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death tribble

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  1. Like
    death tribble reacted to DocMan in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    Nobody talks to me.
    I didn't find out that two people in my office were retiring until after the rest of the office had set a date for their farewell luncheon. And the date they set was on my day off.
    I find out I've been assigned work when my supervisor comes over and asks me if I've finished it yet.
    Kee tells people that we'll be somewhere, but never tells me about the event until it's time to go.
    I have an excellent memory. I'm not forgetting these things. But no one tells me anything.
    If people don't like talking to me, why do they choose to associate with me at all?
  2. Like
    death tribble got a reaction from lemming in Storn's Art & Characters thread.   
    Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.
    His price is $45 a character.
    Background is extra.
    You can pay him via Paypal. Instructions are also available on his website and the helpful link on his post will take you there.
  3. Like
    death tribble reacted to Hermit in Answers & Questions   
    Re: Answers & Questions

    Q: But Doctor DeathTribble, how will you destroy the super heroes of the world that plot against you??
    A: I'm an Aardvark, and I'm proud!
  4. Like
    death tribble reacted to James Gillen in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    The Perks of Being a Cab Driver
    In the second part of my cab driving shift today, I got a call to go south, which turned out to be the Sheriff's Department Fingerprinting Office. There I met up with the fare, two rather, uh, well-built women with baggage. I helped them in and said, "are you guys going to the airport?" They said, "no, we just got here from the airport. We need to go to the nearest strip club."
    Turns out they were both stopping in town to strip at the local clubs during the convention this week and needed to get a referral from at least one of the strip clubs before they could get their cards to work in Nevada. As we drove around, they talked about how dead business is in California, but when they got here they found out they had to get fingerprinted- and pay for that- and get a referral from the employer- and pay for that- then come back to the Sheriff's Office for the cards- and pay for THAT. BEFORE getting hired and making money. I said, "sounds just like being a cab driver."
    First place they went was closed til 2. Second place gave them a business registration form, but NOT a referral, so we kept driving. By the time I took them to another club way up the street, the meter was $19. They said, "if we come for a referral in this place, they're gonna want us to audition.
    "Do you want to come in and watch?"

    So... I did. And because it was afternoon, and I was the cab driver, the club let me in with no cover (though I pissed off $7 on overpriced soda and tips just to be customer-ly). End result, I spent almost 2 hours on this, got enough in tips to make up for what I spent, and the girls liked my service enough that they said they might call for my cab number the next time they need a drive.
    And give me a free lap dance.
    Both of them.

  5. Like
    death tribble reacted to Storn in Storn's Art & Characters thread.   
    this private commission is for Bob Fletcher, patron extraoridinaire. And is a fantasy rogue archtype. However, ihe *could* be a Dark Champs type character... so posted for your viewing pleasure...
  6. Like
    death tribble reacted to Sketchpad in Superhero Images   
    Re: Superhero Images
    Here's a piece that I've been working on ... thinking it still could use some color ...
  7. Like
    death tribble reacted to Hermit in Answers & Questions   
    Re: Answers & Questions

    Q: So, how goes your research into the opposite sex for your new book "Female, like Me"?
    A: And thus it was that the Veroshadi came to possess the mighty Shanobath, and with it in their tendriled fingers, the walls of Dr'kmore fell.
  8. Like
    death tribble reacted to DocMan in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Reasons I'm glad I'm not a tree
    Just a few reasons I'm glad I'm not a tree...
    Don't have to rely on the wind to have sex.
    A heavy rain won't cause my sexual organs to end up on the ground.
    If I have wood, no one is going to come around and kill me to get at it.
    Don't have to be naked all winter long.
    My limbs don't snap off in dry weather.
    Have to touch my partner to have sex.
    If I don't like the scenery, I can relocate.
    My feet are not a urinal.
    No one comes around to drain off my blood to pour over waffles and pancakes.
    Lumber is a verb, not a funerary preparation.
    If I fall in the woods and no one else is around, I make a heck of a lot of noise. It usually continues after I get up.
  9. Like
    death tribble reacted to Mangog in Superhero Images   
    Here's a sketch of Giganto from a series of drawings I did revamping Terror Inc.
  10. Like
    death tribble reacted to Storn in Storn's Art & Characters thread.   
    I am glad that some folks are finding these useful.
    In update news: my website is still down. Something to do with the domain and my host is working on it. I have no idea when it will be fixed.
    Here is a private commission done for a character created by RW Temple: Thunderbird. Hope y'all like.
  11. Like
    death tribble got a reaction from zornwil in Longest Running Thread EVER   
    Re: Longest Running Thread EVER
    Fire !
    (Oh come on ! You didn't really expect me to fight fair now, did you ?)
  12. Like
    death tribble reacted to Tim in Answers & Questions   
    Re: Answers & Questions
    Q: How did the intellegent mice escape the iceberg?
    A: There is too much blood in my caffenine stream.
  13. Like
    death tribble reacted to LadyChaos in Superhero Images   
    Re: Superhero Images
    Well, I finally upgraded to PSP 8 (Photoshop is too expensive to justify) after working with PSP 4 for years. Wow, have things changed! I really appreciate their optimizer. I drew these freehand. Some where colored with pencil and some with markers. I took the opportunity to clean them up when I scanned them in (first time for working with scanned images, too). They are all characters I've played for years. I think Manitou was conceived back in the 1980s under Champs 3.
    1. Afreet ~ my half human/half efrit magical fireling. She never suffered from body consciousness until recently; hence, the change in her costume. (Oh, yeah, we have a 4-color campaign)
    2. Afreet (original) ~ Back when she had no shame and wasn't adverse to using her comeliness if it gave her an advantage in a fight.
    3. Manitou ~ An Objibwe shaman who shadow walks in the spirit realm
    4. Darkstar ~ A time commando from the future trapped in our present. A mutated teleporting brick. Anyone who ever read Simon Hawke's Timewars series--she's based on this universe.
    (EDIT: Okay, I think I shrank them down. I'm learning my PSP and how to work things here--thanks for the patience!)
  14. Like
    death tribble reacted to Thrakazog in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    Ugh. Double ugh. Gag ack phhft.
    Thirteen years ago, when I was in college, I could start drinking on Thursday night and not stop or sleep until Sunday and it wouldn't even faze me. Maybe just a little, but it wasn't anything a well-rolled Bob and a few games of backgammon couldn't smooth out. And I could do it almost every week, studying allowing.
    Today, I sit in my office a broken man. My head feels like someone's laying down a new wood floor on my medulla oblongata. The bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel and large black coffee are having a nausea-stabilizing effect on my stomach.
    And why, do you ask? Because last night my building had an unannounced tennant's meeting out on the front stoop. The agenda included a discussion of the weather and which low-carb beer was better, Mic Ultra or Aspen (I voted Aspen, eight times).
    All I can say is...I need to drink more frequently. My tolerance is completely shot to hell and that is simply unnacceptable.
    EDIT - Ah, nevermind. I just rememebred that I gave blood Wednesday afternoon. Phew. I thought I was slipping there, for a moment.
  15. Like
    death tribble reacted to Kara Zor-El in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    I seem to get most of my good rep awards for makin' people laugh when they're having a bad day.
    That makes me feel good. Thanks, guys.
  16. Like
    death tribble reacted to Cybertooth in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    I was having my breakfast of coffee and cigarettes this morning when I heard a small voice. Looking over my patio railing, I see a 3 year old child walking towards me. His name is Cameron and he belongs to a ex-neighbor of mine, who now lives a couple of buildings away from me.
    I ask him, "What are you doing out here?" All the while straining to see if his mother is close behind him. She's no where in sight.
    "Coming to see you." He answered.
    He has a 2 year old brother, so I asked, "Where is Lawrence?"
    "At home."
    "And, where is your mother?" I asked.
    "At home asleep." He replied.
    I lifted him over my patio railing and called his mother. There was no answer. I waited about 5 more minutes and called again, and again, no answer. I'm getting a little worried now, so I begin to get ready to take him over to where his mother lives. Suddenly, the maintenance guy drives by in his golf cart and stops, after seeing me and Cameron.
    "Oh! You've found him." He says.
    I told him that I was about to take him to his mother's apartment. Also, I added that I had been calling, but there was no answer. He then told me that Cameron's little brother had been seen wandering out around the pool area, and had to take him home as well. He added that their mother had been asleep.
    Suddenly my phone rings, it's his mom. I tell her that he's with me and is fine. She rushes over to pick him up.
    This little episode really makes me happy that I don't have children. Also, what was the mother doing asleep while her 2 and 3 year old are out roaming around?
    I think someone has been having a little too much Fiesta lately.
    She later confirmed this.
  17. Like
    death tribble reacted to Magmarock in Superhero Images   
    Here is the original Magmarock pic. It is very close to what the miniature looks like. Acrylics, painted right on to the character sheet. I didn't clean the picture up first, sorry.
    Edit: I uploaded a cleaner pic. Hope its ok.

  18. Like
    death tribble reacted to Mangog in Superhero Images   
    Coral with color

  19. Like
    death tribble reacted in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    “Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good anddecent in the human spirit, an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food†-- Chef Anthony Bourdain (Currently host of "A Cook's Tour" on the Food Network.)
    All I can say is "Amen, Brother"!
  20. Like
    death tribble reacted to Storn in Storn's Art & Characters thread.   
    Due to my pulled neck muscle, James being sick, this week's MM game got cancelled. Next week is out due to business travel for Neil. So it will be two weeks before our game gets off the ground again.
    But here are a couple of sketches that I did last week for this week's game. My players already spotted them, even though they were supposed to be villians. Oh well, that's what I get for sketching at the table. And yes, these ARE sketches... no color, no inks.
    I call this one "Scope".
  21. Like
    death tribble reacted to lemming in Superhero Images   
    Re: Superhero Images
    Answer hazy on thumbnails. Gif's don't seem to auto thumbnail. JPG & PNG's do. Though I think that a gif thumbnail is possible. I'm going to try something.

    Ok, I can do the inline with gifs doing the <img src=http://www.herogames.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4805> trick. if the image is small enough it does show up anyway as well.
    BTW, I like the group shot as well. This is one of my favorite threads because of all the cool ideas that it generates for me.
  22. Like
    death tribble reacted to James Gillen in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    According to a local promotional magazine, Las Vegas has about 5000 people moving here every month.
  23. Like
    death tribble reacted to Klytus in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    I have one friend who lives nearby that suffers from Depression, and ocassionally needs me to go be with her because no one else (not even her husband) can reach her. I have another friend who had surgery to remove blood-clots, but at the last minute they had to get her permission to approve a proceedure that might have killed her... all without having had the chance to say goodby her her husband and daughter. Another friend of mine had to put down the family dog. Yet another friend of mine has been having serious health-issues with the famly cat.
    Sometimes, friendship can be a real bear.
    And I wouldn't give up knowing any of these people for the world.
  24. Like
    death tribble reacted to misterdeath in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    This has been an interesting 6 days. I took two days before and two days after the easter weekend off to travel up to the old homestead and see the relatives.
    Met with Mandy on saturday. Met her new fiancee. He's much better than any of the 10 or so other fiancees she's had. More social. More on the ball. He's a gamer, and was amazed that we were too. He's got "Superman Syndrome"; He's sweeping in to save her from her bad situations, though. Plus, she's having Loser Stalker guy's baby, so he gets a ready made family, which he really wants. Shane reminds me of nothing more than a much more social version of her father. The evil part of me wonders if he's way to damn good for her. Of cource, I thought the same thing when my cousin married her mother.
    Jaime is three now, and just learning how to talk. You see, his mamma and her live-in both smoke like a coal fired powerplant, and guess who's so allergic to cigarette smoke that he gets continual ear infections, which has so damaged his hearing that he's going to have to undergo surgery? And do speech therapy? Megan's living proof that people should be required to get a licence to have children. Baby number three is doing well, cute as a button. We're standing in line to get the food (we had swiss steak for easter this year) and my brother turns to his wife and asks "who's baby is that?". She says, "Don't know." Says I, "That's Megan's new baby." Then I had to explain that the only reason why I know that is because I call my grandma directly to get info. Calling my mom gets me more information that I could ever care to know about her medical problems, and about people that she knows that I never have met. Relatives, nope. Family, nope. Some person she works with. Enough data to choke a horse. Sigh.
    Cousin April's husband has taken a severe turn for the worse. His kidneys are failing rapidly, and they're trying to get him a transplant. He's type O, and everyone of his approximate size in the family is A. So, none of us can do it. Funny thing. His sister would donate, but she's A too. His brother is O, and could donate, but won't. Brother's wife lost a sister before she could donate bone marrow, and is pissed that her husband is being that selfish. Damn glad I don't have to go to Easter at their house.
    Dad and CJ and I had a long talk while mom was out. It was fun. The reason why he hasn't come for a visit to give us our Christmas present (to help us figure out what we need to get this place fixed up right) is because Mom keeps telling him he has to wait for her. Um, mom, the point was to get him to come down so that you would be rid of him for a couple of weeks, and we'd get to show him around. You can come down in the summer like usual, and everything will be hunky dory.
    Speaking on mom, Pyrex is your friend. Use it. She's making iced tea. Boil water, plunk in tea bag. Let steep, pour over ice. She boils the water, pulls out a pretty glass pitcher, and pours the boiling water right in.
    Crack, splash, there's broken glass shards and boiling tea water everywhere. So, I clear a path and get mom to go into the bathroom and run cold water on the burn on her foot, and dad and I clean the entire floor. Sigh. Fortunately, we were there, or she'd have probably stepped in the glass, and we'd have had another trip to the emergency room.
    The termite treatment went well, we're out $1700, but we should be good for a while now. We were a little mislead about how long it was going to take. They got here at 9:00 and left at 3:30. Somehow, my wife and I were under the assumption that they'd be done in two or three hours. So, rather than doing all the shopping and stuff we took today off to do, we spent it at home doing nothing, because we couldn't leave. Sigh. At least we got to go out for dinner. Thai again. Go figure.
    Good to see morningstar's back. I always miss him when he goes.
  25. Like
    death tribble reacted to Darren Watts in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    This week's award goes to Chris, for: "In my experience, Neanderthals *always* attack aliens."
    This replaces the previous title-holder, from Jason: "I made my INT roll, and I've decided to do it anyway." dw
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