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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Say "Yes, I accept the nomination as vice-presidential candidate for the GOP." NT: What Dick Cheney will be doing after he leaves the VP office for good.
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat She's got that whole "naughty librarian / schoolteacher" thing going on. Bill Clinton will switch sides in a heartbeat.
  3. Re: Most Annoying Foxbat Exploit Heh. He robs banks, kidnaps celebrity babes, tries to steal the Washington Monument... and a lawsuit is supposed to scare him? "Yeah, I'm hunted by Foxbat, but I'll show him... I got a restraining order!" Edit: Don't get me wrong, I'm not laughing at you. I'm just imagining how Foxbat would try to turn that trial on it's head.
  4. Re: Most Annoying Foxbat Exploit Most of the ones I've run have been generally fun. Well, at least for me as GM. FYI: in my campaign, Foxbat has accumulated his own group, the Foxbat Five, consisting of himself, Exo-Skeleton Man, Dot (formerly of CLOWN but completely redrawn to be, y'know, effective), Harmonious Fist (powers redrawn), and a fifth member that has differed in each campaign (Amazing Static Man, Flux, and currently Garble). Annoying exploits... The crime spree where he formed the Foxbat Five and stole his vehicle (the Foxbat Flier, a VTOL with a cloaking device), annoyed the heroes until they figured out his pattern. At each crime, he was leaving vague clues to his next crime. When they finally mapped the crimes and connected the dots, they realized he was drawing a giant Foxbat symbol on the city... which made figuring out his next crime a LOT easier. One time, Foxbat had Flux (a dimensional energy projector) fire a time-freeze gadget at the heroes. The gadget's energy combined with Flux's force field, causing time to slow to a crawl for everybody but the heroes and the Foxbat Five. Then there's the time Foxbat kidnapped a comic book writer, artist, and inker, with the intent of inserting himself as the "mystery villain mastermind" about to be revealed. Since Foxbat didn't take along the ink, pens, etc. when he kidnapped the inker, he sent out a bunch of 6" tall toys programmed to retrieve the supplies. The heroes had to follow these toys across town, to where each stopped, and Dot just opened a small x-dim portal to grab the toy and it's cargo. After a few of them, they figured out where the next one was heading, and covertly searched the area for one of Dot's x-dim spots. One hero spotted it and stuck a fire extinguisher nozzle through it to spray Dot with foam. Or how about when Foxbat and Iron Mike (local villain) competed to see who was the better master criminal. Each had to steal exactly $250,000 in cash, and whomever did it first got all the money. The first few robberies went fast, but the heroes were utterly confused when the Foxbat Five stopped in the middle of the robbery to count their loot and return some to the vault, allowing the heroes to arrive in time. As you can tell, I use Foxbat a lot in my games.
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I had to do some online research. Glad I did, since one of the players (a mom) knew the names and colors herself. Of course, I had to find a green pony for Grond, and a pink pony for the male player character on the off chance he'd have to carry into battle. (He didn't, BTW -- he had locked it in an armored box in the team vault, under guard. That was one safe and secure pony, let me tell you!) Plus, there's something surreal about a four-armed giant green monster shouting "GROND WANT PINKIE PIE!!!"
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Decapitation, of course. It's the only way to collect the Quickening, and for fun you can turn the victim into a bobble-head doll.
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat They're hiring the editorial staff from Marvel Comics to create a Bunneh comic book, written by Millar and drawn by Liefeld. They figure that the Bunneh will lob off his own head in despair.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In last night's Champions game: A package from a supervillainess / nemesis gets delivered to Squeeze. Inside is a note: "Keep this close to your heart. Hugs and Kisses, Diamond Kitty." And also... a pink plush My Little Pony, with a handmade diamond-studded leather collar. GM: During one of your fights you did make a sarcastic comment to Kitty, saying "Well, I want a pony..." An UNTIL squad arrives in Chicago, investigating a sighting of Grond by someone named Gregory Abbott. Serendipity gets his address and phone number from the UNTIL agent. She meets up with Abbott, who says he never saw Grond or met with UNTIL. Serendipity: I'm concerned for your safety, and would like to take you back to our base. Abbott: Why would I be in danger? Serendipity: I don't know, but someone is claiming to be you. Can I take you back to our base until we figure out what's going on? Abbott: (shrugs) Sure. Serendipity: Do you want to drive there, or do you want to take the Serendipity Express? Squeeze and Styx, both OOC and not even there at the time: (raising hands and bouncing in seats): Ooo! Ooo! Me! I do! Pick me! Serendipity: I didn't even realize how that would sound until I said it... The heroes figure out that Utility and GRAB are somehow involved in what's going on, and suspect they might break into the S-Squad base. Squeeze: Didn't we take Utility's utility belt last time we beat him? Maybe he wants that back. We should replace the stuff inside it... Synergy: Yeah, with Fisher Price tools... Squeeze: (announcer's voice) Utility doesn't know it, but we replaced everything in his utility belt with Folger's crystals... Grond shows up at the water filtration facility, and the heroes rush there. Serendipity and Styx arrive first. Grond: GROND WANT PINKIE PIE!!! (sees Styx) CAT SAY YOU TAKE PINKIE PIE!!! GROND GET IT BACK FOR HER!!! Styx: Pinkie Pie?!?! Serendipity: The My Little Pony that Diamond Kitty sent to Squeeze. (OOC) My daughter has one... Styx: But we didn't take it. She sent it to us! Grond: CAT GAVE GROND MINTY! CAT GROND'S FRIEND! GROND GET PINKIE PIE BACK FOR HER!!! Grond swings at Styx and misses. Styx hears a tinny voice say "They're lying! They stole it!" The voice is coming from one of Grond's hands, and he looks closer to see that Grond is holding a green My Little Pony. Styx first attacks the plush pony, trashing the small radio receiver inside, then takes it from the dumbfounded Grond. Styx: Ha, ha, it's mine now! And I'm not gonna give it back, you big dummy! Nya, nya, nya! (OOC) I'm going to head for the lake, try and lead him away from here. Serendipity has been mind-blasting Grond, so he leaps up and one-shots her unconscious. The other heroes arrive to see her falling to the ground, force field off, so Sentinel rushes there to heal her teammate with her radiation powers. Squeeze (to Serendipity): I hope you don't want to have any kids... Sentinel: My powers don't work like that! Squeeze (ignoring Sentinel's protests): We'll get you a genetic pregnancy test kit. It shows Positive, Negative, and Chest Buster. (Mimes alien head busting out of his chest) Sentinel: After Grond is dealt with... Styx: We'll leave the green My Little Pony's head on Grond's pillow in prison. Like in the Godfather.
  9. Re: An idea I'm not sure how to build. You could buy a vehicle like you normally do, which in addition to its regular powers has X-Dim movement to and from a pocket dimension (an energy-based one where his powers originate). Get GM approval for a Limitation (similar to the one for Defenses) that the X-Dim movement doesn't affect passengers. That way, no "feeding the meter" or worry about what you do with it when not in use. You might also need X-Dim on a transmit sense to call it back, but since GoldenAge is such a rockin-cool dude he probably won't require that. If Stardiver has to concentrate to maintain the ship, you could add an Accidental Change on the vehicle, automatically triggering the X-Dim move if he is unconscious.
  10. Re: Things Foxbat should try to steal Hmmm... We could do a Foxbat theme... Oh, you meant the *maneuver*, not the 'zine! My bad! May I add that, with all the fertilizer being thrown around, this thread is really going to seed. Rep to Querysphinx; the "hay-dron super-cowlider" was inspired brilliance. Consider that idea stolen!
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat So she can distract his true challenger for the presidency: Foxbat!
  12. Re: Things Foxbat should try to steal I've had him steal props, costumes, and other stuff from comic book movies and TV shows. One favorite adventure had him stealing the Batmobile, costumes (Batman and Robin, as well as various villains), and other props from the 1970s TV show. The climax was his plan to kidnap Adam West and Burt Ward at a shopping mall opening. Foxbat built the Photonic Optical Waveform (POW) generator to project holograms of "POW!", "WHAM!" and the like. He also put together the Costumatron (Minor Transform) to put the Batman and Robin costumes onto the appropriate actors. And Foxbat and friends (the Foxbat Five) were all wearing costumes for major villains from the TV show, with hired thugs wearing the thug costumes from the show. I can see him stealing each of the Batmobiles from the various movies; "kryptonite" from the Superman movies (hey, one of the heroes is *bound* to be susceptible to it!); Iron Man's and Iron Monger's armors from the movie, as well as Stark's robotic assistants; Spidey's costumes (red/blue and black); etc. And he needs to steal the internet. He'll become the Ultimate Internet Provider! Then the whole world would have to bow down to him! Bwa-ha-ha!
  13. Re: Bayou Brigade? Was the Bayou Brigade the one that had the Cajun Commando? I always thought that was a great name.
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat They take an interest in sex, period. NT: Most important thing to remember when dealing with an android S.O.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Did you hear Wierd Al Yankovic's new love ballad? WTF, dude, it's not even funny!
  16. Re: What happens when a new GM doesn't understand game balance I talked to a guy (Dean) that worked at the local game store, and his main criticism of Champions was that "it's too hard to kill the heroes." (shake head sadly) I'm glad that Steamteck grew past that belief. I don't think Dean ever did. All I know is, I'm glad I never played in one of his games. Don't get me wrong. I've heard of campaigns that were intentionally lethal, for good reasons and to good effect. But there's a difference between making character death a distinct possibility, and actively working to make it a certainty.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat I can see clearly that you've gone insane... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsQ37_sIbDs
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "And in a surprise move, the Republicans have selected as their presidential candidate Malcolm Peter Brian Telescope Adrian Blackpool Rock Stoatgobbler John Raw Vegetable Brrroooo Norman Michael (rings bell) (blows whistle) Edward (sounds car horn) (does train impersonation) (sounds buzzer) Thomas Moo... (sings) "We'll keep a welcome in the..." (fires gun) William (makes silly noise) "Raindrops keep falling on my" (weird noise) "Don't sleep in the subway" (cuckoo cuckoo) Naaoooo Smith!"
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Vibrate his molecules fast enough to move through other stuff. Imagine a runner actually going *through* the hurdles during a race...
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Just look at the name! "Iguana" -- so much more humor potential than "Cat".
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