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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. Re: Your PC's might be underpowered if... Your team brick is... well, a brick, like you use for building walls. And that brick's creation was the team genius' crowning achievement.
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Build a bomb shelter. It's a well-known fact that cockroaches and Twinkies can survive a nuclear war.
  3. Re: The Super Darwin Awards Two occasions come to mind. One, a Fantasy Hero game I ran, may not count, as the dice played a big part, but I think the PC's arrogance had something to do with the outcome. The fighter, wearing full plate armor, is wading across a stream when the party is attacked. He rushes forward, into the middle of the stream (just above waist deep), and faces off against the toughest looking opponent. "Go ahead," the PC says. "Give me your best shot." I rolled a critical hit to the head. He wasn't killed, but he was KO'd, so he went down like a sack of cement... underwater, in full plate. - - - - - - - - - - The second one I didn't witness, but a friend told me. Cyberpunk game, and the team is breaking into a fenced complex with nasty-looking guard dogs patrolling. One guy, doing recon, is camoflaged and well-hidden in some bushes, using his starlight scope with ultrasonic rangefinder. GM: "Okay, you see two dogs. They look right at you." PC: "WTF? I have great cover, full camo... they shouldn't see me." GM: "They're looking RIGHT AT YOU, and starting to growl. Are you still watching them through the scope?" PC: "Of course. What are they doing now?" GM: "They're barking and trying to climb the fence. You still looking through the scope? The one with the ultrasonic rangefinder?" (He should have added, "hint, hint") PC: "Yes! How the heck can they see me?! Aren't they pretty far away?" GM: "According to your ULTRASONIC rangefinder, they're 100 yards away. Now, they're foaming at the mouth and biting their way through the fence with hydraulic cyber-jaws." Needless to say, the dogs ran him to ground and IIRC bit through one of his arms or legs before he could put them down.
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat When I Think About You I Touch Myself. NT: Surprising new twist coming next year on "Heroes."
  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat How about a group -- The Pundits Four: Strawman, Goalpost-Mover, Ad-Hominem, and Godwin. NT: Ann Coulter and Michael Moore have a fling. What is the spawn of their tryst?
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat You're welcome. A bathrobe and fuzzy slippers. You might as well be comfortable. NT: Worst combination of superpowers.
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Easily-Distracted-Avengers, Assem... oooh! Shiny thing!
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Getting Your Own Baloney Pony" by Tony Stark
  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat *knock knock knock* "Candygram for Parliament!" NT: What did historians leave out of the Gettysburg Address?
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat [Mighty Mouse]"Here I come, to save the DAAAAYYY!"[/Mighty Mouse] NT: Most surprising thing you'll find in the Foxbatcave.
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Nightcrawler, what was the worst mistake you made fighting King Kong? A: The sun is pretty hot, so we'll have to land them at night.
  12. Re: Adventure - For The Children If I were a player, I'd also worry about what's happening back in Millennium City while I'm hanging with the Big D. Even if the tasks he put me to were mundane. "You laugh that I paid a million dollars to procure your services in merely cleaning my base. (And Nighthawk, don't think I didn't notice you making copies of my death ray blueprint.) While it was moderately inconvenient that Defender jammed my sensors so I couldn't get decent scans of each of you using your powers, I still feel it well worth the money. You see, while you were dusting and vacuuming, my minons had free reign over your pitiful metropolis..."
  13. Re: Need help with a power If the GM is willing to have the Transformed target automatically change incrementally as (s)he naturally heals, I'd agree with Comic's take. Overall, this is the easiest way to do it. If not, I suppose you could link the original attack with a BODY Drain, Continuous, Uncontrolled, 0 END, Only to max BODY lost and not naturally healed yet. So the Healing/Regeneration hits, and is then automatically Drained back away a second or two later.
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Wheel of Destiny, turn, turn. Tell us how much this student learned..."
  15. Re: The More I Kill, The Stronger I Get! Funny thing is, I wasn't modeling after Sylar. I was imagining if Nikki got stronger by "absorbing" power first from her sister Jessica when she died, then DL when he died. (I know, that's most likely NOT how it works, just an idea I had.) So it's not a direct transfer of any actual Powers (like Desolid), but more like this guy gets a STR/CON/etc. boost based on the Total Points the victim had. But I can see how it might be interpreted as being a Sylar-type. I wasn't clear enough in my initial post.
  16. Re: The More I Kill, The Stronger I Get! Ah, I never saw that movie, but I knew about it. I'll search for the thread, I'm sure it's out there somewhere.
  17. Re: The More I Kill, The Stronger I Get! Agreed. I try to balance dark stuff like this with a few lighter adventures. Sure, feel free to PM me the story.
  18. After watching NBC's Heroes and thinking of how a character's power might (but most likely does not) work, I decided to create a psycho killer for my players to face off against. Hopefully, some of you might have ideas or thoughts that I can use to make the character really rock. The character is basically a brick, but his schtick is that he absorbs the mind/soul/life essence of anybody that dies in his presence. (I may require physical contact at time of death, but I'm not certain.) When he absorbs somebody, his physical power increases, kinda reverse-exponentially. After his first victim, his STR went from 10 to 15. Two more victims, and he was up to 20 STR. Four more brought him to 25 STR. He currently has over 64 victims, giving him a 45 STR. If he manages to kill a superhuman, he could potentially have a sizable jump in power. His CON, END, and STUN are similarly increased. To help with the psycho-killer motif, I think he'll also have Healing to BODY (1d6 each Turn) and STUN (1-2d6 each Phase), all 0 END Persistent. Obviously, this guy won't be the most stable person mentally. Though he typically is the dominant personality, it's possible for one of his victims to take temporary control (through an Accidental Change). I decided to give him a 15-point VPP of skills, based on the sets of skills/knowledge that each of his victims had when they died. When he institutes such a direct "link" to a victim, a ghostly image of that victim appears in his presence. He doesn't control this image, however (I'll bet $20 that when this happens, one of my players will say "I see dead people".) The heroes can interact with the pseudo-ghost and could potentially get useful information from it, if they think of it. Anything else anybody here can suggest would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Re: The Incredibles and Registration Registering with the government? As others pointed out, not unless the GM keeps the chance of exposure for heroes' identities to a bare minimum. If the government can actually be trusted, fine. Unfortunately, most games I've played in have been the opposite. I always liked Bob Greenwade's Oregon Hero Sanction, and happily used it as the basis for a past Champions campaign based in New York City. In the case of the OHS, the registration board includes very select government officials and chosen heroes, so it had enough "self-rule" to keep my players from being too paranoid. The database with hero ID information was only ever threatened once, and the immediate response by many heroes stopped the villains well before they could get as far as the database itself. I don't believe any of the information ever fell into the wrong hands throughout that campaign. In my game (not sure if Bob had it this way or if it was one of my very few modifications), registration information was dual-encrypted: specifically, opening any specific hero's file required decryption codes from one hero and one government official on the Registration Board. In case somebody managed to get illegal access to the computer, false files were also stored on the computer, with slightly-to-greatly modified info on the heroes.
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat A gift certificate at his favorite spa. NT: Who got added to Santa's Naughty List this year, and why.
  21. Re: Top Signs that you need to rethink your GMing. You need to rethink your GMing if... ...your players nickname you The Conductor or Amtrak. ...you forget whether it's the players or the player characters that are supposed to die. ...when you meet a player's SO or spouse, and (s)he says, "I always pictured you with a pitchfork and horns." ...you make your players roll for mundane activities, like brushing their teeth. ...you insist on even including "brushing teeth" in game play. ...you think the Hero System is worthless because "it's too hard to kill player characters." (I was actually told this by a game store employee/GM.) ...every female character in your game is guaranteed to get captured, sexually assaulted, and impregnated by a bad guy within two months of game play. (Same game store employee/GM was guilty of doing this in his games.)
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Wonder Woman? Oh, yeah, I was SO hitting that behind Batboy's back!"
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