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Posts posted by Pariah

  1. 5 minutes ago, death tribble said:

    Point of order.

    Drawing the card. How do you know that we are telling the truth when we say what card we draw ?

    Someone could for example be a Motorhead fan and claim they drew the Ace of Spades.






    The Honor System Card pick factor-  This  pick is not under your control (or shouldn't be), and it's not under my control either. You pick a single card from a typical deck, and depending on what suit you get, you must adjust your story. This only happens one and you're on the honor system. I mean, you could lie, but you're only cheating yourself blah blah and I think we're a pretty good bunch. You must have at least three protagonists, your General, and your dragon picked before you have your card draw day.


    Short answer: Self-policing.


    (And seriously, how many fans of Motörhead could there be out there, anyway?)

  2. Being in the same room with it was a little disconcerting, Victor thought. He knew there was no reason for him to be concerned. This being had saved the world a dozen times over, often sacrificing its own physical form in the process. Still, there was something...menacing, almost, about it.


    Victor began to understand the battle Magneto had fought all his life. Everyone, it seemed, was frightened of that which was different.


    It didn't seem to notice Victor's misgivings, however...or if it did, it wasn't concerned by them


    "Of course I will help you," it said in its emotionless monotone voice. "My programming mandates that I protect life."


    "Does that include the lives of the invaders?"


    "Yes. I will not destroy them. Destruction is not my purpose. Protection is my purpose."


    "Will you protect the Invaders from us? Will you prevent us from destroying them, if we decide it is necessary to protect our world?"


    It hesitated to answer for almost a full second. That must seem like an eternity to it, Victor thought. But the response was clear. "I am programmed to protect the people of Earth.  If it is necessary for you to destroy the Invaders, I will not stop you. But I will not destroy them for you."


    "I wouldn't ask you to. Thank you."


    Protagonist:  Mechanon





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