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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. This makes Daniel Bryan a WWE Grand Slam champion, this pleases me.
  2. By this point I believe the consensus is that Mysterio's kick had little to do with what happened.
  3. They're not supposed to be that realistic anymore. They should have some bright orange part on them, so you can tell it's not a real gun. Heck they had to recolor a reissue of G1 Megatron for that reason.
  4. Which was especially stupid considering that people hated the Royal Rumble match. I hear angry fans were actually blocking the parking lot after the event because they were so angry. I wouldn't be surprised if Reigns had to leave the arena in the trunk of a car, to ensure fans couldn't find him. Yet despite this overwhelming evidence to the contrary, certain WWE apologists claim the fans do like Roman Reigns.
  5. Apparently #CancelWWENetwork was trending heavily since the Royal Rumble, apparently it was covered by Time magazine's website even.
  6. Twilight

    M&M ranking

    I personally didn't think there were any characters in Masterminds and Madmen who were particularly bad. Sure there were a couple that didn't interest me but for the most part I was able to come up with ideas for most of them. Particular favorites of mine include Dr. Fang and his minions, Yellow Claw, Crimson Wraithe, Skywayman and Skymaster.
  7. In fact, I'd say the two often go hand in hand. That is to say: you want law enforcement to be held to high standards because you hold them in high regard.
  8. Wasn't there a quote by Benjamin Franklin, regarding sacrificing liberty and freedom for safety? I believe the gist of it was that if one sacrificed liberty and/or freedom for safety, that one deserved neither of those things. The unfortunate events we've discussed in this thread have caused me to remember that quote. Sadly judging by some of the tweets I've seen regarding this situation, there seem to be an alarming number of people these days who would consider Mr. Franklin's statement to be supportive of criminals or somesuch. Fortunately I also read stuff about the police officers of Lowell, Michigan who've apparently taken to surprising unsuspecting motorists with Christmas presents. It seems there is reason to be guardedly optimistic.
  9. Messageboards need a sarcasm symbol, for moments such as these.
  10. Given that I learned how to give basic first aid, including things like rescue breathing and CPR when I was in the Boy Scouts I think that argument doesn't really hold up.
  11. I just read that article. I'm not even an American and I'm shocked by how the police are disregarding the US Constitution and how many people seem to be accepting of it. It's just a deplorable situation.
  12. If the dispatcher had given those cops all the information, that boy might be alive today.
  13. I think a better statement would've been: "They should've confirmed that it was a real gun, and made the decision to open fire based on that knowledge."
  14. Well I doubt he's going to be thrown against A level competition right away. He'll probably get some cans in the beginning, while the UFC sees how much of a cash cow Punk is. Maybe they'll even have Punk accept the challenge of Jason David Frank. CM Punk vs Green Ranger? I'd pay to see that.
  15. Thanks for answering the question Sinanju and Pattern Ghost. Sorry if it feels like I'm pestering about this, I just want to make sure I have the facts right.
  16. Well I always think police should be required to try and end a situation non-violently if possible. Violence should never be the first option unless absolutely necessary.
  17. Is there any evidence that they actually did that? Normally I wouldn't be so skeptical but given the cops shot the kid, I think verification is needed in this case.
  18. At the rate today is going, I should REALLY stop looking at Twitter. I just got lamely insulted for giving somebody grief for their mockery of people supporting the Eric Garner protests.
  19. So they're not required to say "Police, put down your weapon" or words to that effect before opening fire? Not trying to be a dick here, I'm genuinely wondering if that's police policy in most cases.
  20. The number of people on Twitter who believe Garner got what he deserved or that the cop was right is truly disheartening. I've blocked more people today then I have since I signed up for it. The one that took the cake however, is the person who called me a heartless ****head for being disrespectful to the cop who murdered Eric Garner. I'm quite proud of myself for getting through that without the use of swear words. On the upside, the continued protests continue to be heartwarming. Here's hoping they do some good.
  21. They're also required to give the person a chance to put down their weapon, aren't they? No sarcasm here, I genuinely want to know.
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