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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "I'm sorry, but before you can be waited on, you must fill out form 37-B." NT: Failed excuses for not working on the things you're supposed to do.
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Prisoner-Jumpsuit Orange.
  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures Kinda surprised nobody here has built a cityscape out of dice. Or if they did, that they didn't post pics of the completed work.
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "And by a strange coincidence, the Giant Frog Migration has squashed every career politician in North America, and the frogs are now swimming toward Asia and Europe where they will likely continue their odd rampage. Scientists note that, if this continues across the world, the resulting decrease in hot air may very well reverse the threat of global warming..."
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Some background first from our D&D game: My character is Yllek Yar, a ranger that hates orcs. Other teammates include Ryan (male fighter/scout, son of a baron), Aren (male fighter), Devlyn (female rogue), Leila (female druid), and Il'Marcum (male sorcerer). We're currently 16th level and have amassed a decent amount of treasure and magical items. We are now gearing up for Ryan's wedding. Since he's nobility, it's to be a big affair, with invitations being sent, etc. A month or so earlier, Ryan had met my character's girlfriend, Kalina, and had sent my invitation to her place, addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. Yllek Yar." I found out about this after we left town on a quest, and was often ribbed about Yllek being forced into a "shotgun wedding" when he returns. The quest complete, we have now returned home. - - - - - - - Yllek (OOC): How much did Ryan spend on his engagement ring? Ryan (OOC): I did it as a matched set, engagement and wedding ring. I spent 25. Yllek (was considering whether spending 500-1,000 GP would be appropriate): 25 thousand gold?! Ryan: No, 25 hundred! Yllek: (breathes a sigh of relief) - - - - - - - Kalina (holding up invitation): "It's addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Yar. We don't want to make liars out of them, do we?" - - - - - - - DM: Kalina has already picked out her wedding present to Yllek: a pair of 9th level ranger orcs, with a 24-hour head start. Happy hunting! - - - - - - - Yllek: Devlyn, I'm trying to figure out an appropriate wedding gift to get Kalina. I'm thinking jewelry of some sort. What do you recommend? Devlyn: Well, a necklace would be nice, maybe with a matching bracelet. What kind of gems do you have? Yllek (OOC): Um, I don't know what kinds, I just wrote down their gold piece values. (IC) I wonder if I have any pearls. Il'Marcum had recommended I give her a "pearl necklace." - - - - - - - Leila: I'm going to create a grove near town. Is a hundred acres enough? Aren: You're going to have a Hundred Acre Wood? DM: Are you going to put a yellow bear, a piglet, and a donkey in it? - - - - - - - Yllek: I'm going to tell Kalina I'm thinking of getting Ryan and his bride-to-be some really lame gift, like a welcome mat. That way, she'll just smack me and then pick one out herself. - - - - - - - (Note: For months, Aren has had a relationship with a woman who is the wife of a nobleman in a distant city, and this woman actually showed up in town recently and met Aren's mom. Aren's mom has no idea that her son's "girlfriend" is married, let alone that she is the wife of a nobleman.) DM: Aren, your mom is bugging you for information about your girlfriend. Yllek: Say, while I'm in Dain, can I find a book, something like a "Who's Who" of nobility, to give to Aren's mom?
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Lots of stuff gets destroyed in the throes of their passion.
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Hang "Free Quickening" signs around their necks and set 'em loose near teh Bunneh. NT: Funniest way to destroy the world.
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Oops, I forgot. NT: Other crazy holidays and how they're celebrated.
  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Okay, I declared war on my neighbor in your name. Hope you're happy. That thing with the rubber pants, six tubes of Crazy Glue, and two live ducks. I can't remember the name right now; ask Mightbec.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The story of Clyde, The Donkey Who Went Hungry Because Someone Was Using His Feeding Trough As A Bed. NT: Ways to keep the kids from driving you nuts while they're off school during the holiday break.
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Supertramp. Now, please, dear God, don't let her sing too!
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "For the last time, dammit, NO, not the movie!" NT: Inappropriate things to get president-elect Obama for Christmas.
  13. Re: Haymaker! Cover Caption Contest Just thought I'd mention that we've got another cover up for captioning, this time for Haymaker! High. If you submit one of the winning captions, you'll receive the PDF of this Teen Champions supplement: 200+ pages full of characters, school maps, teachers and students, a long-lost superbase and its missing owners, and other contributions from numerous regular and guest contributors. This cover (attached below) is also by Edd Ghent (aka GoldenAge), and will be available for captioning until the end of January. At that time, we'll be putting up the cover to issue #46 (our Hidden Dangers issue), created by Bill Jackson, for another caption contest. So don't delay! You can get to the caption contest directly here, or by clicking on the Issues link from our main page, www.haymaker.org. - - - - - - - - The winning captions for issue #45 were selected through blind voting (as in, the people voting didn't know who contributed which caption -- no, we didn't blind the poor people!). The winners are Robert Dorf and Edd Ghent. Robert was sent his complimentary copy a few days ago, and I hope he's enjoying all the crunchy HERO goodness inside.
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Because I know my friends, that's why. That box is about to get dunked under water until the ticking stops. NT: Completely inappropriate Christmas presents.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "I hearby pardonify that Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at me. They fit perfectly!"
  16. Re: Jokes An elementary school teacher asked her students to tell everybody what their parents do for a living. She mostly got the usual answers, but one student said, "My dad is a male stripper who earns extra money as a gigolo." The teacher was shocked and quickly took the student aside to ask, "Does you father actually do that?" The little boy started crying and said, "No, but I didn't want to tell everybody that he coaches the Detroit Lions..."
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Calling Eliza Dushku an "ugly skank." Grounds for instant banning.
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Mixing up the words "ornaments" and "condiments". Boy, was my wife pissed off!
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Look incredulous and say, "You JUST finished yours?! Mine's been done for a month and a half. Why'd you wait until the last minute?" Even if it's not true, it should take some wind out of their sails.
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Canada: snowballs. I think a snowball fight at a press conference would be hilarious!
  21. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Given Marvel Comics' apparent desire to alienate their fan base and the deviant nature of some of their artists, what controversial action are they going to have She-Hulk do next? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll go away now. NT: What else are those crazy nutcases at Marvel going to do next?
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