first played D&D; I was 13 when I picked up my first HERO game (Justice, Inc. by the way). I was blown away, and I really felt that this was something different and altogether more of a creative medium than other games. With a few exceptional circumstances when AD&D was fun for a while to cleanse the palate from HERO, I've never gone back.
  13. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Well, here he is. I went for idealistic Golden Age super. This is in way of thanks for responding so quickly when I requested that spreadsheet from you. Let me know what you think of the Mighty Neutronium:
  14. Since the new format for the boards began displaying our ages in our signatures, I've noticed a distinct pattern. The bulk of us are around the same age: a bunch of 30ish to 40ish 'Gen Xers,' or whatever you'd call that group. I'm sure that RPGaming is generally continuing to be picked up by our societal counterparts among younger folks; the crowd that I see in my local hobby stores indicates as much to me. I wonder, though, if the HERO fanbase and demographic is something that's just going to grow old along with us. Is this style of gaming something that had a unique appeal to our age bracket? Is there something about the state of the geekdom hobbysphere (games, comics, etc.) or about the world at large during our adolescence that caused us to appreciate the hobby in a different way than our younger fellow hobbyists do? There are definitely some major differences between the world those younger folks have grown up in and the one that we, though we're not so much older, experienced as we grew up. No internet, no cel phones (to speak of, anyway), the Cold War. It was a different place to be a kid. I think that the values, conflicts, and general style offered by those entertainments we enjoyed as hobbyists reflected the times and we continue to reflect that in the way we express ourselves as gamers. Maybe I'm being too philosophical. Chime in if you have any opinions.
  15. Re: Interesting Universe Funny stuff to browse. Not sure if it's RPG-related, based on my perusal, but also pretty sure that, while I find it funny, I would not enjoy gaming with those folks. Having some beers and shooting the $#!*, definitely, but gaming? Nah.
  16. Re: Clix mod challenge Holy crap!
  17. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... BTW, I reposted the images that I pulled from earlier posts in this thread, but at a lower resolution.
  18. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Give a little more visual decription of your characters...gimme the feel of how they look. There are a number of requests here already, so since I can't do them all, I'll do the ones that inspire me. You give rep by clicking that little scales icon in the corner of a post. If I'm correct, right now you can't give any rep points, because you haven't posted enough times. I think that once you hit 50 posts, you'll start your rep "pool."
  19. Re: Clix mod challenge Awesome offer...your challenge takes a lot more work than mine.
  20. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Man, you crank 'em out in no time, Winterhawk.
  21. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... I'm pretty happy with this one...my first attempt at something gadgety, but I think it came out well. Hope you enjoy it.
  22. Re: Gimme a cool challenge...
  23. Re: Gimme a cool challenge... Thanks. I put a lot of work into those two very things.
  24. Re: Gimme a cool challenge...
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