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Doug Limmer

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Posts posted by Doug Limmer

  1. You just gave someone 8" of full-END Flight for 10 points. And, they get an extra bonus free x4 NCM!


    Try applying the "Reduced END 1/2 END" advantage only to the NCM adder:


    8" Flight [16 points]

    x4 NCM [5 points]

    Red END: 1/2 END for NCM multiple (+1/4 on 5 points) [1 point]


    Total cost: 22 points.


    That seems more appropriate to me.


    Edit: or, did you really mean "only for NCM"? So that, they only go 6", and can't fly, at combat speeds? In that case, never mind.

  2. Originally posted by Crimson Arrow

    One thing that often gets left out is Radar. If Plastic Man turns himself into a car, doesn't a Radar pick out the shape of a car?

    Personally, I think of Radar (and Sonar) as a 'sense group converter'. Radar senses the Touch group, but is received as the Radar group. I don't think that causes too many problems ...
  3. tesuji: when did I EVER say that the Hero System was automatically balanced? But, at least, the Hero System gives you someplace to start. d20 gives you nothing but some examples. And the original examples probably aren't balanced, themselves.


    Take a look at the feats/prestige classes/etc. produced by the original company, Wizards of the Coast. Do even the experts come up with something balanced? That doesn't even mention the third-party products, or the home-brewed stuff. Of course, you need to look over abilities in any system to check for balance (and propriety). However, to try to claim that it's just as easy to balance stuff in d20 as it is in Hero is ludicrous.

  4. Re: Catch the punch?


    Originally posted by Demonsong

    Catch the punch? ... Block wouldn’t work because you didn’t actually catch the punch.

    Perhaps I'm just confused today (not enough sleep), but why wouldn't Block work? The game effects seem to match up quite well. Or do you actually want a "block and grab" maneuver? I think you can do that in UMA, but I haven't tried, myself.
  5. You could always try this: http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/BasicFactsServlet?_lang=en


    There's a plethora of census information available here. For race, go to 2000 Summary File 1, Detailed Tables, add in geographic location (either the local area, or the entire nation, depending on what you want) and look at table P3.


    You'll have to make your own 'percentage table' from the data, if that's what you're looking for.

  6. To reiterate something which didn't show up in Pattern Ghost's example (but he did talk about it in the post), the slots don't have to use the entire Multipower pool.


    For instance, if you want the Autofire punch to be wimpier, you could make it 3d6 HTH, Autofire for only 22 AP (11 Real after limitations). [it would still cost the same in character points for the Multipower slot, though.]


    Or, more to your point, you could have a 31 point multipower pool, and fit in your 1d6+1 AOE Selective attack, and just not use the full Multipower pool for the other attacks.


    Also, if you can use these attacks with a variety of weapons, it's typical in Hero System books to buy them as OIF weapon of opportunity (-1/2) instead of OAF, since you don't have to pick up the same weapon you dropped, or left behind, or got destroyed, or what have you. If you (and your GM, if that's not you) feel that OAF fits the powers better, though, nothing stops you from using it.

  7. Summon sounds like the right way to go.


    If you don't want to add a 'Summon only' VPP, I'd use some level of the "Expanded Class" advantage (how much depends on what different types of robots he can make; I'd guess +1/2 for "robots"). To show that he can only use parts around him, something like the "Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale" limitation (with a name change, of course) could be used, limiting what abilities the robots can have.


    [edit: how does Monolith do it? There wasn't a reply when I started typing ...]

  8. From what I can see, you want to be able to create characters who can be 'active' (at least in regards to recovery and regeneration) when they aren't around. From what I understand, Duplication doesn't allow that.


    Maybe you should use Summon instead of Duplication. The game mechanics may fit better. You may need some version of the Specific Being modifier. Of course, you'd also probably need Amicable. Some sort of 'if Summoned before it would recover, it has X damage' limitation may be applicable.

  9. Originally posted by Susano

    I recently found (on line) a big list of things from the Philippines, and am really trying to find some "offical" material on them...

    You may want to see if you can get the attention of KawangaKid, here on the Hero boards, with him being from (or at least, in) the Phillippines, and all.
  10. Re: Star HERO Master Resource List


    Originally posted by Syberdwarf2

    Instead, I thought, why not start a thread similar to Project 3000 that lists all of the books, movies, videos, DVDs, magazines and all related media in one place.

    A list of everything that might possibly inspire a Star Hero campaign, from The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton through Buck Rogers in the 25th Century to Spaceballs?


    You don't think small, do you?

  11. Originally posted by Tech

    If a buy complete immunity to poison ala Life Support, and someone blasts the character with an EB with the special effect of poison, does it affect him? What about poison RKA, Drain, etc etc?

    Technically, by the rules, this depends solely on how the attack was purchased. If I were the GM, I'd require all 'poison' special effect attacks to be bought as NND (defense is LS vs. poison) or with some limitation (doesn't affect target with LS vs. poison) or something like that. Without those, a 'poison' blast isn't affected by LS vs. poison at all. Unless, of course, the GM wishes otherwise.
  12. To quote Ninja Hero, by Michael Surbrook, "The Chinese Knight-Errant, known as a wuxia, is a wandering hero-adventurer of pre-twentieth century China." (p. 45)


    That's the extent of my knowledge of the term. I don't know its connotation in current-day China (or anywhere else, for that matter).

  13. Originally posted by Greatwyrm

    How dangerous is it for two 75+75 characters to take on 6 20pt skeletons? I honestly have no idea. Heck, I'm just now finally figuring out how to build spells and stuff.

    Unfortunately, you cannot tell how tough something is in combat merely by points alone. (Give those skeletons 20 points worth of Knowledge Skills, and they'd be pushovers.)


    Digital Hero issue 3 has an article on "Effectiveness Rating" (which should probably be called "Combat Effectiveness Rating"). It seems to be intended for superheroic play, and I'm not sure how well it (a) scales to heroic level, or (B) handles groups of enemies, but it at least gives a starting point. I haven't used it myself; others may be able to give more concrete information on it.

  14. Originally posted by Klytus

    Pity, because D&D 3.5 will be out in a few short months...

    I was going to say something about how the change from D&D 3 to D&D 3.5 wasn't enough to really warrant calling it a new edition, but then I realized that there may end up being more changes from D&D 3 to 3.5 than there were from HERO 4 to HERO 5...
  15. I'm not sure why I took the time to look some of this up, but here are some ballpark figures:


    700 miles is about 616,000 hexes. Double 1 hex 19 times and you get about 512,000 hexes. 15 points of Growth doubles height/length, so (19*15+5) or 290 points of Growth should give you the needed height, if you want to Grow to 700 miles long. (As noted, if you're always this size, you don't need Growth, but it may help for expected STR/BODY/what have you.)


    Honshu has an area of 230,510 square kilometers. Mt. Fuji is 3.776 km tall. [And it's 800 miles long; still within 290 points of Growth.] (Info from http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/H/Honshu.html) Assuming a solid block of rock with the area as a base and Mt. Fuji as a height, and also assuming rock has a density 4 times that of water, I get 3,500,000,000,000,000 kilograms of rock. (If you want the weight to start at sea level, this is too big; if you want it to start under sea level, you'd need to know how far the island goes under the water.) The STR needed to lift this much is 235, noticably less than the STR that growing to 700 (or 800) miles would give you.


    [edit: forgot 500,000,000,000,000 kg. Calculations not guaranteed.]

  16. Re: Ultimate NINJA HERO resource!!!


    Originally posted by Susano

    I just watched SHAOLIN SOCCER.


    Now I know what style the woman on page 76 uses.


    If you can -- see this film. You might hurt yourself laughing, but it is worth every second.

    For what it's worth, there's a trailer for a Miramax-produced English-dubbed Shaolin Soccer (presumably the same movie) on the Pokémon 4 Ever DVD.


    And that can't be the style for the woman on page 76; she has the wrong hair-do. :)

  17. Here's a thought experiment:


    Start with an 80 base cost Entangle.

    Add Sticky (+1/2) for +40 points.

    Now, the Entangle will affect the target, and people who touch the target, but there's no second-hand stickiness; those who touch the target aren't considered sticky.

    So, what you need to do is make the Sticky advantage Sticky, so it passes on to the next person: +20 points.

    Of course, this makes those who touch the target sticky, but doesn't allow third-hand stickiness, so the Sticky part of the Sticky advantage needs Sticky: +10 points.


    This continues for as long as you want. If you have people pay fractional points for this power (no rounding up or down), and don't require a minimum of 1 point per power, you can do this forever, and it turns out to be, in effect, a +1 advantage for "Contaigous" (or, a +1/2 advantage in addition to the original Sticky).


    Now, whether that's the appropriate cost for the ability is another question, but at least it's a reasoned-out starting point.

  18. Originally posted by Monolith

    Yes, because the bow is just a focus. Anyone can use Rainbow Archer's bow whether they have a Naked Advantage or not. Bulldozer can pick up Rainbow Archer's bow and shoot it. He will not shoot it well because he does not have a Weapon's Familiarity or levels with it, but he can still shoot it.


    Archer, on the other hand, because he has bought a Naked Advantage Autofire on bows only, can pick up Rainbow Archer's bow and cut loose with multiple arrows.


    Weapon's Master also has the Naked Advantage, but does not have the "Bows Only" Limitation. Weapon's Master can pick up a handgun and autofire it, a bow and autofire it, a group of throwing knives and autofire them, ect.

    This seems a fine justification for a "Bows only" limitation on the Naked Advantage. I don't see at all how it justifies an "OAF" limitation on the Naked Advantage. Especially when the precedent seems to be for an "OIF: X of opportunity" limitation. If you think that a "Bows only" limitation is worth -1 (the same as "OAF"), then great!


    No. In non-superhero games, weapons are not paid for with points. You can walk into K-Mart and buy a bow and start practicing with it. No character points are spent.
    I hate to phrase it this way, but did you read what I wrote? I specifically mentioned that you don't pay with points; I was talking about 'paying' for it through something else.


    You seem to be trying to argue with me about something, but I have no idea what that's supposed to be. I'm not pushing any particular point of view; I'm just asking questions.


    The difference here is between a character who has a "magic" autofire bow, and a character which is so skilled with a bow that he can pick up any bow on the battlefield and use it like it were magic. The character is paying the extra point to be able to do something that anyone else with that bow cannot do. This is no different than a character buying +5" Leaping (in a wuxia-style campaign) to also be able to do something that no other character can do.
    Do you somehow think I believe that people should get the Naked Advantage for free? Nothing could be farther from the truth. I think the Naked Advantage, if anything, should be more expensive than even the rules say it should be. I'm trying, through examples, to explore how much (if any) I might want to increase the cost.
  19. I have a question on how you would design a couple of disadvantages --- or even if they count as disadvantages at all.


    The first: the character is wanted. There's an outrageously large bounty on his head. It's believed he's caused a lot of destruction, and whole towns full of people flee in terror at the rumor that he's coming to their town. Sounds easy, right? Reputation, and Hunted?


    Except: nobody recognizes him. And, if they do notice he matches the description, they don't believe he's really the same person. So, what is this? A Secret Identity? Descriptive text not worth disadvantage points? Something else?


    The second: random chaos and destruction seems to follow this character (almost) everywhere he goes. Rarely does anyone ever get killed (or maybe even seriously hurt), but whole towns get levelled when he's around. Not through any direct action on his part, mind you; it just sort of happens. Is this a disadvantage of any sort?

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