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Everything posted by mattingly

  1. My favorite is Quatermass and the Pit aka 5 Million Years to Earth.
  2. Ditko felt that actions speak louder than words (a la objectivism), and that verbal apologies were meaningless without a change in behavior.
  3. My friend Phillip did that, too!
  4. He would have been a great pick. I was hoping for Mark Valley (Human Target).
  5. I loved him as Dr. Frankenstein in "Frankenstein Unbound."
  6. Someone stole my dictionary. I have no words. I just replaced my cat's litter sand with pop rocks. Now, we wait.
  7. "I'm celebrating my love for you With a pint of beer and a new tattoo." Billy Bragg, Greetings to the New Brunette
  8. This is actually my favorite of the series. He blows up the bad guys and lights a signal for the other planes at the same time!
  9. Not to brag or anything, but I got the high score on my scale last week.
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