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Everything posted by sentry0

  1. I've settled on a tab separated dump...it's not pretty but it should work for what I need it to If there's a low effort way to get an XML dump out of HD I would much prefer that though.
  2. My export template is sort of working, it's producing invalid JSON because some fields contain a single quote which happens to be what I'm using to quote my values. I could switch to double quotes but it doesn't address the root issue which is if a player uses a single (or double quote) they will produce broken JSON. Is there anyway for my to get like an XML dump from HD that I could use for further parsing?
  3. I'm attempting to build a JSON export template and am having some success so far. I've hit a bit of a snag though with characteristics not exporting properly...see the below snippet. <!--TEMPLATE_NAME-->6E JSON Export<!--/TEMPLATE_NAME--> <!--TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION--> <p>A JSON template for the Hero System 6th Edition by sentry0</p> <p> Version 1.0.0 (2018-02-17) <!--FILE_EXTENSION-->json<!--/FILE_EXTENSION--> </p> <!--/TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION--> { name: '<!--CHARACTER_NAME-->', characteristics: { strength: { total: '<!--STR--><!--STR_TOTAL--><!/--STR-->', cost: '<!--STR--><!--STR_COST--><!/--STR-->', roll: '<!--STR--><!--STR_ROLL--><!/--STR-->', notes: '<!--STR--><!--STR_NOTES--><!/--STR-->' } }, movement: { running: '<!--RUNNING--><!--RUNNING_TOTAL-->[<!--IF_RUNNING--><!--RUNNING_TOTAL_NONCOMBAT--><!--/IF_RUNNING--> NC]<!--/RUNNING-->' } } The "name" and "running" properties populate correctly but I can't seem to get any of the strength properties to work. Here's what HD is outputting for me: { name: 'Edward Lightbinder', characteristics: { strength: { total: '<!--STR--><!--STR_TOTAL--><!/--STR-->', cost: '<!--STR--><!--STR_COST--><!/--STR-->', roll: '<!--STR--><!--STR_ROLL--><!/--STR-->', notes: '<!--STR--><!--STR_NOTES--><!/--STR-->' } }, movement: { running: '6"[12" NC]' } }
  4. It could be as simple as a Radio Perception/Transmission connection between the droid and the ships computer...all you're really doing is offloading the astrogation calculations to the droid. You can go down fancier (and more expensive) roads and experiment with telepathy and mind control...seems like overkill though,
  5. 6e_mobile.hde View File This export template will create a HTML5 mobile app that you can use on your phone/tablet/laptop/PC. I've included a dice roller that is suitable for use in your sessions as a dice replacement...I've ran a session where we used nothing but this app and a pencil and paper and it actually worked out pretty well. In some cases (particularly around calculating damage) it's actually faster than rolling all those dice and calculating BODY, STUN, KB, etc. You can use this on a regular PC it is really meant to be run on a mobile device so I would encourage you to try it out that way. You can also use the developer tools in Chrome to simulate a mobile device dimensions by hitting F12 and hitting ctrl+shift+m...pick the device you want to use. You could also just shrink your window down real small Usage Windows and Linux Install the attached .hde file as you would normally Export your character using the new template Android (Option 1) Export the character using the new template Save the webpage to your Android device Install a HTML viewer like Visor HTML Browse to the saved webpage from step 2 in your HTML viewer (important - open the file from within the app itself, there's some issue with loading it from the file system that's beyond my ability to fix) Android (Option 2) Export the character using the new template Save the webpage to your Android device Install a webserver (I recommend kWS Server) Start your server Browse to the saved webpage from step 2 Mac I'm not a Mac guy but I imagine the usage would be similar to Android...sorry! Submitter sentry0 Submitted 11/07/2017 Category Export Formats Output Format HTML (Browser) Rules Version HERO System 6th Edition
  6. Version 1.0.8


    This export template will create a HTML5 mobile app that you can use on your phone/tablet/laptop/PC. I've included a dice roller that is suitable for use in your sessions as a dice replacement...I've ran a session where we used nothing but this app and a pencil and paper and it actually worked out pretty well. In some cases (particularly around calculating damage) it's actually faster than rolling all those dice and calculating BODY, STUN, KB, etc. You can use this on a regular PC it is really meant to be run on a mobile device so I would encourage you to try it out that way. You can also use the developer tools in Chrome to simulate a mobile device dimensions by hitting F12 and hitting ctrl+shift+m...pick the device you want to use. You could also just shrink your window down real small Usage Windows and Linux Install the attached .hde file as you would normally Export your character using the new template Android (Option 1) Export the character using the new template Save the webpage to your Android device Open Chrome and type in file:///sdcard/<PATH_TO_FILE>. Example - file:///sdcard/Download/red_star.html Android (Option 2) Export the character using the new template Save the webpage to your Android device Install a HTML viewer like Visor HTML Browse to the saved webpage from step 2 in your HTML viewer (important - open the file from within the app itself, there's some issue with loading it from the file system that's beyond my ability to fix) Android (Option 3) Export the character using the new template Save the webpage to your Android device Install a webserver (I recommend kWS Server) Start your server Browse to the saved webpage from step 2 Mac I'm not a Mac guy but I imagine the usage would be similar to Android...sorry!
  7. There's a surprising amount more dark meat on Gnomes compared to a Halfling.
  8. Thanks for the tips re: Champions vs Champions Complete I'm in no actual hurry to convert to 6e, I'm actually compiling a list of books for my family and friends for x-mas presents...I'm notoriously hard to buy for (apparently). The only rule that really appeals to me from 6e is the nerf to killing attacks stun multiplier (a.k.a. the stun lottery) and I've already backported that to my games. I also like the idea decoupling primary and secondary characteristics the way they did but not enough to consider it a "killer feature" of 6e that would make me want to switch. What I'm really saying is: thanks guys for helping me compile my x-mas wishlist
  9. Thanks for the warm welcome to the boards. This isn't my first account actually, it's just been so long that I can't remember any of my details so I created a new account. I think my plan of attack is this: Buy the 2 core rulebooks electronically Buy physical copies of the Champions and Fantasy Complete books That should satisfy the rules junkie in me but also be pragmatic in terms of lugging books around. I have a bunch of books from 5e that are still easily used in 6e, some if which seems to have no direct successor. I can look at building up my 6e collection of books organically from this point. Thanks again everyone, this was exactly what I was looking for.
  10. I see, I think I would prefer to have a book book but PDFs are cool too. Alright, well thanks all for your help...very informative.
  11. Sorry for being so dense but are those books in this list - http://www.herogames.com/forums/store/category/10-hero-system-general/ Is it this one?
  12. I see, forgive me but what books are you referring to? Are those the player guides?
  13. I'm looking to take the plunge into 6e and would like to know what are the essential books that I should look at purchasing. I like both Champions and Fantasy Hero so I would appreciate it if suggestions could be broken into the following 3 categories: Core Champions Fantasy I'd really appreciate some background on why you think a book is essential too if you're so inclined Thanks!
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