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Posts posted by Pariah

  1. I saw Black Panther over the weekend and really enjoyed it. More than that, I found it really thought-provoking. Yeah, there's some material in there that's a little foreign to a while kid who grew up on the plains. That's not a bad thing.


    I'd agree with the general sentiment that Killmonger is the most complex of the Marvel villains presented so far. He's amiable enough, in his way, and he's certainly passionate and articulate about his cause. You can't help but want to be sympathetic to him, based on what he's been through. But he's got WAY too much blood on his hands. It would have been nice to see him develop in further films--maybe even gain a measure of redemption, move from genocidal maniac to well-intentioned extremist, as we've seen done with Magneto so many times. But it wouldn't have worked with the character. It would've felt like a cop-out had he survived. He blazed a trail for death or glory--anything else would have been disappointing.


    Also, I loved the aesthetic of the film. The combination of African tribal and near-future sci-fi was amazing.


    All in all, it was a great film.

  2. 7 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

    Killmonger is one of those villains who's "so right he's wrong" -- he sees a genuine problem (massive oppression of a particular class of people) and seeks to apply a terrible solution (ignite a global race war that would kill billions and leave the planet in ruins). In a sense he's reminiscent of Magneto, with his response to the hatred of mutants -- putting him in elite company among Marvel villains.


    I hadn't thought of it in these specific terms, but you're right. The parallels to Magneto are strong--and probably done better than in any of the X-Movies.

  3. An explosion last week killed a wild-living navy boiler man and he found himself in Hell. Being used to stoking fires and extremely hot temperatures, he found hell actually quite comfortable.


    When Satan went to check out the new arrival, he found him sitting in his room smiling.


    “You like this?” Satan asked.


    “Yes, sir,” said the sailor, “this feels like a spring day to me.”


    Not wanting the new guy to be too comfortable, Satan turned up the heat a bit.  When he went back the next day to see how his new arrival was doing, the sailor was still happy; he hadn’t even broken a sweat.


    “I like this kind of weather,” he told Satan.


    For the next few days, Satan turned up the heat more and more, but each day the Sailor looked as comfortable as ever.  By Sunday, Satan decided to try something different. Rather than turn up the heat even more, he turned it off and turned on the air conditioning. Icicles formed in the sailor’s room! When he checked on the guy, the room was icy and he was shivering, but he had a grin from ear to ear, bigger than ever.


    Satan was exasperated! “Why are YOU so happy?” he demanded from the sailor. “It’s FREEZING in here!”


    “Well, I’m from Cleveland," said the sailor, “and evidently the Browns just won the Super Bowl!”

  4. 7 hours ago, Asperion said:

    A:  Don't tell the CIA, they might just start doing it.


    Q: So I told the guy, "I don't care if you're from the NSA, I'm not telling you about my love life. Mind your own business!"


    A: Mathematically speaking, a cow can be approximated as a cylinder.

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