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Everything posted by Cygnia

  1. Oh lordie... https://www.clevescene.com/scene-and-heard/archives/2018/10/16/the-alt-knight-is-running-for-ohio-congress-no-seriously
  2. "How are you looking for wine tastings this month?"
  3. Dude, I can pull up a LOT of articles on non-married folks still getting eaten and served up to others...
  4. Language evolves. If you're angered because a show decides to not use a 100% heteronormative POV, maybe the problem isn't with the show.
  5. And that's bad how exactly...?
  6. Ominous https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/12/trump-administration-plans-crackdown-on-protests-outside-white-house?fbclid=IwAR0mh07gZolNAXwZyi5kjSX_-XnxWZTXvBXVwaMpoMPek9QpJFF9OyB1UCo
  7. U.S. Embassy In Australia Apologizes For Cat Pajama Party Invite
  8. The Right Way to Navigate All-You-Can-Eat Buffets
  9. (Yes, I know it's a satire site...) https://www.kayfabenews.com/due-to-the-countrys-long-history-of-human-rights-violations-wwe-cancels-upcoming-events-in-united-states/
  10. Surprisingly enough, NOT Florida... Tennessee man loses leg after his son ran him over with a lawn mower when he attacked him with a chainsaw
  11. So many people have had their DNA sequenced that they've put other people's privacy in jeopardy
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