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Narf the Mouse

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Everything posted by Narf the Mouse

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures Not that kind of slinky.
  2. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Bah. Clearly, you have never encountered true incomprehensibility on the internet. Bazza, at least, uses grammar, spelling and punctuation and his posts are always relevant to the topic at hand. What do you want, stuff that is easy to understand?
  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures *Innocent look* What slinkys?
  4. Re: "Neat" Pictures *Deflects attack with newly-built gizmo* Hah! I have chewing gum and duct tape!
  5. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster No, they speak Baseball.
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures That depends. How painful would answering "yes" be?
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures No; you still need to send someone TO THE MOON!!! ...Uh-oh...
  8. Re: Damage Limits Saruman of many Devices - Saruman, Central. Central, Saruman. Crossover with David Drake's The Generals series.
  9. Re: Building times Alright. For one final question, how many of these skilled labourors were given no motivation beyond "Do it or get whipped"?
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures ...Cthulhu is probably a spider.
  11. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster I speak English and a few programming languages.
  12. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread ...Employer-monitored?
  13. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Seinfeld is, in this case, the name of a "TV show about nothing". It was intended to be funny. (It's also the name of the supposed comedian who starred in the show and wrote it. He's got fans, but I'm not one of them)
  14. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster I love laughing. I don't love Seinfeld.
  15. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Some people watch(ed) Seinfeld.
  16. Re: Damage Limits There were items which were "magical" in Middle Earth simply for having been used in powerful events. But, to be more precise, there's no division between "magic" and "mundane" in Middle Earth, IMU.
  17. Re: "Neat" Pictures More like Minilob.
  18. Re: AI (Artificial Intelligence) Characters Just FYI, we have learning VIs (Virtual Intelligences; "looks like it thinks, but doesn't") that can learn, right now. Google search is run by one such, IMU. Getting a machine to learn something specific is actually one of the easier tasks in VI/AI - Getting it to learn in a general sense is not yet achieved, but there are efforts that could accomplish it. The primary problem is how to encode the knowledge and processing it fast enough. Side note: Last brain-simulation I heard of was an incomplete simulation of 4% of a cats' brain, run on a supercomputer.
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