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Posts posted by MrWolf

  1. Can't relate to NOT drinking coffee regularly.  YMMV of course.


    "It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking is a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."


    /not actually a mentat.  Nor do I play one on TV.

  2. I am trying to find out what book/supplement/article this bit was from.


    I thought it was maybe Strike Force, but it doesn't appear to be.


    I believe it was an article - maybe in Adventurer's Club - about gameplay and heroes potentially killing other heroes.


    So this hero, who I remember as Revenant (a Batman-type skilled normal), was being mocked on maybe a radio broadcast by another hero as "Irrelevant".  I remember something about the player being angry ("rage was white hot" - maybe?) while the character stalked the other hero with a hunting rifle, fully intending to kill the other hero.  He didn't, for reasons that escape me now.  I think this was just a short article or was part of a bigger book, but does anyone else remember this, and more importantly, where it is from?


    It's pretty vivid, but I wanted to refresh myself on the actual details of it.


    Pretty sure it was 80s or 90s... 

  3. Hi all - long time no post.


    So things are not going so well.  Oh, I'm not sick or anything.  Thankfully.


    But...my marriage isn't going so well right now.  I'm not sure how much I should say in public even anonymously, like this, but PMs would be kind of welcome right about now.  I know that's pretty oblique but that's where I am.  Some of you may remember a thread I posted a while ago, but things aren't really better.


    So - how are you all?



  4. Re: What do you really think of Champions Online?


    I don't log into CO much, and COH only occasionally. I need to turn off the CO sub at some point, I think, after they go free-play.


    LOTRO, lifer, and pick that back up occasionally also.


    I played WoW for like a month 5 years ago, and just picked it back up... it's a lot different in that time, and I enjoy it when I log in.


    Sooo... too many MMOs.

  5. Re: What do you really think of Champions Online?


    It's kinda fun for now. I signed up for a 3-month sub, after getting an impulse to try the free trial, aka the tutorial. Highest char is at 18. I still, mind you, have my CoX sub, but barely play - and LOTRO is the MMO that my wife plays with me.


    When we have any time to do so... which is maybe about an hour a week these days, due to our 2-year old's current 10 pm sleeping time. After which I fall over, to be up when she gets up between 6 am and 7 am.


    I will admit, I barely read the mission descriptions. Leveling is fast enough, though, that I'm enjoying the process of building the character(s).


    Initially I thought the graphics were lame - on screenshots - but I'm okay with them now.


    My only real problem with the game is that it's too freaking BRIGHT. If I play for more than an hour, my eyes hurt. Haven't had that happen with LOTRO *ever*.

  6. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


    Reading Changes now. Got it yesterday, half-way through (woulda probably finished it last night, but the previous night was 4 hours of sleep).


    Daughter, not son, and that's all I'll say now.


    AND he's planned the series out to 20 books. My only irritation will be waiting another year (probably) for the next one!

  7. Re: The cranky thread


    Marathon (curse them) in Huntley Illinois (address available if anyone lives nearby) sold us E85 Ethanol instead of Regular 87 (or whatever) octane gasoline.


    In case you don't know what this means, it means that the fuel tank has to be drained and everything sucked out of the fuel system, it's great to put E85 into flex-fuel vehicles... and a Very Bad Idea to put it into normal cars.


    Maybe not as bad as regular into diesel but similar. Hopefully the car isn't permanently damaged.


    So... $530 dollar dealership bill, $150 tow, and 2 vacation days (each) lost, apparently we may be able to get our money back for the gas, dealership repairs and tow (and apparently a number of others got smacked by this) ... but...


    I will Never, Ever, Ever purchase anything at any Marathon again. Whether it's a franchise owner or supplier who screwed up, I don't care. I plan to trash the company to anyone who will listen. It may have been a simple mistake, but... I'm NOT happy.


    This is Not Cool. We stalled out - DEAD engine - just off the interstate, after our power steering died ON the interstate. NOT COOL with a 14-month old in the car. Decent weather for Chicagoland in winter though (rainy and 60 degrees ... in December?!?).


    Note, we weren't just stupid: It was labelled as regular gas.


    We have set some investigators onto them, and hope to set more.


    But I want to say it again, CURSE THEM.


    Fortunately, it's dead at both our workplaces, and 2 extra vacation days aren't a big deal (aside from, y'know, not getting to use them on something else, which blows).


    Plus side, though, sorta... grampa FINALLY spent some time with our daughter, in the extra two days we spent there... after he was mostly not present for the week we were there (and were supposed to be there). He's not taking to retirement all that well.

  8. Re: The cranky thread


    13 year old cat... with diabetes. Not really cranky so much as sad, since we've pretty much decided to put her down. Two daily injections and multiple glucose tests... um, no.


    She's a pet, and she's loved, but... she's a pet.


    I'll miss her, but... she was always pretty zen and standoffish most of the time, only coming by for attention once or twice a week... sometimes less than that. She was good about coming by when we were upset, though. House cat.


    Not a bad life for a former prison cat, pretty good run all things considered.

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