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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Sadly, it doesn't seem to be affecting Alabama. So far. We can still hope, I suppose.
  2. Tron couldn't turn into a reindeer. Enough said. Mundane Sci-Fi Melee Weapons: Klingon Bat'leth vs. Minbari Fighting Pike
  3. Which is a pretty good operating definition of this whole season so far.
  4. I used to work with a guy who made it his mission in life to learn the phrase "No smoking allowed in the submarine" in as many languages as he could. He was up in the forties, if I recall correctly.
  5. This, in one play, is Florida's 2017 season.
  6. Yeah, not helpful. Our school now has a full-time ASL teacher. I learned some sign language years ago and can remember just enough to say hello in the hallway.
  7. A: The toll is €314.16, payable in gold bullion or Bitcoin. Please have exact change. Q: Nothing a good romp in the sack wouldn't take care of, I'm sure.
  8. You're carrying a P-90 and a light saber. The film is set in rural 17th Century Japan.
  9. Wear a clove of garlic around your neck tonight. No particular reason....
  10. Still no snow here. It's supposed to rain on Thursday, though.
  11. Queen Elsa, because != Emma Frost. Also, Emma can't sing worth a damn. Badass Disney Princess Three-Way: Fa Mulan vs. Moana vs. Merida
  12. Oranges. Specifically Mandarin oranges. Both kids love 'em. Hugs vs. Kisses
  13. Well, I guess the good news is thatthe Donkeys are in the running for a high draft pick!
  14. The good news is that Lonzo probably won't have to worry about his younger brother breaking the record next year!
  15. We still haven't had our first. It was 65F (18.3C) here on Friday.
  16. Dammit, Mississippi State, you had one job.
  17. Lady P watches football and Farscape. I have no legitimate excuse to refuse.
  18. Are there additional penalties if you're using Twitter?
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