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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. TV Firestorm seems to have it with Concentration, Extra Time and No Range.
  2. I wonder if the singing crossover with the Flash is still going to be a thing.
  3. I wasn't getting at the attractiveness angle so much as TV not really pushing people out of their comfort zones. Sugar coating things, as it were.
  4. I didn't equate the two, but Alex isn't really butch.
  5. I wonder if anyone from Kamar-Taj is going to come collect the thing a the end of the storyline.
  6. Not to mention that Star Labs hanger looked like a certain hall . . .
  7. Yeah, that's what I was getting at with proactive.
  8. Old Man, I like that list. I agree that Comey's October surprise shouldn't have been a factor, because her lead shouldn't have been that narrow due to other factors. I'll add that the country was ripe for a charismatic populist to come in, and the Democrats failed to deliver one. They pretty much defaulted to Trump on that score.
  9. I agree with you on the issue of internal consistency, but I don't know if we have enough info on how the book functions yet to have established it to any great degree.
  10. I don't but you just gave me an idea for my Christmas list!
  11. I don't see any reason not to have a direct vote. The electoral college is nothing but a means to distance the unwashed masses from the election without going so far as to have Congress select the president. This is from the Huffington Post: Why National Popular Vote Is a Bad Idea. I'm not swayed by the arguments presented, but thought I'd share it for the sake of discussion.
  12. I'm sure they'll find it doubleplusungood in the end.
  13. So, basically just the path we've been on all along with mass conglomerates becoming more monolithic and controlling, which is what I got from the article. I thought I was missing some more devious angle.
  14. That's because you don't screw with perfection.
  15. I can see where you're coming from, but there's also the possibility that the Darkholde is actively pursuing some agenda, rather than just passively presenting information human minds can't handle. It's also possible that she's programmed to be somewhat proactive and having found a way to improve her capabilities is acting on a general directive. If that's the case, I'd expect her to show the brain schematic to Radcliffe once she's done with it. If she's actually being secretive, it points to the book being more active than passive.
  16. The fact that the public has a skewed perception on the issue is an irritant to me, not a point of data. My personal opinion on the outcome is that Hillary was perceived as a shoe-in and that it resulted in a low mobilization by her supporters, who sat at home rather than got out and voted. So public perception got us in this mess to begin with. Edit: That's not the only factor at work, but I think it's a big one.
  17. Between Gotham and the movies, I don't think it's likely they'll use any Bat-named characters. They've pretty much handed over a huge chunk of the Batman mythos to Arrow. He's the CW version of Batman. It could happen, but I think the chances are pretty low. While I generally dislike the Willowification of characters just to have a token lesbian on the show, I agree with bigdamnedhero that they've done a decent job of it. The actress has played the part well, and the "late bloomer" aspect has been handled decently. Of course, we get two attractive, feminine lesbians, to help us digest the added diversity. I'd love for a show to actually have at least one butch lesbian in their token couple. When that happens, I'll believe the goals of diversity are genuine rather than an attempt to boost flagging ratings. (The Walking Dead and some other shows have had at least some more average-looking ladies in their pairings, and seem more genuine about just portraying an average, mixed group of people, rather than going for ratings and/or titillation.)
  18. Trump won the electoral college. The fact that he didn't win the popular vote is entirely irrelevant, because the goal was not to win the popular vote. Saying otherwise is like saying you can win a game of baseball by making the most touchdowns. Had the election been a straight popular vote, who would have won? It's impossible to say without actually running a popular vote election.
  19. I was thinking the same thing re: the Presidents.
  20. OK, so draw the path from not having content your ISP provides count against your bandwidth cap and that. Because AFAIK, what you describe is already proscribed, as is throttling. Not to mention that ISPs != search engines. Edit: Mind you, I'm not siding with the telecomms here, I'm looking for an explanation of why exactly this is bad, or how bad it is. It doesn't seem bad on the surface, but with big telecomms blocking any form of competition (such as Google fiber), there's sure to be more to it than the minor perk that it looks like on the surface. In other words, how exactly does it spell the death of net neutrality? The article doesn't make it clear to me.
  21. I'm guessing she upgrades her AI to the point of actual self awareness, gets emotions, etc. It may change her perspective on just being a "tool," but not necessarily mean she needs to be scrapped. I like Mallory Jansen, so I hope they keep her around.
  22. I see throttling a bigger issue than exempting a provider's own content from their data cap. Aside from what seems to me to be a small competitive edge over other content providers, what's the biggest down side?
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