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Everything posted by Certified

  1. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.arcdream.com/monsters/onerollmonster/index.php
  2. Re: Ctrl+V ich bin ein jelly doughnut
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Name: Love MO: Targets institutions that aid large numbers of people, reason: unknown. Whereabouts: Any major metropolitan area, likely after something nice happens. Notes: Name inspired by: The Evil That Men Do
  4. Re: Brainsorming: Golden Age Champions Though we covered this earlier with reminding people of Superman's sage like war advice. Although I think it may not have been the Japanese if we look at WWII era comics but strange Vampires with yellow skin.
  5. Re: Game Time & Experience pts. Part of the breakdown in perception is between the types of advancement. D&D is a level based while Hero System uses a point buy. This is no big surprise but it is at the heart of the disconnect. People who are accustomed to D&D often see advancement as a major event, something that effects multiple aspects of the character if not all of them. On the other side of this Hero players are used to getting a more granular improvement. It can be difficult for players accustomed to level based systems to really put this granular advancement into perspective. This tends to be true even if overall time remains roughly the same. For Example lets say it takes 3 sessions to gain a level in D&D (at least past those first few) when you level you gain an attack bonus, hit points, defense and possibly a new ability, in a hero campaign one buy a CSL the first session some Body the second and a new slot for a multipower the third. However, because game sessions are typical a week or two apart people might not be putting those all together for an overall improvement that's about the same. In face to face games what I like to do is take some from both worlds offering some experience per session then a larger reward on top of this at the end of a story or chapter in protracted arcs. This is to simulate the same reaching a major accomplishment for the character. In my play by post game it's actually much closer to a leveling experience because I give the sum total of accumulated experience at the end of the story, sometimes 20+ depending on the length of the adventure, difficulty and time it took to complete. In both instances I offer a narrative award what's roughly the same as one or two sessions for stories set in the world or about their character. This is more to draw people into the setting than it is anything else though.
  6. Re: Setting: Reverse Concentration
  7. Re: Ctrl+V The vines provide easy handholds for getting up to the floor above. The growth is only worse here. Amidst the red security light it looks like a part of the rain forest have been slipped into the building. The bodies of dead scientists and mercenaries are entwined with the new growth.
  8. Re: Setting: Reverse Concentration The thread was not meant to be limited to just the one possible origin. That was just the one I came up with. This thread was more for brainstorming around the concpet of more super powered peoples in this part of the world than the rest, a reverse of how it's generally depicted.
  9. Re: Brainsorming: Golden Age Champions
  10. Re: CU Character Study: Vanguard Can someone post a picture of him? All I could find was the undead version from CO.
  11. Re: The Progenitor Effect While I haven't read it I can say I am a fan of Arc Dreams work. The only thing I own from them is Monster's and Other Childish things. However, their work with Godlike seems to run run a good mix of here are classic super hero ideas and here are very different concepts. One of their setting books was in or around the Civil War and that seemed very interesting.
  12. Re: Brainsorming: Golden Age Champions When I picture he Golden Age it really gets broken down into 4 big categories for me. There are adventures at home, for some reason these involve a lot of mad scientists and or aliens, then the war. Here it's split you have the super powered titles and the war story comics. For me this is an important distinction as a lot of the war story comics seemed to be much grittier and aimed at older teens and adults, possibly solders. Both shared a fair amount of racism. Remember Superman Says You Can Slap A Jap. However, that may not translate into a game other than say the attitudes of characters in the setting. While occasionally the war stories saw some super science or occult I don't think they really focused on this, with notable exceptions. Super heroes in the war however seemed to always be stopping an new super weapon, death ray or Nazi cult that's sacrificing children for some reason. The last category for me is the Space Opera, this may or may not be super powered. This also may be a bit of a pulp hold out. When it comes to the Golden Age what I think is important is that everything seems new. This is the first super tank or flying saucer. No one has seen the ancient magics of Abu-Tet. Capturing that sense of something new or something we don't see is important. The question I guess is how do you capture that sence of wonder now that we think we've seen it all?
  13. Last night I was talking with a friend and thinking about the general number of super powered beings in most settings and where they are located. Generally speaking they seem concentrated in the US and Europe. What if the numbers were reversed. A setting where the majority of all super powered beings were in the Middle East, Africa and Asia? When thinking about this idea I pictured an engineered plague being the source or super powers. Something that was fatal to some, and scary enough initially to slow aid into the region. I chose ground zero to be Jerusalem with no one claiming the attack. This was so that people from around the world would have some initial exposure. However, the outbreak as spreads the numbers would favor the Middle East for supers along with Northern Africa, the former Eastern Bloc and western parts of Asia. What I had problems imgining was what the world would look like. So I bring the question to the boards. Feel free to expand on the idea seed above or provide your own. What I'm looking for is how this may shape the region and the world. Lets see what people come up with.
  14. Re: Ctrl+V http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/dba830fb-3520-4cfb-a111-fe12d67a24a1.jpg
  15. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... Does that mean Bruce Lee was overpowered? - - - ... The Character sunbathes inside the sun. ... Their response to "Yes, I have. I think perhaps I'll create some." (Referring to Human life) is it's an over rated experience but have fun.
  16. Re: Ctrl+V Even at two in the morning the place was alive with activity. That was something Scarlet hadn’t expected. For a moment she thought about the man who had sat next to her on the flight and his comment of midnight being early. Looking around though she had to admit he had been right about that.
  17. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Ahem [ATTACH=CONFIG]37510[/ATTACH]
  18. Re: Ctrl+V 1st Known 5 Per Day 5 Bless, Divine Favor, Detect Undead, Wrath, True Strike 2nd Known 4 Per Day 4 Aid, Consecrate, Ghostbane Dirge, Weapon of Awe 3rd Known 4 per Day 3 Heroism, Searing Light, Righteous Vigor
  19. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Just going to put this out there. It's never too early to wrap with bacon. [ATTACH=CONFIG]37487[/ATTACH]
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