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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Reminds me of the old poem from "Dot's Poetry Corner": Mary had a little lamb With mint jelly. Thank you.
  2. Pumpkin pie . . . with ice cream. Thanksgiving Goodness: Stuffing vs. Corn
  3. ...and the Donkeys have found their scapegoat, firing OC Mike McCoy. I wonder if they're considering bringing in Peyton Manning as Offensive Coordinator? He's already done it for four years....
  4. A month and a half ago, it looked like the AFC West might be the strongest division in the NFL. Today, the Chefs are in first place at 4-6. What a strange season it's been.
  5. I'm going to go with Twilight, on the grounds that nobody should ever be forced to watch 50 Shades for any reason ever at all. Starch Wars (Thanksgiving Style): Mashed potatoes vs. Yams
  6. Doom would be a lot more interesting than Galactus, I think. Wonder Woman, by no less than three orders of magnitude. Delectable Decision: Home-baked bread vs. Soup made from scratch
  7. Both of those movies were hideous. I'd rather which paint dry. Heads vs. Shoulders vs. Knees vs. Toes
  8. True, it's the only way to be sure.
  9. Six losses in a row. Shucks and similar comments.
  10. Yes, there are different metaphors for Violet (Teenager: insecurity, desire to go unnoticed) and Dash (Preadolescent: mischievous, boundless enthusiasm). Just as there are metaphors for Robert (Dad: strong and resilient) and Helen (Mom: smart and flexible).
  11. I choose...lion! Better Weapon for Fighting Zombies: Phaser vs. Light saber vs. Jaffa staff weapon
  12. Armor Piercing is an advantage I would associate more often with physics. Chemistry is more suited to things like Area Effect and Persistent.
  13. If this is a traditional Pixar trailer, absolutely nothing of what you've just seen will actually be in the movie. Not that I'm complaining. It's good to see the family back in action.
  14. According to the broadcast, today's 16-10 loss to UMass marks BYU's first losing season at home since 1971, and their first nine-loss season since 1955. I think that qualifies as historically bad.
  15. I used to grow a goatee every April in preparation for the AP Chemistry exam. It was to let my AP students know that I was going to be an even more unreasonable and demanding SOB that I had been for the rest of the year. It was the Evil Mr. Pariah. Now that I'm no longer teaching AP Chemistry, it hardly seems worth the effort.
  16. BYU plays its last home game tomorrow afternoon against UMass. No word yet on whether the Cougar Marching Band will be playing "I'll Be Home for Christmas" in lieu of the school fight song....
  17. Q: Tell me again how I ended up here in the middle of the New Mexico desert. A: The Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage!
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