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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. With web weavers, it's always on a need to sew basis, and you don't need to sew
  2. It was an Elb patriarch who made the first prayer about it. He would not be the last: "Oh Nadiya Brightbringer, Goddess of Hope, Resilient Wanderer, she who guide from the gut," the elb looked at his sickly daughter who thrashed against her restraints, "My daughter has sought to take her own life. Such a melancholy has taken her. They say with time she maybe able to recover from her addiction from the Flora Intoxicana. There is always hope! I know this I..." The father choked, "But I love my girl, and I feel so weak. Please, I beg you, in the name of fathers everywhere, fathers who would give the world for their children... but are in the end only mortal, help us! Help us fight the murder plant! Are you even listening?" Oh, but she was. And her response came in on seemingly delicate painted wings! Insects of such beauty and dainty grace, how they danced along the fields and flowers! Their swarms were delightful to behold and uplifted the spirit. It was glorious! And then, they had their offspring. The winged insects laid their eggs on murder plants, seeming to prefer them to all others. From these tiny insect eggs, their larvae broke out, and upon the Flora intoxicana they dined! Small, bypassing the thorns easily to dine on the plants before others might harvest them. Immune to the negative effects of the plant, the larvae would ravage the plant, rendering it unusable for a long period. For a part of that period, the larvae would form a cocoon about itself, and then shortly after, burst into the adult form, another generation of beautiful delicate winged skydancers! By the time the Flora Intoxicana plant recovered, a new batch of larvae would already be hard at work hindering it, if not neutralizing it entirely. Many would admire the winged form, and see them as hopeful little miracles. Some would never know it was the Larvae that were actually saving so many from addiction and doom. The Brightbringer was not one to oppose so directly, but the so called Murder plant had been constructed so it attacked the hopes of elves itself. Hope? Hope is, at rest, gentle. But nothing fights back more fiercely. Fauna pick (#2): Flutterbys! (Whose larvae favor devouring Flora Intoxicana and rendering them far less prevalent) (The Multiplicty factor might be partly responsible for the sheer varation in colors and wing shape among the flutterbys, but the preferred food is fixed)
  3. I'm using neither. I am glad there are rivals to Twitter given my views on it's owner but Threads merely strikes me as the lesser privacy stealing evil right now.
  4. Good lord, Nathan will probably LOVE that. Guy chews a lot of scenery
  5. The armies had amassed, common soldiers commanded by leaders to shed blood over mere land. In a world of shifting rivers what did that even mean? Yet it was the nature of almost any world that there would be war, and men would die. Yet there was one who offered an alternative. A woman game forth before the ruler of each side, somehow bypassing all guards and protections. She was oddly familiar yet none had seen her before. And she spoke, "There is more than one way to settle matters, to gain glory, a way that allows even the lowliest private to rise up and achieve fame and renown and better his lot, while keeping the multitude of your hosts alive! What if you could have a chance of the prize you seek without losing your forces so casually ? I can show you the way!" And the rulers, not wanting to be so weak after this battle that OTHER Enemies could tear them apart even if they won? They listened as she spoke earnestly. She spoke of tournaments, and competitions between athletes and most of all, Champions! Of Hope found through strife, and Courage and Resilience celebrated! This goddess , who bore odd similarity to two sister goddesses as one, swayed them and gave a great gift to civilization. That each side might, rather than having thousands die, would each pick a champion to test each other's might in matches. That those champions should be rewarded for their risks, win or lose, and that fair play and rules set to keep the the test honorable and (usually, accidents happen) non lethal. Wrestling! Tourney Jousting on the back of hippos! Even games of skill such as chess might be the determining factor! To this day, many a sports match or tourney is dedicated to Ce'Diya, and the rules to prevent cheating are called Ce'Diya's code! Gift to Civilization: Competitions and Champions to settle disputes and to Entertain in lieu of war And yes, Ce'Diya is a composite being made possible by Etterskell's interference. Both the Brightbringer and the Lady of Strife still exist separately, but in this cause they were united, and so Ce'Diya became at least long enough to give this gift to civilization.
  6. I have two picks today (didn't take yesterday) waiting for approval for one from another player
  7. NAH. it's good. I got some other idears Of course, now I can't get the theme song to firefly out of my head
  8. I almost picked those myself until I remembered there were other gods with better claims
  9. It should be noted that the division of the elven lands does affect their language somewhat. While they all speak Elvish, and most non elves might not notice the differences, each has a regional/tribal accent, some more similar than others. Elves of the Erui Bar Land have a Swedish accent. No, not like the muppet Chef. Ylves of Ar Bar have a Norwegian accent. Which might explain their reclusiveness until someone gets them alcohol. The Elb of the Calen Bar sound Icelandic. Perhaps because they seem a bit more remote than others but only a bit. The Aelf have lost much, as they seek to remake Estel Bar. A sign of this? They sound mostly like Minnesotans. Tragic. Those of the land of Dur Lo Bar are not well known, but all signs point to them having a Danish accent with just enough German influence to make you nervous if you live on the other side of one of their borders.
  10. Okay. I kind of want that phrase on a T shirt. Would be quite the conversation starter!
  11. Addendum: The way I imagine skywood, more cargo can be carried, ships and other transport made of it goes faster, arrows and javelins made of it probably fly farther but that's just the tip of it. I am sure some folks smarter than I in the ways of science..err excuse me, 'Natural philosophy' can find uses for such stuff that I wouldn't imagine. While each species might have their own idea how best to use it, it's intended as a 'something for every people' gift.
  12. Trees already exist in the shattered world/s , the many elven lands alone would have seen to that. And as this world was varied, those trees came in many forms. But Nadiya grew alarmed as the Dwarves began eying the various elven woods with hungry eyes. She knew Sterling's brood prefered trade to war, and some of the elven lands had NO interest in even benevolent dwarven 'enterprise' (Outlet malls and fast food chains in your ancient woods can be very alarming). In hopes of relieving future tension, she made many forests even beyond the elven lands... and one special type of tree in particular, hopefully of use to all. A type of tree that's branchs never slumped, for the wood it was composed of was lighter than feathers yet stronger than oak. There was a faint cast of blue lines throughout the bark. The leaves were vibrant blue rather than green and in moonlight gave off a soft matching glow in azure light though not too bright less it offend the God of Illumination as intrusive. Depending on how the wood was treated, it could be flexible or rigid. A master carpenter (Or shipwright or carriage maker etc) would know how to bend it just so before treatment made it properly rigid and get the best of both worlds. But it was light, so light, that it almost seemed to float rather than fall. While it did not fly off, something feather light but oak strong was just the thing dwarves might want for ships, humans might want for carts and carriages, and yes, even Elves might appreciate for bows and the like (in fact, rumors had it at least one elven kingdom knew how to shape it into a kind of leaf scale armor). It had amazing buoyancy. They called it Skywood. And it was surprisingly easily to cultivate if one bothered to do responsible forestry by reseeding regularly. Flora Pick (#1): Skywood
  13. (So I don't forget about the bonuses) Player 7. Hermit Goddess of Hope, Nadiya Brightbringer Geography. Elven Lands Sentient Life. Elves Gift to Civilization. Fauna/Flora/Ore: Interference: . Mythic Monster or Guardian. Secondary Domain. Resilience Secondary Domain: Intuition Secondary Domain / Option. (Bonus #1) Sentient Life: (Bonus #2) Fauna/Flora/Ore:
  14. Can't speak for others, but if it helps even a little, I think My current standing is: Nadiya Brightbringer Goddess of Hope Geography: The Elven Lands Sentient Life: The Elven Peoples Gift to Civilization: Flora, Fauna, or Ore: Interference: Mythic Monster or Guardian: Secondary Domain: Resilience Secondary Domain Intuition Secondary Domain: And I apparently earned a bonus Sentient Life along the way, also currently empty
  15. I just figured they were a speices of people meant to be thrown at others as a form of mockery
  16. "How did you know of the great land killing?" The elf inquired of his goddess as she walked with him, "Are you a goddess of Prophecy?" Nadiya turned and glanced at him, and shook her divine head, "oh no, Nagus is the God of Profit, See?" "I mean, are you the goddess of divination?" The elf tried again. "Oh," The Brightbringer laughed gently, "ALL my relations are part of the Divine Nation." The devout elf , hoping to write down the words of the Beloved Goddess into some book or another groaned, and finally blurted "HOW DID YOU KNOW?" Then blushed, "Pardon, goddess, I spoke out of turn I... I hope to record you works and pass your wisdom to the common man." "Like a cold," Nadiya nodded sympathetically, "I'm sorry, I know Hope makes no sense to some. How do I sometimes know things I should not?" "Yes, I thought perhaps you glanced through the cracks..." He stammered "But in this case some say that was not possible. So how do you know? Did you call upon the goddess of Reflection for Aid?" "Often, she's very smart, but ...the truth is... I had a hunch," Nadiya Brightbringer nodded, "I'm good at those." "A... hunch," The Theologian blinked. "Well, Evil tends to be more predictable than it lets on" Nadiya explained, " I imagine some of my darker relations wake up every day going 'mwhahha, how can I best be an absolute arsewipe to innocents today?' then do what they can to make it happen and pat themselves on the back. Not much of an existence if you ask me." She tutted with Pity, "But yes. I'm good at Hunches." The elf priest looked hopefully at her, "Can we... spruce up the term a bit?" Nadiya beamed at him, and he felt his heart lift, "Are you kidding? Sprucing things up to make them shine is one of my favorite things. Surely, yes we can." She cleared her lovely throat and said with as much dignity as she could muster, "Comprehend not with just your mind, your mind can be very limited. Use your intuition." He wrote that down. "When you reach the end of what you know, you are at the beginning of your awareness" She continued. "That's a good one" He wrote it down. "Thank you, I had a feeling it would be," She said then "How about this one? 'Hope is Trust, and sometimes when you trust- the way is revealed'" The priest nodded, "So you're the goddess of Intuition as well: the knowing and/or understanding without proof." "Well, yes," The Brightbringer glanced at him with slightly amused but sympathetic eyes, "The term hunch was just going all over you, wasn't it?" He winced as he was busted, "Yes, my goddess." "Then call it intuition, for it is indeed that," Nadiya smiled gently "And it won't make your skin crawl." Rarely was there a theological chronicler more grateful than he was at that moment. Secondary Domain: Intuition (And Hunches!)
  17. Fair. I didn't think of it so much as Direct will... but rather a result of the original world break
  18. PS: I should add that, Etterskell is difficult to know, so I Hope I've given proper due to HOW his oops might have altered the nature of the world with this choice. Brightbringer wills one elven land, and got a handful. If I overstepped there, or with mention of other gods being worshiped, let me know.
  19. Before a continent died, and before it was purified and healed by fire "And we're walking, we're walking, we're trying to get ahead of destruction..." Nadiya Brightbringer lead her followers, and many who were not her followers, away from the chunk of land about to be ravaged, "Better things ahead...." As a goddess of resilience, she had a knack for helping folks survive catastrophe, sadly only a small percentage listened to Hope, or the hopebringer for fear of cynics calling them fools and judging them harshly. Then again, what did Cynics know? They mostly complained and made excellent if pitiable kindling. They left the continent, and the Bright Bringer warned them "Don't look back" As fires engulfed and purged and purified in the horizon behind them. Thoal-Anni'in did his work well, "But trust me on the sunscreen" Nadiya muttered. Odd that a world that could be at first so dark now might seem too bright at parts. These folks would need shelter, and they would need help. Fortunately, help was ahead. "Where are we going?" A poor soul asked. "To the Elven Lands" Nadiya willed, and it was so... and MORE so... she had not specified the limits of The Elven wood, or truly demanded there be just one... and Etterskell's shattering of the world created what Nadiya liked to call a "Happy Accident" of it. Multiplicity, Variety, diversity.... And on each continent, save perhaps one, on each , there was "An Elven Land" full of the long lived slender beings that were meant to be a hope to others even as they sought hopes of their own Erui bar - called the First home, was home of those that called themselves simply, Elves! They are tall, slender, and beautiful with pointed ears and eyes of vibrant hues favoring greens. Their chief hope is to help the world be better than they left it, or at least help it be no worse. They value peace and often indulge in art, and music and so on. Erui bar is within a great valley of a deciduous forest, temperate with all four seasons about it though the weather in the core of it's 'city' is always mild. Said city is a network of buildings harmoniously joined with great giant trees. The Elves welcome all who come in peace but are prepared for battle if need be. Ar Bar- Meaning High Home, is home of those who call themselves Ylves (Ylf singular). They live in high country just before the treeline ends, in what some would call Boreal forests, for it is cold. The many evergreens about them give testament to their resilience. The actual city the trees ring are built of stone carved from the face of the mountain in great concentric rings. Ylves are more reclusive and stand offish than elves. They are also yet a bit taller. Their eyes favor pale blues and purples. Their hope is for knowledge, learning, and enlightenment so Nadiya must share their worship with gods better suited to that. Calen bar- Is in a great jungle, in tropical warm climes. Here are the Elb. They are shorter than the Elves, but not by much. The Elb tends towards skin hues of dark to light green with resplendent eyes of golden and amber hue. Save for the adjustments needed for tropical conditions, their huts among the trees are very much like Erui bar's set up. The Elb's chief hopes, as a rule, involve family. Most species want their sons or daughters to fare better than they did, but Elb are far more interconnected in their families than other elves, often coming to the aid of second or even third cousins! They consider themselves more civilized than most who do not understand connection as they do. Estel Bar - is not. It never was. yet it may yet be. A nomadic people, The Aelf travel the surface of the blasted but now purified continent by night and in the tunnels and under ground caves by bright day. They are pale, chalk white in fact, and their eyes large and almost solid black. They are pacifists, preachers, and do gooders... naturally this annoys certain folk who do not trust them. But chiefly, they are gardeners. Like all elves, they live for centuries, and the Aelf have committed themselves to restoring the land destroyed by coaxing strong healthy rivers to return, planting seeds of grass so one day they might plant acorns of great oaks. They dream of Estel Bar becoming a reality. Some say the Aelf are fools, but they seek to honor Nadiya and Thoal-Anni'in in their day to day lives as they wander, without being lost. Their greatest hope is to make a home, and heal the land. Then there is the city of Dur Lo Bar, and it's swamp dwelling elves... but the less said of them... the better. And the Brightbringer glanced through the cracks, and while all was in flux, the glimpses she saw of what was to come for each elven people gave her a sense of pride, a sense of sorrow, but mostly? Of course, Hope. Geography Pick: The Elven Lands (One Land for each continient so number a bit nebulous) Sentient Life: Elves (By a few varying names)... constant yet diverse, fractured, and glorious
  20. IMO As it costs one of us a pick to counter it's only fair if it costs DT his interference pick
  21. THANK you. I was thinking 'So we're in a dark tube? or a Dark Collection of tubes?" (Depending on Multiplicity effects )
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