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Posts posted by SleepyDrug

  1. Rip off the school rules from Harry Potter, Babylon 5 (for telepaths) and other places.


    No using powers off of school grounds.

    No using powers against another student or faculty

    No using enhanced senses on faculty or students


    Create other students.....be imaginative. Check out the XMen movies....how would the other students react to someone such as:


    Rogue.....the character who cannot be touched


    An empath or telepath that always knows what you are thinking


    A super-intellect who blows all the curves

  2. 1) don't ignore class schedules. in the current issues of X-Men the latest batch of new mutants are required to take: math, a social studies course, english, a science course, physical education, martial arts, individualized power training. And that is just the basic course load day to day.


    2) the teachers. in the new mutants, the teachers are the X-Men. personality clashes, the school being attacked, resticted areas of the base?


    3) school rules? visitations? passes? most boarding schools the students need a pass to leave the grounds...


    4) rival mutant school? villainous mutant school?


    5) mutant specific crime? black op mutant research programs? mutant hunters? mutant slavery? underground/street fighting? mutant specific drugs?

  3. I'm doing a serious take on an expanded wrestling martial arts package. I don't have a website but i'd be happy to share what i've done with others for feedback. send me a private message with your email if your interested.


    House rules i've thought about:


    1) 1 meter hexes so people are not superleaping everywhere.

    The WWE ring is say 16' square. That makes (standard rules) 3" turnbuckle to turnbuckle or 4" coast to coast diagonally. Anyone can make that jump. But if you double it you get 6" coast to coast for a combat leap and 8" diagonally.


    2) damage bonus for rope height +1d6 per rope up to +3d6 for any move off the top rope (adapted from someone elses conversion, not looking at my notes)


    3) leaping possibly indepentent of strength. Who can jump further? The Big Show or Rey Mysterio?


    4) modification of the throwing rules to reflect that most people can't suplex a super heavyweight.


    Btw, check out http://www.writeups.org for some interesting conversions of WWE stars to superheros.

  4. Re: Magic Items Help GM's!


    Originally posted by JLXC

    OK I got the book (Finally!)


    Now onto the questions...


    1. Do you price Magic Items and if so how do you do it?


    Nope. Magic items tend to be rare and are very valuable. At best...they are bartered with no set price; and that only for the consummables such as potions.


    2. Do you give out magic items as treasure and then tailor all of them so that the players would want it? Or do you let them sell some and buy other things?


    I try to tailor more to the villains and let the players sort it out. Some items they barter to wizards or priests for favors


    3. Is every magic item a "Unique" thing like from a book, so that there is very little magic items around but each is special? If so how do you deal with the eventuality that a single PC will have many of these ultraunique items and therefore it flies in the face of the whole concept?


    I consider each item unique; but few very powerful items.


    4. What do you do do for potions and scrolls? Do you allow them to be made or sold? Do your players have a bunch of these things?


    They are occassionally found...potions more than scrolls


    5. What do you do to prevent players from becoming over envious of other players who recieve magic items earlier? Or do you just make sure that after every major haul there is enough for everyone to get something? If so, how do you keep it from becoming too obvious you designed "X" item for X player and Y item for Y player, etc.


    Make items tailored to the villain rather than the player


    Thanks guys, I understand how the D&D systems worked for this (ACK! I know I said D&D) but I really want to get a better feel for Fantasy Hero when it comes to magic items and PCs Thanks!

  5. Part of the challange of writting a comprehensive equipment list is contrasting real equipment with RPGese equipment lists. For example, the morningstar is misdefined endlessly.


    Practicality is also an issue. Pole Arms do not need stats for every example ever written. I have a list of 10 total. Adventurers rarely use them and armies don't have a high proportion of them compared to any other weapon.


    that said....awesome list badger. very nice.

  6. Originally posted by Chuckg



    > Well, they don't have to drain the ring. They can just keep

    > him busy while they drain the effects of the ring. If power

    > comes out, it goes away. Kyle's ring doesn't protect him

    > unless he makes a force field, and he isn't a hand to hand

    > fighter.


    Neither are Photon or Quasar -- and Kyle /can/ brawl quite well by normal standards, even if he can't defeat superheroic martial artists. There's a couple of guys with busted heads in Riker's Island (the GL arc with Kyle going after those gay-bashers who maimed his friend) who can testify to that one.



    Photon has had police training plus hand to hand seminars by Captain America. She is proficient.


    Quasar has had Shield training.


    neither is world class....but both are good at hand to hand.

  7. Originally posted by Gary

    OHOTMU, it clearly stated that his reasoning was as follows:


    "The Space Phantom reasoned that if he could single handedly defeat Earth's supernormal champions, the Avengers, his people, once freed from Limbo, would have little trouble conquering the Earth itself."


    That quote has been proven to be a deception.

  8. Originally posted by Chuckg


    Slight problem -- Wally West is /faster/ than light.. and definitely faster than Quasar's or any of the mages' thoughts.


    Not to mention that there's also Jay Garrick, Max Mercury, Impulse/Kid Flash, Jesse Quick...


    i've always seen the Flashes fight at slower than light speeds.


    > Martian Manhunter - have a telepath counter his telepathy

    > so he can be engaged as a physical opponent.


    Again, this is easily solvable simply by having J'onn physically kill the telepath in the fisrt 0.0000001 seconds of the fight.


    J'onn doesn't kill....


    > Superman - vulnerable to magic; another good

    > point...vulnerabilities are more common in DC.


    If we wanted to get really ugly, Superman could win this entire fight for DC without having to come any closer to a Marvel character than, oh, 50,000 miles or so... because when you're throwing an asteroid the size of Texas at the continent your opponents are standing on, who needs to be close? :)


    I'll save this option in reserve, however.


    Supes doesn't kill either


    > Green Lantern's counter with any available energy

    > controller or absorber. Graviton, Magneto, Doom, Quasar,

    > or Photon just off the top of my head


    Despite what went on in JLA/Avengers, you *can't* drain Kyle's ring -- ever since the wind-up of the "Ion" arc, his ring's been retuned to never run out of gas. That was a canon mistake there.


    No....Kyle's ring has a minimum charge....not unlimited power. He can be weakened by draining.

  9. Originally posted by Gary

    Space Phantom's ultimate goal is conquest of Earth. He spends as much time as he can on planet, and is off planet only when forced to. Given a choice, he'd be on planet all the time. [/b]


    Could you cite an issue to prove this point? At last check (Avengers Forever) he was definately a Limbo-based servant with no desires of his own to conquer Earth.

  10. And now for a reading of the rules:


    1) No beings that don't inhabit the Earth most of the time such as Galactus or Darkseid allowed. This would include most dieties as well. Dieties such as Thor who does spend most of his time on Earth can play.


    2) No outright Deus Ex Machinas. No Cosmic Cubes, time travel, ultimate nullifiers, etc.


    3) No conceptual beings such as Death or Dream allowed.


    4) Only heroes and villains allowed. No military and no governments are involved.


    5) Anything else that I can think of that would end the fight in one stroke is illegal.


    Which Earth is more powerful?


    Implied rules: character must be alive; character's powers work as standard for the homeworld.


    Hence my list of the big guns. We can safely assume these are the people that will decide the fight.

  11. Flash - i'd counter him with Photon, Quasar, or one of the mages...given the choice.


    Martian Manhunter - have a telepath counter his telepathy so he can be engaged as a physical opponent.


    Superman - vulnerable to magic; another good point...vulnerabilities are more common in DC.


    Green Lantern's counter with any available energy controller or absorber. Graviton, Magneto, Doom, Quasar, or Photon just off the top of my head


    Perun and Unicorn - two more for the Marvel side.

    Space Phantom spends most of his time in Limbo. Show me any issue that states otherwise.

  12. I didn't put all of the Earth Eternals on my list....Captain Atom was listed....


    People need to pay attention to the rules here...


    Space Phantom is not earth based....he's out

    Mordru could win with an eyeblink....he's out

    Super-Adaptoid is dead...he's out

    Franklin Richards could win with an eyeblink....he's out


    Superman routinely forgets to fight at his potential. Batman mentions it during the Hush storyline, the Royal Flush Gang hose him for it in JLA Spectacular (at end of Breakdowns)


    Yes, J'onn is a powerful telepath...but he tends to fight physically....and can be checked by anyone of several telepaths in that arena Xavier, X-Man, Phoenix, and the Shadow King all equal or exceed him.

  13. DC Heavyweights

    Superman, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Captain Marvel, Warrior, Metamorpho, Metamorpho II, Power Girl, Atom-Smasher, Steel III, Zauriel, Big Barda, Black Adam, Hourman II, Grace, Cyborg, Starfire II, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Captain Marvel Jr, Mary Marvel, Red Star, Supergirl, Damage, Captain Atom, Devilfish, The General, Solomon Grundy, Ubermensch

    DC Powerhouses

    Flash, Flash III, Firestorm, Atom II, Ray II, Green Lantern V, Green Lantern, Green Lantern III, Faith, Red Tornado II, Stargirl, Indigo, Kid Flash II, Crimson Avenger III, Beast Boy, Jesse Quick, Argent, Amazo, Abra Kadabra, Icicle, Eclipso, Xotar the Weapons Master

    DC Mystics and Psi's

    Zatanna, Jason Blood/The Demon, Manitou Raven, Dr. Fate IV, JJ Thunder, Brainwave II, Faust, Felix Faust, Tempest II, Raven, Hector Hammond, Zaladin, Cerce, Gorilla Grodd

    DC Greatest Fighters

    Black Canary II, Batman, Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Wildcat, Green Arrow II, Mr. Terrific II, Arsenal, Deathstroke, Shiva, Cheshire, Batgirl III, Nightwing, Prometheus, Vandel Savage, Ra's al Ghul


    anyone missing?

    (white martians are both non-earth based and dead)


    Marvel Heavyweights

    Thor, Hulk, Giant-Man, Hercules, Vision, Wonder Man, Warbird, She-Hulk, Namor, Thing, Spider-Man, Rage, Nova, Sandman, Atlas, Namorita, Rogue, Sunspot, Absorbing Man, Titania, Abomination, Count Nefaria, Juggernaut, Sasquatch, Awesome Andriod, Blob, Wrecker, Carnage, Venom, Hydro-Man, Giant-Man II, Gargantua, Gray Gargoyle, Tiger Shark, Orka, Mr Hyde, Quicksand, Rhino, Sabretooth, Super Skrull

    Marvel Powerhouses

    Iron Man, Quicksilver, Photon, War Machine, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Human Torch II, Quasar, Justice, Firestar, Songbird, Moonstone, Fixer, Speedball, Cyclops, Iceman, Havok, Polaris, Storm, Sunfire, Gambit, Bishop, Lifeguard, Thunderbird III, Magma, Cloak, Ghost Rider, Magneto, Mandarin, Dr Doom, War Machine II, Cannonball, Captain Marvel III, Mach-3, Crimson Dynamo, Deathlok, Fin Fang Foom, Klaw, Graviton, Kang, Mimic, Radioactive Man, Speed Demon, Ultron

    Marvel Mystics and Psi's

    Scarlet Witch, Moondragon, Sersi, Phoenix, Professor X, Forge, Emma Frost, Sage, Karma, Cable, Dr Strange, Gargoyle II, Jennifer Kale, Magik II, Mentallo, Mastermind II, Lady Mastermind, MODOK, Modred the Mystic

    Marvel Greatest Fighters

    Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Black Knight, Black Widow, Beast, Night Thrasher, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Iron Fist, Red Skull, Silver Samurai, Taskmaster


    anyone missing?

    (most of Dr Strange's foes and the Squadron Supreme are off-earth; Super Skrull is on earth in exile)


    if we're just counting the top end heroes and villains ON-EARTH....then DC is slightly outgunned.

  14. Ok, a few assumptions....


    1) everyone's powers work as if on their homeworld

    2) this is a neutral battleground (alternate earth?)

    3) no dues ex mechina, cosmic, or instant win characters

    4) earth based only


    DC General Review - These guys tend to hit the extreme high end of the power scale; but to be honest as a percentage of the total....they are just a few. Also, they *tend* to be less professional; how many scenes of the JLA or Titans training together do we see?


    Marvel General Review - While not as powerful; there is a greater precentage of high power individuals. World class telepaths? at least 20. High end bricks? Energy Controllers?

    Also, these guys are far more professional...X-Men, FF and Avengers train together all the time and have established maneuvers for specific threats.


    Who's legal? This is important because most of the JLA's most dangerous foes are cosmic (and thus not in this fight). So any decision is dependent on answering the question who of the most powerful are in the brawl? I could care less about people like Falcon or Booster Gold...tell me about the Thor's and Supermen.


    Where and Why? For the sake of fairness; we need to place them on a Secret War's style Battleworld where everyone's powers work as if at home. Also the given objective is to defeat the other side.

  15. First, not all of Mar-Vell's powers came from the Nega Bands. Certain abilities came from his status as Protector of the Universe (cosmic awareness being one)


    I'd build them as a OIF focus.


    Mar-Vell wore the Nega-bands, which possessed the ability to convert psionic energy into strength, invulnerability, and the ability to fly and to survive unaided in the rigors of space. Soon after, Mar-Vell was trapped in the dimension called the Negative Zone, and was only able to escape by switching places with Earth human Rick Jones, whom he shared a physical and mental rapport with.


    When Rick Jones and Mar-Vell underwent a radiation treatment to reinforce this rapport, Mar-Vell's genetic structure was altered so that he could absorb solar energy and convert it to other uses, such as extreme superhuman strength and the ability to fire energy blasts.

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