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Stanley Teriaca

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Posts posted by Stanley Teriaca

  1. I mentioned it as a special effect in a thread about superhero costumes, but how would you give for an "indestructable" costume? I would say about enough Damage Negation to reduce any Killing Attacks by -2d6 (about 6DC Damage Negation), 50% physical and energy Damage Reduction. How much PD and ED would also be needed? Note...again while it will protect the wearer, but not totally...as the wearer can still get burnt or crushed to death without harming the dress itself (special effects, dontcha know).

  2. 2 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    Well you'd need like 6 more lines with all defenses, perception roll, etc.  I mean, if you're trying to make it so nobody needs to buy a book from Hero, thus supporting our hobby.

    Not quite. More like not forcing them to buy a book they don't want to buy. If they want to buy a book, who are we to discourage and stop them.


    On the other hand...who are we to say book x is required?

  3. 1 hour ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    I wouldn't really even know how to begin such a project.  You should do it! :)

    I could write it. But then again, you would want to be able to read the blasted book as oppose to taking a red pencil to it and correct all the misspellings and correct the bad gramor, yes?

  4. 13 minutes ago, Hugh Neilson said:


    As I recall, D&D modules pre-SRD printed stats in the modules as well. 

    And I recall some Hero adventures that suggested using characters from the Enemies book but provided an alternative (like "use X from the rulebook, but change this and this").

    There were lots of writeup at that time to do that. Of course I can't say about pre-4ed, but 4ed at least had lots of writeup to do that with...if not by Champions 4ed alone then with Classic Enimies and the rule book.


    Problem is...which version of the 6ed book do we reference to "use stats for x but change y" with? The two part rule book which has no example characters? The basic rulebook which also doesn't have any example characters? Champions Complete ("use Arrowhead but strip him of his mutant powers and give him a crossbow with tech bolts". Eventually we will run out of characters and have to do something with "use Black Harliquin but strip him of his clown and toy based technology".)


    Still it beats the alternative.

  5. Just now, Lord Liaden said:

    And we are grateful for your output. :hail:


    Whatever my specific disagreements with Christopher, I want to be clear that I have absolutely no doubt of his qualifications for undertaking this project.

    Same. He does what many of us can not.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Sketchpad said:


    I believe that would be something Christopher would have to negotiate (or has negotiated) with Hero/Jason about. Christopher, have you considered maybe teaming up with Tiger in a KA/TPP team-up book that may bring some old villains back with the adventures?

    Well, @tigerhas a little something called Forgotten Enimies, which one day I wish would be compiled into a big book some day (the say $40 type of book I can only use to afford at tax time, and now I don't know if I can afford anything because money has to be squriled away because yes, I'm no longer working). He is also doing things with Heroic Publushing.


    I don't know exactly what the major product @Christopher R Taylordoes. Right now it is adventure reprints. But what is he actually known for?

  7. Perhaps a solution of sorts is to create an "Enimies book" filled with most of the original villains used in the Champions Classics modules after the big block is published.


    Is there some rule Hero states that you can't republished a character in a third party product if the target character is published in 6ed? If so, then Christopher might not actually have a choice. We forgotten that he and his company is a third party.

  8. 50 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    The thing is I'm not taking an ideological stance on this, its a business stance.  These adventures are short and small and that makes them cheap, and so far in my career, its gone well to have people directed to other books.  For example, Champions Begins tells people to get Champions Complete if they want all the rules.  I'm not gonna reprint all the rules in a tutorial.  The Island of Dr Destroyer only details the characters not in the Villains book line.  Because, you know, that's how it works.

    I expected the "go to another book" in a demo. Ok...I also own your rewrite of the Island, and I didn't like the fact that you didn't give the stats of all the villains in it. You should of at least give an optional villain to use if the GM couldn't have assess to that villain and you don't want to repeat a writeup.


    We are NOT asking you to put the full rules in an adventure. You should have the rules in the first place. Everyone who picks up the adventure never picks it up without buying the rules first. On the other hand, you can buy an adventure without any one of the Villain Volumes. And you don't want to punish the GM for not being rich enough to buy the three Villain Volumes.


    Basiclly a great rule of thumb, don't insult your audience by forcing them to afford books they can't afford. That's the rule, never insult the potential customer from your gaming product. Not every adventure needs the rules republished, but every villain needed should be included. If not in full form, then in shorthand.

  9. Don't forget, 1970 was a different economical time. You can't compare the 1970s to now because of different economics in play.


    But of course I can't convince you otherwise. Because I'm locked into my beliefes, and you are locked into yours. So do what you want, write it up the way you wish. Whatever.

  10. While I'm saying don't do what your thinking, I honestly can't stop you. Just note we can't do what WotC does because they have name recognition with DnD, and ask anyone who is not a gamer what Champions is and you'll more than likely get a wrong answer.

  11. 40 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    My goal is to get people to buy adventures, and to buy more Hero products.  Reprinting stuff from existing books is money out of the pockets of Hero

    It is a catch 22 then. If people can't afford a 30 or 40 dollar book, they will hate you for forcing you into buying a 30 or 40 dollar book. They will love you if you save them the cost, at least minorly and temporarily till they feel they can afford it.


    Unless you absolutely stamp a "Must Have Item X, Y, and Z To Play" across it and put the reason clear to the potential customer. Now days you can't find many specialised gaming shops around, let alone any which would carry Hero Games products. Go ahead. Go to your local game shop. Snap a photo of the number of Hero Games products.


    And I know there are online stores. Unless your already familiar with Hero Games products, you wouldn't know exactly what to search for, let alone what to find.

  12. 34 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    Meh, D&D became the biggest RPG in the world putting out adventures with references to the Monster Manual LOL.  I don't see this as a drawback.

    I would suggest you don't do this, as there is not an affordable book with stats for villains in it. You DON'T want to force GMs to buy tons of expensive books just to get the stats of say six or more villains. Don't assume everyone will have the same books you do.

  13. 1 hour ago, Lord Liaden said:

    To clarify, no specific Tiger Squad members appear in or are named in Champions Worldwide. The only ones for Fifth Edition are in Villains, Vandals, And Vermin, but they're the same ones as are reprinted in CV2.

    My bad. I was sure there were some members in 5ed products which were never brought over. My mistake.

  14. 25 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    One of the things I am looking for is to avoid using the same villains too often.  VIPER has a potential role in a couple of adventures, and some of them have their own villain teams specific to the scenario.  But I am running up against some limitations: there really aren't that many supervillain groups in the Champions Universe suited for this kind of and level of adventure, especially in 6th edition where almost everyone got an Ultimates/Image boost in power.  I am hesitant to make up my own bad guys, though.  I mean I have tons, my own Champions setting has scores of bad guys to pull from but it wouldn't feel like I am remaking a classic if I put new stuff in.

    Check with Villain Volume 3 and have them as hierlings or mercenaries.

    25 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:


    Unrelated, have the other side members of the Tiger Squad been written up other than the few in Champions Enemies 2?

    Nope. In 6ed they were in Villain Volume 2. But...there were more published in 5ed (see Champions Worldwide).

  15. 22 minutes ago, Armitage said:



    A retcon going back to the end of the original Champions mini-series. He escaped from the Champions by having a Morbane cast a spell on him that changed him into a woman and he hid among DEMON's hostages. The spell had side effects and never completely wore off.



    I'm sure this Morbane didn't name himself Jew Stinko or anything silly like that...


    ...at least let's hope not, unless you actually want to make Rumiko richer then she currently is...


    ...and the part of his name might be a bit to much, even for a bad pun.

  16. 1 hour ago, novi said:

    On a certain level, I've long thought of Wisconsin as the 'Lovecraft Country' of the Midwest.  We've had an excess of serial killers, plenty of cryptids, and all kinds of Native American sites.  And a plethora of seemingly idyllic small towns... ;)

    Well, in the serial killer front we had in the area Ed Griend (Plainsvill) and of course Jeffry Dahmer. The thing is, we tend to not actualy know how many till they get caught.


    Also Milwaukee is known as the place black people go to die. This might be because of an Extradimensinal force akin to Pennywise who is affecting the murder rate to the people more open to do in fact murder. It might tie into the cryptoid world in the area.

  17. 1 hour ago, Mark Rand said:

    Pittsburgh was home to a Rubber Duck sculpture in 2013.  The "bathtub" it floated in was the Allegheny River, near PNC Park (the home of the Pittsburgh Pirates Baseball Club) and the Roberto Clemente Sixth Street Bridge.

    And a perfect target for Foxbat's Master Plan (tm).

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