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Posts posted by Quackhell


    On September 25, 2019 at 3:44 PM, archer said:

    I found this image fascinating



    The American Dream Girl


    An android created by Professor Wesley Essex as part of the Omega Initiative, a government program aimed at created super beings. Her synthetic skin covering is resilient to damage and her omni-ware exo-skeleton even more so. She has heightened strength and a kinetic energy control array that allows her to redirect physical attacks back on her opponents. She also possesses her beguiling gaze, as Essex dubbed it, which transmits a light wave that calms and pacifies targets. 


    She has joined with other OI successes Kid Turbo, Steadfast, The Banner, and Steeleheart to form the Icons. Their victories over The Baffler, Minor Domo and his Major Minions, Long Shadow and the League of Pain are the stuff of legend. However their strangest adventure was saving the science team, including Professor Essex, who were thought lost in the alternate dimension Earth known as Pangea Ultima. This would also end up leading to the invasion by Triassic Rex and his dinosaur army, but that is a tale for another day. 


    Xuexing De Mao


    The Bloody Cat was thought to merely be an urban legend, a dirty rag covered barefoot street urchin who watched over Shanghai's stray cats. However now it is clearly all too real. Whether it is a supernatural entity or an individual with powers that merely adopted the name is unknown. XDM can instill a paralyzing fear of cats in a target and controls an army of stray cats that attack at it's command. It targets any individual who would harm stray cats and especially those who would butcher them for food. 

  3. It's a confused face as in the content has me puzzled or even fascinated as you said. I have zero issue with it at all and as soon as I can come up with an idea for the character I will be posting it. I didn't mean any offense and have changed my reaction.


  4. CereBro


    Trent Stratton was your typical douchebag frat boy and head of the Phi Tappa Kegga at MCU. One night he and some of his brothers broke into the Chem labs and on a dare Trent shotgunned down the contents of some random test tubes. Somehow this didn't kill him and instead imbued him with telekinesis, telepathy and low grade mind control. Upon discovering his "wicked sick powers" he ditched college and became a amazingly annoying supervillain.

  5. The dashing, daring, and debonair Mako Magnifico pilots the SabreShark Supercycle.  Mako has cybernetic implants to enhance his reflexes to handle the high speeds that the SabreShark is capable of and his strength to keep it under control. His weapons include a laser katana array, micro missle cluster launchers and for defense he relies on his speed and his heightened reflexes to dodge attacks. He is a bit cocky and at times takes unnecessary risks, but he will put his ego in check when it comes to helping those in need.

  6. The Zoid


    An extradimensional imp that was somehow brought into this reality through an ad campaign for Checker's Pizza to "Avoid The Zoid". It's sole purpose is to ruin the quality of delivery pizza and it seems incapable of using it's wide array of reality warping powers to any other effect. How these abilities will  factor into the plans for the Bat and the Doctor's scheme is any body's guess(possibly the masterminds themselves).

  7. Vacillator


    Maisy Mills is meek, mousy and terrified of making the wrong decision. She is also a broadcast empath who can pass those tendencies to other people magnified ten fold. Security guards will hesitate to draw their gun, bank tellers will fret over tripping the alarm, heroes won't know who to fight or save first etc. She can basically paralyze individuals and small groups with indecision. She doesn't wear a costume and blends in to a crowd easily and is effectively more of a non combatant and secret weapon for the team.

  8. Subject 752 is the greatest success of the Kobayashi Institute thus far as the 12 year old boy had survived his treatments of Project: NEOGEN and had developed abilities and gained full control of them almost immediately. Most importantly he was fully under control of government liaison "Mr. Sakura(Cherry Blossom)". 752 can summon a bio-electric ectoplasmic shell around his body that takes various forms. This one he calls Sailor Star. While this shell is active he can fly and shoot bolts of bio-electricity and is highly resistant to attacks. He can also summon a giant robot form, a kaiju monster that breaths bolts of energy and a wise cracking boyishly handsome man wielding a ridiculously huge sword that is somehow also a gun.

  9. I was hoping for one more entry, but with two really good ones I don't think there is any reason to hold off. Mark O.N.E gets the nod as I like the versatility of the powers and dual hero/villain nature of the character. Steriaca the next image is yours.

  10. New Team: The Cleaners


    A 6 person team that has abilities or tech that allow them to clean up crime scenes removing evidence and disposing of bodies for criminal organizations, assassins, supervillains etc.


    Super Visor-The team leader is Carla Manetti whose family has been in the body disposal business with The Family for years. She has adapted things to keep up with current technology and investigative techniques. She utilizes a high-tech visor that allows her to scan the area and determine if her crew has properly removed all incriminating material. She is meticulous and a perfectionist and demands the highest standards from those who work for her.


  11. Stygian Destroyer


    Representing the Fifth Circle: Wrath is Tariq Nassar. Nassar was a occultist who after much effort acquired the Dagger of Thoth-Amon. He used it  to summon the waters of the River Styx and conduct a ritual of bathing in a mixture of the waters and blood of seven sacrificial souls. He sought god like power, but instead was transformed into a monstrous raging beast. He went on a rampage of destruction and slaughter only to return to the waters and go into an inert state where his mind continued to brim with hate until the next awakening. The Nine Circles managed to discover his location and used some mystic wards to gain control of the monster and now use it as a weapon to destroy their enemies and foster panic and mayhem in the world. The Destroyer is 20 feet tall, immensely powerful, seemingly indestructible and bleeds and can vomit poisonous stygian waters.

  12. Okay, I guess I do have at least one more. 




    Sister Mary Abigail took a vow of silence, but soon discovered that she was now actually mute. She prayed on her condition and soon realized she could induce silence upon others temporarily. She took this to be a divine gift and uses her power to strike at blasphemers who would use the name of the Lord to spread falsehoods, hate, or condemn or demean His works.

  13. Stärker


    Ilsa Shaw represents the Seventh Circle, Violence. A mutant whose power to absorb and transform physical pain into heightened strength, toughness and restorative healing emerged while she was being beaten by her abusive mother. Suddenly filled with power IIsa lashed out and broke her mother's arm. Ilsa engaged in self harm after this in order to again feel that rush of power. When she got in a fight with bullies much older than her and ended up savagely beating them, the news report garnered the attention of Dr. Blanc from the Institut De L'étrange . He recruited her and trained her to utilize her powers to the utmost. Several years after proving herself as muscle for hire she was selected by the newest version of the 9 Circles.


    In battle she wears a blood red suit of body armor that is equipped with a shock device that allows her to "jump start" her before a fight. She will always go after the biggest and strongest target and goad them into hand to hand combat in order to maximize her abilities. She has become addicted to physical pain and is always seeking new ways fulfill this need.

  14. Zabzel


    A minor shapeshifting demonic imp who was tasked to seduce and corrupt people into committing adultery. However an encounter with the Four Gospels saw Zabzel reforming into an agent of good and joining the 10 Commandments. Now it uses it's power much like it used to in charming individuals who have a desire to stray from their spouses. Now instead of committing the act and dooming their souls Zabzel shapeshifts into it's true demonic form to "scare them straight" or more often into the image of their spouse, children or other loved one to counsel them to change their ways.

  15. "Servobot! Dictate the following."


    Servobot: "YES SIR!"


    "I Billy Lipniski have tired of  being surrounded by idiots and fools. By the uneducated masses and rubes. Also I tire of having my allowance being so low. Ridiculous! How am I supposed to build my Stupendous Devastationator Cannon with 5 dollars a week? Impossible...no strike that!"


    Servobot: "STRIKEN SIR!!"


    Billy: "As a genius of the highest level I can overcome any obstacle. I will become a master villain. I shall be the bane of all dums dums and dullards. Authorities will quiver at the mere mention of my name!"




    Billy: "Silence you bucket of bolts! I will not use my given name. No I shall be....HEL..."



    Billy: "Er...sorry Mombot...I shall hence forth be known as HECKRAISER!!! Muhahahaha!!!"




    Heckrasier: "Stop sucking up Servobot...I shall spare you the compactor...this time. Now let's get back to work on my fully functioning super cool Light Sab..."




    Heckraiser: "Hmmmm....indeed Servobot...not even a supervillain as brilliant as I will be can stand up to the Mouse and his Evil Empire. So....let's call it the Blazer Sword. Yes...that will work just fine. Beware planet Earth....Tomorrow you meet your new master!"



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