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Posts posted by Pariah

  1. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: Here' date=' to go with that, have some notes from the UK Lottery Commission and a hatful of business propositions from Nigerians.[/quote']


    Q: Can I have an order of your Spam casserole, please?


    A: I don't think the word 'horcrux' means what you think it means....

  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Signs your new next door neighbor maybe a dragon


    Charred, empty suits of plate mail in the weekly garbage. Hey, sometimes the dragon wins.


    New Topic: Robert A. Heinlein would have been 100 years old this month. How do you celebrate the anniversary?

  3. Re: WWYCD: Fans and cons


    Jack Diamond went to a con once -- incognito, just to look around. While he was there, he heard a couple of fan arguing about whether he was really a hero or a menace. For kicks, he joined the argument on the "He's a menace!" side. The "He's a hero!" fan made a compelling, passionate case for why all the negative publicity Diamond got was inaccurate and undeserved. Later that day, he watched with satisfaction as his unknowing supporter found something he'd covertly placed in his jacket pocket: his calling card (a blue-backed Hoyle jack of diamonds) with the word "Thanks" written across it.


    Pariah is uncomfortable with all that attention. He'll go if asked, but he'll spend most of the time deflecting attention and praise to his teammates.


    Thunderstrike has been going to cons for years. He participates in the discussion groups, signs autographs, poses for pictures, gives lectures, the whole nine yards. Although he's been in the business for more than a decade, he remembers the wonder of being a new superhero and is happy to share that joy as much as he can.


    Wild Card has never been to a con. They always seem to schedule these things the same weekend as his archaeology symposia.


    Morningstar spends her day at the con with conflicting feelings -- thrilled and humbled, on the one hand, at the number of people who seem to want to see her and talk to her, and a little peeved at the long, long line of pretty girls falling over themselves to get a glimpse at Terminal Velocity. Have a little pride, girls!


    ColdFire is a geek at heart, so she eats the experience up. When she's not making public appearances, she's hanging out with fans and beating anyone who cares to try their hand against her at Halo 3.


    Onyx is amazed that, with all the superheroes patrolling New York these days, they'd ask him to come to a con. He jumps at the chance.

  4. Re: Jokes


    The worst foursome in the history of golf: Heidi Fleiss, O.J. Simpson, Ted Kennedy, and Bill Clinton. Why?


    1. Heidi's a hooker.

    2. O.J.'s a slicer.

    3. Ted can't drive over water.

    4. Bill can't remember which hole he played last.



  5. Re: Jokes


    Q: What do you get when you cross a mountain climber and a mosquito?

    A: Nothing. You can't cross a scalar and a vector.


    I used to drive a Heisenbergmobile, but every time I looked at the speedometer I got lost.


    Yeah, it was time for a new sig line.

  6. Re: Need help with a team idea


    Defender of the Faith: Captured by sorcerers/cultists and survived their ritual due to an innate (but previously unknown) immunity to magic. Took it as a sign from God that his mission in life would be to hunt down and destroy magicians, soothsayers, and other heretical mystic types. Probably no superpowers other than his immunity to magic (good luck figuring out how to build that!), but probably has decent stats and carries a lot of equipment.

  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: What is your favorite food ?


    Leftovers. And like Bill Cosby said, I am an American. That means I can eat anything in the world between two slices of bread.


    New Topic: Unexpected plot twists from "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows".

  8. Re: Superhero power levels


    Good points. Rep to thee!


    Personally, I think the comics would be a lot more consistent and fun to read if the writers had character write-ups to work from:


    "Hmm...Hulk has a 125 STR and 75% Damage Reduction for PD and ED. Superman has only 100 STR, but he's got Tactics at 15-, full Life Support, three more HTH levels, and two extra points of SPD. Guess we'll just have to play it out before we write the next issue...."

  9. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: Well' date=' Eric's character just burned down another gazebo. Other than that, it's been rather uneventful.[/quote']


    Q: Our live-action role playing group has been kicked out of another town? What happened?


    A: Crimson and clover, and a couple of sticks of dynamite.

  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    Hey, if teh Bunny can chop people's heads off, so can I!




    Uh . . . oh God. Oh God, it's everywhere. Nobody told me . . . oh God, how much can there be? Does anyone have a shovel? Or a backhoe, maybe? It's still coming! I guess I need some quicklime. And an alibi. A good alibi. A . . . you know, it's really kind of pretty. I wonder if I could cut this section of drywall out and mount it. I mean, it worked for Jackson Pollock. Wait, are those sirens?


    I don't care who you are, that's funny, right there.


    NT: Best way to dispose of a body after you've decapitated it.


    Sew the head back on, dress the body in a turtleneck, and put it on a New York City subway car. It'll be days before anyone notices that the poor schmuck isn't breathing. By then, you can be in sunny Acapulco. Or frosty Siberia. Whichever.


    New Topic: You've just done something terrible, and you hear sirens. To where do you flee?

  11. Re: Using Normal Weapons


    One of my characters, Jack Diamond, was notorious for picking up any equipment he thought could be useful, starting with Vengeance's (Golden-Avenger-turned-villain) gauntlets. IIRC, my GM would usually let me use any item I found for the duration of the adventure, but if I wanted to continue using it after that, I had to buy a slot in JD's Multipower.

  12. Re: The artwork drives me nuts


    I'm the first to admit that I'm not all that familiar with the artwork in the new books. I don't own any of the 5th Edition stuff except FREd, and I've only seen the supplements at Lord Mhoram's house.


    Still, I can't help but think that the artwork was better in the 4th Ed. books (many of which I do still own).

  13. Re: Dumbest thing...


    Pssst. Civil War was mentioned back in the 6th post....

    Carp, I'd missed that. Sorry. It's just that I'd expected a LOT more Civil War gripes, based on previous experience here.


    As for my nominee: The Phoenix Force.


    The Dark Phoenix story, especially the conclusion, was one of the most poignant and moving in the genre to that point. To throw that away, to say in essence "It didn't really happen that way" just to have Jean available for yet another X-book was just plain stupid.

  14. Re: Hulk vs Superman


    I've got no original arguments to make; you folks have pretty much said everything I was going to say on the matter already. But I'm going to say it anyway.


    In a raw strength-versus-strength battle, Hulk would stand a good chance, especially if the fight goes on for more than a few pages. Once he works up a good mad, there are few that can withstand it.


    On the other hand, Superman is a LOT more versatile. Even if (and it's a big if) Hulk has a higher damage class rating, Superman can do a lot more different things. In the end, I think versatility beats violence.


    And let's not forget that DC's top echelon heroes are almost always written as being much more powerful than Marvel's. In practically any such discussion, the DC character is going to win under normal circumstances.


    "Normal circumstances", of course, depend on who's writing the book...

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