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Tech priest support

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Everything posted by Tech priest support

  1. I wouldn't be quick to believe anything in national review. They are a purely rightwing magazine that filters everything thru a far right bias. They'd blame the tooth fairy for America's broken medical system to distract people from the obvious cause of the healthcare disaster in america.
  2. The woman making the accusation as been exposed as a trump supporter and has appeared in playboy and maxim. Can you imagine if Moore's accuser was a Hillary supporter who had been in skin mags?
  3. Scorsese. I'm not big on westerns generally. Ed wood vs. Steven Speilberg
  4. pencil. correctable. best superhero movie; Superman the move or burton's batman?
  5. Where eagles dare. Creepier guy to have interested in you if you're a woman: christian gray vs Hannibal lecter.
  6. You'll know for sure if the Orville becomes successful. If it does the firefly fanatics will start making attempts to steal some of it's success by trying to do firefly crossover memes with it.
  7. San Andreas. I mean I got a soft spot for Irwin Allen and Charlton Heston but Allen was a schlock TV/movie creator and Heston was a real ham. Speaking of Irwin Allen... Lost in space vs voyage to the bottom of the sea.
  8. Samantha Carter! Chernobyl vs. Fukushima.
  9. More specific? TOS enterprise and defiant were both constitution class heavy cruisers, even match. Enterprise survived only due to data from the defiant. Enterprise D and the DS9 defiant were in the TNG era, I'd give it to the D due to more overall firepower and energy reserves. Wonder woman vs.she hulk.
  10. Jack Benny. I'e heard of him. Strong female SF character. Sarah Conner vs. Ellen Ripley.
  11. I can understand how women living in states outside Alabama might decide to refuse to let him make decisions that affect them. Same for people who believe in separation of church and state .
  12. Blue. The color pink doesn't actually exist. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2013/11/color-pink-doesnt-exist-can-see/ Space wolves vs blood angels.
  13. Caligula. As far as we know he was 100% insane without supernatural spirits working on him to make him that way. Burp vs belch.
  14. OK if you want some I can mail you a jar or two of it if you pm me with your address.
  15. As long as the pay's good enough I'd watch a hellion. Massive, crippling diarrhea for a week vs watching an episode of Twilight.
  16. Doom. Magic and science. Riddick vs Conan.
  17. Justice, if it happens. Choose your hell: a career with high pay doing work that hurts millions of people or a low paying job with the knowledge that your work makes life better for millions of people.
  18. Bonehead pike. The batleth never made sense. 40k imperial guard vs star wars stormtroopers.
  19. Yvonne Craig even if she was nowhere near as hawt as an Orion girl as the original was. Death star vs star killer base.
  20. Kisses. French. With a girl I like. Dr. Who vs Dr. Doom.
  21. WTF?!?! HOW IS THAT A QUESTION?!?!?! BAD! VERY BAD! Star Destroyer vs Battlestar.
  22. Sherry Jackson. Brunettes FTW! Alien GF from trek: T'Pol vs Troi.
  23. Holy dropped guts, Batman! http://time.com/5019648/missouri-man-police-interrogation-farts/
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