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Everything posted by Cygnia

  1. Language evolves. If you're angered because a show decides to not use a 100% heteronormative POV, maybe the problem isn't with the show.
  2. And that's bad how exactly...?
  3. Ominous https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/12/trump-administration-plans-crackdown-on-protests-outside-white-house?fbclid=IwAR0mh07gZolNAXwZyi5kjSX_-XnxWZTXvBXVwaMpoMPek9QpJFF9OyB1UCo
  4. U.S. Embassy In Australia Apologizes For Cat Pajama Party Invite
  5. The Right Way to Navigate All-You-Can-Eat Buffets
  6. (Yes, I know it's a satire site...) https://www.kayfabenews.com/due-to-the-countrys-long-history-of-human-rights-violations-wwe-cancels-upcoming-events-in-united-states/
  7. Surprisingly enough, NOT Florida... Tennessee man loses leg after his son ran him over with a lawn mower when he attacked him with a chainsaw
  8. So many people have had their DNA sequenced that they've put other people's privacy in jeopardy
  9. Against all evidence, city of Savannah claims googly eyes glued to Revolutionary War statue are "not funny"
  10. "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for -- is that a Tim Horton's?!"
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