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Narf the Mouse

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Everything posted by Narf the Mouse

  1. Re: AI (Artificial Intelligence) Characters Intelligent robots in fiction are generally disposable with no-one caring at all.
  2. Re: Damage Limits Caps provide for character progression. Without something to measure by, numbers are contextless.
  3. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster I thought there were eight?
  4. Re: Building times 1) I believe Christopher addressed how few ships 5,000 rowers would be able to row. Accurately? That, I don't know for sure. 2) So in short, we know freemen were preferred in Ancient Greece and slaves who fought for Athens, at least, were freed after the battle and freeing before the battle was unusual in Syracuse. We also know Carthage might not keep promises to slaves, but even the Romans thought Carthage brutal, IMU. 3) Were those slaves building the long wall around Athens and crucial Roman aqueducts and military works in charge of anything critical to its success as a defensive measure, or did they just move heavy objects? And if so, were they given no motivation for success? 4) How often, how many and how much? And, again, were they given no motivation for success?
  5. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Aware of that. Was being humourous. (Poor artists steal; great artists research! )
  6. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster I was going to say "rip-off", but yours is more polite.
  7. Re: Building times Check Wikipedia - The ancient Greeks (who built Triremes) did not use slave labour to row their boats.
  8. Re: Building times Plus, using forced labor on stuff you *Need* to be done skillfully or loyally was considered a bad idea, even in the ancient world. The pyramids were build with volunteers labouring for religious reasons and paid with bread and beer (and yeah, back then, regular food and clean drink would be pay for an unskilled labourer). The common image of slaves rowing a Tireme into battle (even if they don't name the ship, that's the most common used)? False. If they did use slaves, they freed them before the battle, so the slaves had a stake in the battle. Otherwise, they'd have too good a chance of having to fight their own slaves.
  9. Re: Moar Pictures! The robots have already learned swordfighting skills; now they're giving them ranged attacks?! Where will it end? WHERE WILL IT ALL END???
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures Let's watch the sort of thing we sling around, ok?
  11. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Picture the highest ideals of a soldier. Turn it into an intelligent, self-aware tank that takes up multiple football fields and fires star-stuff. It never gives up, never surrenders and knows no dishonour. Make it able to control an entire planetary war better than almost any Human general. And the only way to stop it is to kill it completely. They make terminators look yielding - And they're on our side. As for why Humanity would need tanks like that? Well, you'll have to read the books for that.
  12. Re: In consideration of partial effect dispel Thanks, everyone.
  13. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Team Bolo. Because nothing says "Dead vampires" like a multi-ten kiloton tank that fires fusing nuclear plasma. Granted, it says lots of dead things, but that's pure, concentrated sunshine. Lots of happy sunshine makes lots of good vampires.
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q: It's cheaper to make lots of cheap rip-off movies than a few great, original movies? A: Almost went supernova.
  15. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "Me and Mr. Cuddles will get you, oh yes we will, oh yes we will..."
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures One powerful reason why freedom of religion, of expression, of belief, from oppression, must be one of the highest goals of civilization.
  17. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "Dis water is wet!" "We're not up to something. Really."
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