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Everything posted by Cygnia

  1. ...holy crap, I haven't drunk any diet Coke in six years. We stopped after my husband donated a kidney. I mean, I used to guzzle that stuff down hard when I was younger (I actually did like the taste). But right now, the only soda I drink every once in a while is a good ginger ale (cane sugar instead of HFCS if possible).
  2. Duke Ellington in the middle there.
  3. Spooky Illusion: 'Giant' Spider Appears To Stalk Texas Cop In Dashcam Vid
  4. From 'razor gloves' to 'lipstick knife,' the man behind TSA's wildly popular and bizarre Instagram account unexpectedly dies at 48
  5. ...nopenopenopenopenope... Titanic II to set sail in 2022, will follow path of original ship
  6. https://www.eater.com/pop-culture/2018/10/23/18010322/mega-millions-jackpot-drawing-1-6-billion-what-could-you-buy
  7. I appreciate that they called such beasts the Coors Light of pumpkins.
  8. How do you breed a 2,624-pound pumpkin?
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