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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Re: Ctrl+V Sacrificing their own life essence this technique warps the very threads of reality around the Character crafting powerful defenses. The Character may use their highest Supernatural Trait as a Supporting Characteristic for Armor Strength. Cost: 3 Energy + Normal Energy Costs and 2 Health and 2 Ego. Requires: Yin Style Trait 9, Unarmed Fighting Skill or Yang Style Trait 9, Hollow Mind Boon
  2. Re: Ctrl+V People all over the world (all the world, now) Join hands (love ride) Start a love train (love ride
  3. Re: Suggestions: Giant Elvis Fight If the PCs catch the Elvi off guard they could be watching a normal sized TV practicing their Elvis moves.
  4. Re: The move to FTP The Archetype progression schedule is up. It looks like Gold Characters gain 3 more powers and a few more advantage points. So inately more powerful. That kind of bites.
  5. Re: Ctrl+V Up here in space I'm looking down on you My lasers trace Everything you do
  6. Re: Ctrl+V submission@spencerhillassociates.com
  7. Re: The move to FTP That's why I thought they tended to abbreviate Free to play as F2P.
  8. Re: The move to FTP If you're not WOW you're desperate for players. Some games are just more willing to show a little leg.
  9. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.dieselsweeties.com/archive/2660
  10. This review will try and remain as spoiler free as possible. Demon Flame was run at level 32 on Elite Difficulty with this character. Spread over two days it took approximately 4 hours to complete. Overall I would say that this is much improved over Serpent Lantern. The adventure starts out with a simple investigation and quickly balloons into more. While the writing is improved compared to the general content I think this opening to the adventure could have been spread out a little bit more to build the anticipation before entering the Qliphotic Realm. However, the mission runs fairly quickly and dumps you into the action. While the adventure is started from the UNTIL base this Adventure Pack does a good job of reusing existing locations. There isn't a lot done in Millennium City but the initial meeting with Witchcraft is one of the better scenes in the arc. It helps to create a interconnected world and really has a strong comic book feel. On cut scenes and voice work. One of the more pleasant surprises in this adventure pack was the inclusion of voice overs for several of the cut scenes. Although some of the dialog got a bit comical the voice work really did a good job of adding to the immersion of the storyline. Hopefully, this is something we'll see more of in the future. The bulk of the adventure takes place in the Qliphotic Realm or as I like to think of it the swirly purple place. There's some great scenery here with a few, did you catch that images scattered here and there. Like in Serpent's Lantern you are charged with clearing certain locations before going on to the main objective. Not to harp to much on the Serpent's Lantern but it really begins to feel like doing the same mission three times with a different boss at the end. In Demon Flame they manage to avoid that varying the maps, objectives at each location and through dialog with NPCs. In addition to that, these missions are broken up by events happening in between to help illustrate the growing tension in the Qliphotic Realm. This was actually another major highlight for me as it gets you interacting with Friendly NPCs interacting in a very solid fashion. There was some confusion at the end after a large encounter and I'm not sure if that was due to something that happened in my instance or a scripted event. Sorry to be vague but again I'm going to try and stay as spoiler free as I can. Each of the bosses had their own play style. Unfortunately in the preliminary missions I really didn't need to change my tactics all that much. This changes for the final battle and giving us a fight where you have to actually think about everything going on is a major plus in my book. While I would have liked to have seen more variation in the enemies I think they were a good addition with their own feel. Granted they draw a lot of imagery from other sources but with each mission you get background information that is enjoyable to read but relatively short. Towards the end I did find myself a bit disappointed with the dialog of one NPC. It was clear the designers were trying to add a bit of levity but to me things came off as forced and missed the mark. The joke works once, please don't over use it. Really my only big problems with the writing come in at the end with the last few objectives and some of the dialog. The last battle gives a great epic feel and the cut scenes could have added to that but were hampered by some of the dialog. Sorry to harp on this but it really became distracting to me. Upon completion the process of leaving the adventure pack is actually an understated gem. Everything going on after leaving the Qliphotic Realm really gives you a sense of accomplishment. The overall difficulty seems to be on the low side. While I died maybe five times through the course of the adventure pack this was solo on Elite. Had I run the Demon Flame on the normal difficulty I don't think there would have been any issues at all here. However, difficulty can be a subjective thing this is why I've included a link to the build used in the adventure. To speak on rewards, if you do Serpent's Lantern for gear, you do Demon Flame for experience. While I did find once piece of equipment I could use the rewards do not come as frequent. Don't expect to replace a piece of gear with each mission. In conclusion I would say Demon Flame like Serpent's Lantern is a solid addition to Champions Online and I hope it is telling of things to come. Personally, I would like to see much more voice work, especially as they tighten up the writing.
  11. Re: Ctrl+V "Sex is like bridge: If you don't have a good partner, you better have a good hand." - Charles Pierce
  12. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/076041c13b/the-ballad-of-g-i-joe
  13. Re: Ctrl+V Not operating at full capacity
  14. Re: Ctrl+V Two Minutes To Midnight
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU1jCwyDgxw
  16. Re: Ctrl+V Insightful Style Verdant Lucid Brief History: Being a bodyguard was not some great feat. Flex for the crowd, move just right so that the jacket presses against the oversized hand cannon that’s connected to your glasses. All it takes is for the most part is for those who may be watching to know you’ve seen them too and you’re better armed. Not that you couldn’t or hadn’t backed it up in the past. It was part of the job and you were good at your job. Elucidation: They were called shark ranches. Corporate retreats with every toy and joy known to man. You’d had worse gigs. A nature trail, exciting stuff. Hogzilla comes bounding through the brush goring a suit and slicing your arm. Hungry beast takes off with your man and the next thing you knew you were wrestling with some beast that belonged in the story books over a corpse. Hanging onto its tusks it drug you into a garden place and left you for dead as it ran off to nurse its own wounds. Nothing fit the satellite photos and you were bleeding out. Refusing to die you pulled yourself to a nearby brook, had it been there before? Cleaning the wound you passed out under the rising moon still fighting to hold on to life. Manifestation: When you woke up you were back in familiar territory. Who knows how long had passed but there were men waiting to retrieve you. When you finally got to a mirror you saw the change. It was like your body was covered in a light brown fur and there was a month’s worth of hair growth. Abilities: The ability to see what was coming had always been a strength of yours. The Templar have taught you how to turn that into a weapon. Your perceptions have been expanded picking up on emotions and sometimes even surface thoughts of others. Tactics: While your skill with a gun has not diminished by any means your close combat skills have been refined to supernatural levels. You are able to strike with debilitating force with ease. Play Style: Defender, your years as a bodyguard have served you well. Stick close to weaker teammates, protect them for full effect.
  17. Re: Ctrl+V External Style Grave Lucid Brief History: When you were younger you bounced from job to job. When you could finally afford a car you found out just how much you like driving. It took a while but eventually you got a gig as an armored car driver. Cabs were a sure fire way of getting killed and you lacked the credentials to get a job driving limos so it was a nice median. Yeah it looked dangerous but it was armored right? It was only going to be until you could get a better job as a chuffer or something. That was six years ago. Its funny how someone can slide into a career they never expected. Elucidation: It was a run like any other, bank A, B, C and D and done. Somewhere between B and C the shooting started. Not the first time but it was heavy, automatic fire. Turning down a side street you didn’t realize you were being herded. The last thing you heard was the sound of an explosion. The seatbelt ripped, or did it burn? Back to the ceiling then through the shattered clear polymer, safe up to fifteen hundred degrees. The fire was so hot you thought your eyes might have melted but as you landed you could see them gunning down the guards in the back. Clamoring to a rain gutter and puddle your body gave out with a hiss. Death was waiting for you but you weren’t ready. On a long highway you rigged a broken down car screaming back into the Maw of Tiergarten down the allies you passed the banks and the bodies of the dead until you found your own corpse and demanded it wake up. And you did. The Templar found you in the ally still fighting to hold on. Manifestation: The burns on your body seem to slowly shift and morph from circles to daggers. Abilities: Always a fast one, the Templar have taught you to use this speed and how to not be afraid anymore. The powers of the Grave have given you a strength you never knew in life and a resiliency that makes you feel almost safe. Tactics: With your External Style you can quickly switch from fighting single opponents to small groups with ease. Play Style: Light Crowd Control, your fast and the Grave makes you deadly. Taking out groups of people comes easy for you.
  18. Re: Ctrl+V First the CTRL+Vthen the commentary.
  19. Re: Ctrl+V None of this was real. All of it was a sickly illusion to pretend they were really alive. Money, fame, what did that crap mean? The music that used to mean something but now it was product and she was just another dealer. Sipping Champaign from a plastic bag Amaryllis wasn’t even really sure who she was anymore. It didn’t matter. Closing her eyes she pictured touching down, and meeting their fixer for Tiergarten. Tony would have made sure the fixer had what she needed. Tony could see right through her. The man had no soul; it made him great at his job. It also meant they recognized each other and for what they really were. He was her agent and he would fill her veins with as much shit as she needed to keep going, at least until the end of the tour.
  20. Re: Ctrl+V Example: Left in the apartment with only Margaret and Grigori, Nico is bored. Unable to get either of their attention Nico decides he’s going to play with Grigori whether he likes it or not. Hiding under the sink in the kitchen Nico bides his time until Grigori comes looking for a drink. Lunging from the cabinet the wild child attempts to latch onto Grigori’s back. Having no clue what is about to transpire Grigori is left to fate and his good Fortune his Characteristics are: Attribute: Fortune 8, Skill: Intuition 8 for a Value of 16.
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Down (Lords Of Acid Power Remix) - Gravity Kills
  22. Re: Ctrl+V The Dark Realm The corner where no light penetrates in the room everyone tells you not to go into; the dream that wakes you screaming that you can never quite remember; the alleyway that turns your resolve into rubber; these are the Dark places. These are the places where the Dark Realm reaches out and teases the waking mind. Where most have the sense to look away, for one brief moment the Dark Lucid embraced these places.
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