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Posts posted by Pariah

  1. 15 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

    And finally exchanging Jolene Blalock's ridiculous body stocking for a proper uniform.


    This one thing is representative of the main problem I had with Enterprise: so much of it was just gratuitous. T'Pal's catsuit, the half-naked decon chamber scenes, the 90s power ballad opening theme, etc. So many things that were supposed to broaden the show's appeal, but didn't contribute anything of quality to it. 


    ( And let's not forget how much better Deanna Troi looked in a proper uniform than in her three rotating catsuits. :thumbup: )

  2. On 4/4/2024 at 10:25 PM, Bazza said:

    Losing the awareness of mind is worst than losing your mind. 


    Literally the case for my younger brother. Before his traumatic brain injury, he was a drafter and project manager for an engineering company. He kept talking about going back to work for that company; one effect of the TBI was that he couldn't understand that he wasn't capable of doing that anymore.

  3. There are seven billion people in the world. So when one of them behaves badly toward you, he's actually doing you a great favor because he's saving you time. He's telling you that he's not worth your while. He's freeing you to say, "Thank you for the information. I will now move on to the 6,999,999,999 other people, some of whom may have some value."

  4. After a bit of binge-watching during my family's spring break, I finished re-watching the 4th season of Star Trek: Discovery. It is an interesting series. I feel like each season has been incrementally better than the one before. And the last two or three episodes, where the crew are trying to figure out how to communicate with a completely alien species using hydrocarbon chains and light sequences, might be the best science fiction in the whole franchise. Whoever wrote these episodes was clearly a fan of Carl Sagan's Contact.


    Now maybe I'll give Enterprise another shot. 


  5. The first two episodes of the third and final season of Star Trek:


    "Spock's Brain" : Mother of Hades, this was a bad episode. 


    "The Enterprise Incident" : As good as the previous episode was bad. Leonard Nimoy is brilliant as Spock seduces a female Romulan commander, while a surgically-altered Kirk sneaks around the Romulan ship, trying to steal their new cloaking device. 

  6. A woman in her late forties starts taking swimming lessons. When her friends ask about her new interest, she says, "My son is dating a girl who's a little insecure. She likes to ask him things like, 'If your Mom and I both fell into the water, who would you save first?' I just want him not to have to worry about that." 


    Her son, meanwhile, is having one of those days with his girlfriend. Sure enough, she asks him, "If your Mom and I both fell into the water, who would you save first?"


    He replies, "It's not an issue, sweetheart. My Mom is learning how to swim."


    She's frustrated. "No, you have to choose! You have to jump in and save one of us!"


    He just shakes his head. "Well, then I'm afraid you're probably going to die."


    Now she's furious. "What? How can you say that?"


    "Because I don't know how to swim, and I know Mom is going to save me before she saves you." 

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