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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. IMO, they should go more cosmic for Phase 4. Get out into space, using GotG and Captain Marvel as the new anchors. Moving to mostly space-based with the occasional Earth-based story might give the franchise some staying power. Plus, the space/cosmic stuff is some of my favorite bits of Marvel.
  2. @Enforcer ... Good to hear! Tell her I said "Hi," and I'm glad she's feeling better. @ Xavier... Ouch! My sympathies. Hope you get a good resolution. @ tkdguy... Valid crankiness! The downside to the wonder of ordering stuff from the internet is the damned shipping. Hope it gets to you. @ Hermit ... Hope the disturbance to your Hermitage ends soon.
  3. I saw it as in line with his typical douchieness.
  4. Trump and Aids Rethink Tactics After Stumbles From the NYT via my wife.
  5. Were there incidents, or is this just histrionics? I just heard reports of a community coming together around a tragedy.
  6. I'm pretty sure Arrow doesn't care too much. He's gone back to his Casual Killer limitation this season.
  7. Tell her I said to get well. And to drive with her Shields up from now on.
  8. OK, that post got all mangled and can't be fixed. The new post editor is a bit odd sometimes. What I was trying to say was those were fair points, and
  9. Hmm. Re-scanning the article, it does seem like that's the likely scenario, though they only focus on the no box scenario.
  10. If you have a box, you can use the app for free. It's in the article you linked.
  11. Sounds like they're charging for access to their Roku app. That's not quite the same as charging for not renting their equipment. It's just giving two options . . . OMFG, I just defended Comcast. Send the men with the big butterfly nets to pick me up!
  12. You're right, but you'd have to be confused to think it was a rip-off.
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