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Everything posted by mattingly

  1. I like the Justice League cartoon's plot about her father actually being Hades, and the clay story was a cover-up. He'd make a fine villain, but since they did Ares in the first one, it seems unlikely that they'd go that way.
  2. I called a woman a wet hole in the ground, but...
  3. Here's a short lyrics that's been in my head ever since I heard it last year. "I would kill your dogs if I knew to whom your boxers belong." The Hinds, Castigadas en el Granero
  4. I wish I was a strongman. I'd lift her spirits first. Then I'd like 10,000 pounds, and then I'd lift that curse. (Ed's Redeeming Qualities, The Curse) So much to do, and so much time to do it. I try hard to concentrate, I try hard to think. I've got a new oven that cooks food in twelve seconds. Now I'm eating so quick, I've got hours to drink. (Ed's Redeeming Qualities, Buck Tempo)
  5. I chalked it up to a minor effect of the silver Kryptonite.
  6. Season 3 of 12 Monkeys. Just as good as the first two, but it sort of sucked that SyFy crammed the whole season into a weekend instead of running one a week like normal.
  7. During the battle with the bazooka, I wondered if Barry would turn the gun on himself, to deprive both himself and Savitar of superspeed, like the memory wipe had worked.
  8. It looks a lot funnier than Powerless, and that got decent toward the end.
  9. The red glowy thing was the Dominator (alien invaders from the crossover) energy source they needed to power the speed bazooka. King Shark was another "defense mechanism" of Argus. About Iris's death, could it be...
  10. Illegal Aliens by Nick Pollotta. Sci-fi humor on par with Hitchiker's Guide ...Which reminds me of a sci-fi G that I forgot -- Glory Lane by Alan Dean Foster The Island of Dr Moreau by H G Wells The Invisible Man, also by Wells And I think we said we're doing series by each book's title, otherwise The Incarnations of Immortality by Piers Anthony really needs to be listed under I. Jesus for the Win, from GameChurch Jim Henson: The Biography by Brian Jay Jones Just So Stories, speaking of Kipling Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne Now that I'm thinking of Verne, Wells, and Kipling... Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift (sci-fi filled with biting sarcasm)
  11. Here's something they're doing at the Kentucky Derby this year...
  12. New Jersey Pizza Place Makes a Massive 30-Pound Pizza Topped With Tacos and Guacamole
  13. What Predator sees when he looks at a field...
  14. Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that three do.
  15. Fake a stomach cramp. When you're bent over, lick your palms.
  16. Another good G one is Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture by N. K. Jemisin, Genevieve Valentine, Eric San Juan, Zaki Hasan, Stephen H. Segal It includes hundreds of quotes from movies, books, comics, authors, comedians, games, and geek spokespeople, with a few paragraphs about the profound meaning of each. "This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays." "Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb." "No matter where you go, there you are." "I'm all out of bubblegum." "Do or do not. There is no try."
  17. The first rule of Coulson soap club is you don't talk about Coulson soap club.
  18. A G book I forgot... Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't by Jim Collins
  19. How to be Legendary by Johnny B Truant (free from the author), an entertaining look at life management skills.
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