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Stanley Teriaca

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Everything posted by Stanley Teriaca

  1. No. But there is a call for descendants of Ex-patriot Nazis and the people who believe in what they believe in.
  2. Teraster is originally from what Hero Games supliment?
  3. I honestly don't even know if that is even a thing anymore.
  4. Well, the fact that the Flying Fox has a female disassociate identity who has a female body who uses her abilities to counter her villainous male identity makes a difference.
  5. I'm interested in how the Flying Fox is different from Foxbat.
  6. Ok. Who exactly did you "forget" as members?
  7. It is a catch 22. They don't sell well for Hero (but I beleave they sold well in the ICE age because they were released regularly and were cheep), yet you really can't tell people that "adventures? Your on your own folks." because they are new game masters.
  8. Is there a middle of the road adventure, topical a little bit, and timeless a little bit?
  9. Yes. Of course. @tiger has done some work adapting some of Malonee's villains in Forgotten Enimies and the League of Champions in Champions Orginizations #2. Note that both are digital only releases.
  10. Rob, aka Lady Heart, is there quasi-mystic guy turned to a magical girl person the Council wants to keep an eye on. So sometimes he has to see Melissa. Another group from the Council who has to be 'babysat' are the so called Charmed Ones.
  11. Well, @tiger does have an e-book about the League of Champions (Champions Orginzations #2). Yes they all are Mallonee versions of the characters, and yes there is G-Girl (a new character), and Black Enchantress (reimagined more like an anti-villain, working for the good guys only to get all the even more evil villains out of the picture before she magicly controls the planet).
  12. Well, Stacy gave the Heroic Publishing permission to use her and Pointsetta...err, I mean Sparkplug, in there stories. Which beats having to rename characters by force (I see you Marksman and Rose and Foxbat).
  13. Stacy isn't blocked from playing her no matter who owns her. Just like you are not blocked from playing Spiderman.
  14. It should have a chapter on "Building A Better Deathtrap", all about how to do a thrilling 'continue next week' senerio for your heroes to survive...next week of course.
  15. The "official" AU Foxbats. 1) Backworld: A brave street level superhero who fought crime till PRIMUS killed him. 2) Left-Handed World: Much like our FoxBat, except minus the Code VS Killing (replace that with Casual Killer or maybe Careless About The Safety Of Others Durring His Crazy Capers). 3) Not exactly official, but Heroic Publishing had to change it so...The Flying Fox and his "holy Jusinkyo FoxBat" good gurl personality. Some AU ideas. Melodrama World (think Victorian Hero mixed with most everyone singing, good is good, evil has a handlebar facial hair, stuff like that): Fredicka Foswell, heiress to the Foxbat estate. She is a beautiful victorian style damsel in distress, except she tends to free herself (mostly using her broach to cut her ropes...etc.) Fantasy Hero: Sir Fredrick Foswell, Knight of the small castle named Foxbat Castle. Unlike most knights, he enjoys defeating evil, not killing evil. Western Hero: The Masked Bat, a charismic outlaw with a heart of gold, an anti-villain whose crimes benefit others without him realising it. Has also used "The Masked Fox" as an outlaw name.
  16. What is your favorite AU version of FoxBat? Tell your horror stories of Freddy here.
  17. Like @Christopher R Taylor said (and I only at him so I don't have to spell his name), it depends on what type of comic book you are trying to create for your players. There is no one size fits all in Champions. A street level campaigns don't need many points as a standard superhero campaign, nor the save the world twice a day and three times on a Sunday campaign.
  18. In case your wondering, many people mame it a goal to convince so chat bots that they are in fact chairs. It is super silly, but if you don't have anything else to do... But don't go convincing Doctor Destroyer he is a chair.
  19. Mark asked me to post more about Melody the girl ghost. A fair female white cowboy (cowgirl) when she was alive, she died when her horse bucked her off on top of a cliff. She was also rather young (17, and she lied about her age). She is rather feminine in nature and is attracted to stories about cowboy adventure and romance. While she is usually seen in her cowgirl outfit (shirt, pants, chaps, fedora hat (Because that type of hat was more popular to cowboys than a ten gallon hat cause it stays on the head in high wind), and a gun belt), when she feels romantic she changes it with her ghost powers to a beautiful but western style dress for parties and gentlemen callers. She is Marie's ghost guest. Which means she is considered responsible for her. She is normally good but she is still a teenager and can be strong headed a sturbon. And if your wondering why I stressed white, most cowboys in reality were black or Hispanic in the old west.
  20. I In the IHA there is a pseudo Terminator T-1000. It doesn't actually shapeshift but cover itself with holograms and comes from the same alternative universe as a certain pro mutant guy.
  21. I like the idea of the mansion actually being haunted by friendly ghost. The teenage daughter of one of the owners (maybe from 1880s or so) haunts her old bedroom, which she is willing to share in exchange for hearing stories of romance and adventure. At least that is an idea...
  22. He is Foxbat. Confused is normal for him, but he is a master of not looking confused.
  23. At least that GM haven't resorted to the Araki method...name people after musical group names. "Hello, I'm Mr. Aqualung, over there is Miss. Piniacollata, and over here is Mr. Strawberryfildsforever."
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