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Kraven Kor

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Everything posted by Kraven Kor

  1. Re: SpaceCraft Miniatures... Can you email me some specifics on what you have and what you would want for them? Pics would be awesome, I like some of their ships, but definitely don't want B5 minis.
  2. Re: Can anyone point me in the right direction? Here is a small list I put together for my SH campaign. If you need in non-HeroDesigner format let me know.
  3. Re: [Deck Plans] Merc / Independent Cruiser The deck plans were created with "AutoRealm," a FREEWare Mapping Application made by gamers, for gamers. http://www.gryc.ws/autorealm.htm
  4. Re: [Deck Plans] Merc / Independent Cruiser OK, here it be. The picture is from http://www.scifi-meshes.com/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/949/limit/views and may be replaced at some point. Thanks again for all the input, I'll hopefully have my second ship done by next week. We had session 1 last night, I'll be putting up a campaign log at some point too.
  5. Re: [Deck Plans] Merc / Independent Cruiser Thanks to StarWolf, the .pdf is now available. Unfortunately, I don't have a place to host it right now. Anyone got some advice on where to do free/cheap file hosting? Also, I'd be interested in finding an artist of some type to make a depiction of the ship, if anybody knows of someone who might do such.
  6. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon Oh, yeah, they had some neat toys in that movie.
  7. Re: Homeworld & Homeworld 2 Sceen Shots & Mods I could not beat Homeworld 2 to save my life. The end is a MASSIVE fleet battle and no matter how many ships I had or what mix of ships I chose, I asploded.
  8. Re: [Deck Plans] Merc / Independent Cruiser Well, I'd post the character sheet here, but the "Hero Boards" export template doesn't seem to work on the boards. You see all the codes and <>'s and it won't format the post correctly. I'd host it but the only hosting I currently have available is for images. I'm looking at having a website for this stuff soon, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Anyone who wants it, post or PM me your address and I'll email it to you.
  9. Re: Firgate Class Starships While I'm not sure where that came from Thia, I'll respond. I just use a 0-point "Vehicle Weapon" modifier. This has several effects: 1. This weapon will vaporize any person struck by it. 2. This weapon has -11 OCV to hit non-vehicles. Same with defenses -- 0-point modifier "Vehicle Defense" that means small arms can't touch it, but that it can't be used for personal defense (beyond providing cover.) This way, my ships are exactly like normal characters. I don't need to have them roll 10x the dice of a normal attack, and I don't need them to have 50 points of resistant defense.
  10. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon God, I was in that play in High School.
  11. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon Well then, on the branching out note, yet another mention from me of "Doctor Device." http://everything2.net/index.pl?node_id=1180530 A nasty weapon. It sets up a spherical field wherein atoms can no longer share electrons. It breaks down matter. Literally, it makes all the atoms in the target go on seperate vacations as the old saying goes. What is worse, the field "propagates" -- any matter it encounters sets up a new spherical field, and any matter that field encounters... you get the idea. A fleet of ships packed too close together will die to a single shot. Use it on a planet... M. D. Device "Doctor Device": RKA 1d6, Limited Power Cannot be used in atmosphere -- ANY mass will propagate the field (+0), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Sticky (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4), Area Of Effect (9" Radius; +1), Continuous (+1), AVLD (Power Defense; +1 1/2) (109 Active Points)
  12. Kraven Kor

    HALO Hero?

    Re: HALO Hero? Sarge: May I introduce the our new light reconnaissance vehicle! It has four-inch armour plating, mag bumper suspension, a mounted machine gunner position, and total seating for three. Gentlemen, this is the M12LRV! I like to call it the Warthog. Simmons: Why Warthog, sir? Sarge: Because "M12LRV' is too hard to say in conversation, son. Grif: No, but... Why Warthog? I mean, it doesn't really look like a pig. Sarge: Say that again. Grif: I think it looks more like a puma. Sarge: What in Sam Hell is a puma? Simmons: You mean like the shoe company? Grif: No. Like a puma. It's a big cat. Like a lion. Sarge: You're makin' that up. Grif: I'm telling you, it's a real animal. Sarge: Simmons, I want you to poison Grif's next meal. Simmons: Yes, sir!
  13. Re: [Deck Plans] Merc / Independent Cruiser This is going to drive me freaking mad. None of the export templates paste into word in any usable fashion. They are all WAY outside the margins, and no amount of editing will fix it. Just when I think I have it right, it suddenly breaks another table and I have a 1 character wide column going 15 pages down. Starwolf, that offer still stand?
  14. Re: the point cost problem Another balancing factor: Using money accurately. For my SH campaign, I've worked out the following formula: Standard Gear (conventional firearms, low-tech armor, tools, anything "low tech"): Active Cost x Real Cost = Price in Credits, ammo is 1/10 of that per clip/reload. High Tech Gear (energy weapons, power armor, etc.): Active Cost x Real Cost x 10~100; ammo is 1/10 of that per clip/reload. Big Stuff (vehicles, starships, starship weaponry & upgrades, etc.): Active Cost x Real Cost x 1000+; ammo is 1/10 of that per clip/reload. I like this better than the default formula, as this takes into account disadvantages. IIRC, the default cost system is just Active Points x 10 or some such. Then, figure out the total cost of a decent starting "kit" for your Han Solo guy, and set up wealth to equate to starting cash. Make it so Han needs 15 points in wealth (or "hunted - debt" ) This way, they are still spending "points" for gear to balance things out a bit, at least at the beginning.
  15. Re: the point cost problem Actually, I've found the best way to balance this comes from how you administer your game, not in the point cost of things or what to charge for. First off, some things "Jedi" can do are phenomenal, not reproducable by equipment (mind trick to name one.) Some are easily reproduced in "no point cost" equipment (missile deflection.) So, the main issue is (and this happens in FH with fighter vs. wizard), the "non-powered" character spends all his points on skills, stats, skill levels, and martial manuevers. The "jedi" is forced to divide his points into other areas. Seems the "normal" has the advantage, no? But, put the characters in a position where their equipment is unavailable (or ineffective) and the challenged "jedi" suddenly has the leg up. You can also use "bonus disadvantages" for such a character. For instance, a "jedi" certainly has a code of conduct other characters are not limited by, on top of the normal disadvantes we all have. So, let him take the code as an extra disadvantage on top of the normal max. You end up with one character based on more points, but 20 or so points do not make a huge difference. If you are worried about the boosted power of this character, rule that the bonus has to be used to flesh out the character -- build the character on your base points, then let him spend the "bonus" on a limited list of things (I'd recommend skills, talents, perks, and characteristics only.) I'm using this "bonus disadvantage" concept in my current game, just to make sure the ship's captain has all the skills and such he needs. He ended up spending the bonus on some skills, some contacts, and the ship.
  16. Re: [Deck Plans] Merc / Independent Cruiser OK, I'm trying to put this into a PDF using that thing. What I need is a good export template capable of being pasted into word, so I can put it all in word then convert to PDF. Unless there is a better way -- like, using that program to combine 3 files into a single PDF? I guess I could save the sheet, convert it to PDF, then combine them? Those that use that PDF maker care to give me some pointers?
  17. Re: Revisit: Starship Flight Models / Sublight Speeds / Acceleration Rubber Science it is, then. The only way I can make this work is with a ship that accelerates to 7500 km/s in about 3 days, and then "coasts" at cruise speed and decelerates on the other end. Same as the original thread's calculations. Now, one thing I know for sure is the player's ship will not have the "new" gravity generators (these existed in the Miles books), so it won't have artificial gravity, but it will have to be equipped with "inertial dampeners." What is some good techno-babble for how the inertial dampeners work? Tie it into the anti-kinetic shield technology (Magnetic Deflectors)?
  18. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon I'll throw in a mention to the "Blazer" of Armor This is a rather impractical weapon if thought of realistically, but in the context of the book it made perfect sense. The Blazer is a continuous beam weapon that cuts/burns through nearly anything the beam comes in contact with. Like a lightsabre, only... with a blade up to a kilometer long (I forget the range but it was disgusting.) The weapon was used to fight the "Ants" of some weird planet. Like the arachnids of Starship Troopers, these creatures attacked in massive hoards. They did have some simple technology ("heat guns") but mostly would just try and overwhelm their foes and rip them limb from limb. The "Blazer" was used to cut them down by the thousands.
  19. I'm sure this had to have been posted in the past, but: http://www.scifi-meshes.com/
  20. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon Nerve Disruptor from the Miles books. It is like a (slightly unpredictable) remote control for people -- and it only has an off button. For those who haven't read the books (or haven't heard me blabbering about it on here already), the Nerve Disruptor is some sort of electrical weapon which fires a bolt described in the book as "crackling purple lightning." It has no affect on most materials, however, if it strikes a person... Those struck by this weapon are in trouble. The bolt completely fries the nervous system of its victims. Near misses cause numbness or "pins and needles" like the area had "fallen asleep." Glancing blows can cause permanent nerve damage in the location struck, repairable only by artificially replacing the nerves. A solid shot... you are dead. Or, if not dead, a paraplegic or total vegetable. Head shots are the worst -- as with most weapons -- since if you live you'll have permanent and severe brain damage. They are very popular for fighting on ships and space stations as they cause no structural damage. They are also a far more effective deterrent or "threat" than stunners or conventional firearms.
  21. Re: 60mm Mortars Should be fairly simple... Indirect (always follows arc) or whatever. Explosive RKA, with built in +OCV to offset range penalty. Increased range to several dozen km on artillery (I'm unsure of modern artillery range capabilities.)
  22. Re: Champions Universe Movie Casting Call Has anyone thought of Christopher Walken as Dr. Destroyer? That man plays evil so amazingly well.
  23. Re: Foxbat: A place in your campaign? My Champs GM -- Tenebre, who is lurking around here somewhere I'm sure -- used Foxbat to torment us on occasion. He ran a pretty goofy game -- nonstop jabs at the inconsistency and sillyness of the comic book genre -- and used Foxbat to good effect. Like, Foxbat once tried to convince our team to join under him as our leader. Then when we refused he attacked us with "summoned biscuits" or some such. Or he'd randomly show up inside our super-secret fortress, bristling with weapons and hardened anti-teleport force fields and try to give us advice on how to proceed, then vanish before we had a chance to try and wring his neck. My character was a cyborg brick (made by Mechanon) who failed to see the humor of his appearances, but I myself always had a good time with it.
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